Federico Pasqualotto receives Stefan Bergman Fellowship
Congratulations to incoming faculty member Federico Pasqualotto on receiving the Stefan Bergman Fellowship from the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Federico's research interests center on the partial differential equations of mathematical physics that arise in several physical theories: fluid mechanics, nonlinear wave equations, mathematical general relativity and dispersive equations.
Learn more about the fellowship on the AMS website.
Department - December 13, 2024
Math PhD Students Featured in UCSD Student Spotlights
Two of our remarkable PhD students have been selected for inclusion in the Student Spotlight section of the Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs website. Lillian McPherson, a student in algebraic geometry with Elham Izadi and Sawyer Robertson, a student in applied graph theory with Alex Cloninger, were chosen to represent the Math department in this year's Spotlight. Be sure to check out their profiles, and those of students from across the university, here.
Graduate - November 20, 2024
Math Faculty Honored as Outstanding Mentor
Professor Jeffrey Rabin has been selected as an outstanding mentor in the Summer Graduate Teaching Scholars Program 2024. The SGTS program has helped hundreds of graduate students prepare for and teach summer courses for undergraduates. This program offers advanced graduate students a valuable opportunity to gain faculty-mentored teaching experience while expanding Summer Session course offerings for undergraduates. Professor Rabin was commended for both the quality and quantity of student support, and for playing a significant role in his mentee's growth and development as an instructor.
Department - November 1, 2024
Fan Chung Graham Receives 2024 Revelle Medal
Distinguished Professor Emerita of Mathematics and Computer Science & Engineering, Fan Chung Graham is one of five recipients of the 2024 Revelle Medal. Created to honor Roger Revelle and first awarded in 1981, the Revelle Medal honors a record of accomplishment that advances UC San Diego in fulfillment of the campus mission of exceptional teaching, research, service, and is the highest honor given by the chancellor to an emeriti faculty member.
The inaugural Paul Erdos Chair of Combinatorics, Professor Chung Graham is a researcher in Combinatorics and Graph Theory. She is the author of more than 240 papers, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Mathematics Society among others. Professor Chung Graham received the Euler Medal in 2017 and the Allendoerfer Award in 1990 and is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Combinatorics.
A video honoring Professor Chung Graham can be found here.
Department - October 29, 2024
Math Faculty Honored by European Congress of Mathematics
Congratulations to Freddie Manners on receiving the prestigious European Congress of Mathematics (EMS) Prize for "his remarkable contributions to additive combinatorics and related areas, in particular to the foundations of higher-order Fourier analysis, as well as for miscellaneous other results such as the solution of the pyjama problem."You can read more about the prizes on the EMS website.
Department - October 18, 2024
Math Faculty Named IAS Members
Congratulations to Professors Bennett Chow and Cristian Popescu, and Visiting Scholar Andreas Wieser on becoming members of the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) for 2024-25. This prestigious fellowship recognizes the significance of these scholars' work, and it is an opportunity to advance their research and exchange ideas with scholars from around the world.
Department - August 27, 2024
Math Staff Honored by SPS Dean
Among the recipients of the inaugural School of Physical Sciences Staff Awards were three staff from Mathematics:
Kyung Brown - received the Outstanding Leadership award (for staff that performed above and beyond what was expected while navigating their team through a complex project)
Cassidy Harris and Milagro Mariona-Cruz - were separately honored as Best Team Contributor (for working collaboratively to accomplish key departmental goals/objectives; working with others to achieve cost savings or process improvements)
Please join us in celebrating the accomplishment of Kyung, Cassidy and Milagro!
Department - July 31, 2024
2023-24 TA Awards
The Mathematics department is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023-24 TA Awards
- Soumya Ganguly - noted for the overall outstanding quality of his teaching and exceptional sense of responsibility, both inside and outside the classroom.
- JJ Garzella - commended for his work ethic and leadership in Math 100A, and for his initiative and dedication in the organization of a reading course on commutative algebra
- Gregory Patchell - praised for his command over the course material in the Math 180 sequence and his ability to communicate ideas at any level of sophistication that is demanded from students.
Please join us in celebrating this year's awardees!
Graduate - July 1, 2024
Math PhD Receives 2024 Chancellor's Dissertation Medal
Brian Kha Tran has been announced as the School of Physical Sciences recipient of the 2024 Chancellor’s Dissertation Medal. This award, established in Spring 2013, recognizes exceptional doctoral research. Recipients of this award are chosen based upon the quality of academic research as determined by the impact of the research to the field and/or department; the insight, originality and creativity shown by the author; the effectiveness of the writing, clarity and organization of the thesis; and the soundness of the methodology and quality of the data.
Brian's dissertation was "Geometric Variational Integrators for Multisymplectic PDEs and Adjoint Systems." His doctoral advisor was Professor Melvin Leok.
Graduate - June 12, 2024
Summer Undergraduate Employment Campaigns now Open
The campaigns for Summer 2024 undergraduate employment are now open through the end of May.
The Reader/Grader Campaign can be found HERE.
The Group Session Tutor Campaign can be found HERE.
Undergraduate - May 13, 2024
Fan Chung Elected to National Academy of Sciences
Congratulations to Fan Chung, Distinguished Professor Emerita of Mathematics and Paul Erdos Professor in Combinatorics, on her election to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Professor Chung Graham joins a body of 2,617 active scientists who were elected by their peers to membership in the NAS for outstanding contributions to research. The NAS, established by an Act of Congress signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, is committed to furthering science in America, and its members are active contributors to the international scientific community
Department - May 2, 2024
Honors Presentations 2024
Thursday, May 2nd
2:00pm - Linghao Zhang (APM 7321)
Polynomial Optimization Over Units of Sets
Tuesday, May 7th
1:00pm - Jared Hughes (Zoom)
3XOR Game Threshold
Thursday, May 9th
9:30am - Siyuan Zheng (APM 6402)
Algebraic Stack and its Connections with Markoff Triples
3:00pm - Eugene Chiou (Zoom)
Finding Gaussian Binomial Identities with Integer Partitions
Tuesday, May 21st
3:00pm - Jack Chou (APM 6402)
Constructing Maximal Pipedreams of Double Grothendieck Polynomials
4:00pm - Xiao Feng (APM 6402)
Quantum Computing
Thursday, May 23rd
3:00pm - Thomas Allen (HSS 4025)
Higher Dimensional Representation and Character Varieties of the Fundamental Group of a Surface
Thursday, May 30th
- 2:00pm - Haocong Li (APM 7321)
- Recent Progress on the Erdos-Rogers Function with Combinatorial, Finite Geometric and Probabilistic Tools
3:00pm - Yongce Li (HSS 4025)
Strong Consistency of Spectral Clustering with
Combinatorial Laplacian in Binary Symmetric m-uniformHypergraph Stochastic Block Model
Undergraduate - May 1, 2024
Honors Presentations 2024
The 2024 Honors Presentation will be taking place on Thursday, March 7th.
- 4:00 PM - Deepansha Singh (APM 5402)
- Federated Learning and Consensus-Based Optimization Techniques in the Federated Learning Space
Undergraduate - February 28, 2024
- 4:00 PM - Deepansha Singh (APM 5402)
Two Mathematicians Elected 2023 AAAS Fellows
Professors Peter Ebenfelt and Natalia Komarova are among 502 scientists, engineers and innovators who have been recognized for their scientifically and socially distinguished achievements by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), one of the world’s largest general scientific organizations.
Peter Ebenfelt is a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics. He has served as chair of the Department of Mathematics and as associate dean for research in the School of Physical Sciences. He is currently the school’s associate dean for faculty advancement and success. Ebenfelt’s research is in complex analysis, complex geometry and partial differential equations.
Natalia Komarova joined UC San Diego as professor of mathematics and a Dean’s Scholar in 2024. Komarova’s research interests lie at the interface between mathematical and life sciences. She believes that fascinating natural phenomena can be translated into interesting mathematical problems. Evolutionary dynamics is a theme that unites the different areas of application, which include cancer modeling, virus dynamics and language evolution.
Department - May 1, 2024
Tianyi Zheng Receives 2024 Rollo Davidson Prize
Congratulations to Tianyi Zheng for being awarded the prestigious 2024 Rollo Davidson Prize for her profound contributions and resolution of long-standing conjectures regarding random walks on groups.
The Rollo Davidson Prize, established in memory of Rollo Davidson (1944-1970), has been annually recognizing young probabilists since 1976. The prize is awarded on the basis of nominations generated by the Rollo Davidson Trustees. The Trust was founded in 1975 in memory of Rollo Davidson, an accomplished mathematician of remarkable potential, and Fellow-elect of Churchill College, Cambridge, who died on the Piz Bernina in 1970. Initial funding from the Trust came from the royalties of two collections of papers published in 1973/74 by friends and colleagues of Rollo, and it has benefited from the continuing association with the Davidson family.
Department - April 29, 2024
Melvin Leok Receives Lattimer Research Fellow
Congratulations to Melvin Leok on receiving the George W. and Carol A. Lattimer Research Fellowship. The award is designed to support innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and cross-disciplinary initiatives to generate new ideas and research areas.
Department - April 16, 2024
Jacques Verstraete receives 2024 Frontiers of Science Award in Mathematics
Congratulations to Jacques Verstraete for being selected by the International Congress of Basic Sciences as a recipient of the 2024 Frontiers of Science Award in Mathematics.
Instituted in 2023 under the auspices of the ICBS and sponsored by the City of Beijing and the Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Application (BIMSA), the FSA recognizes groundbreaking research through recent papers that have made significant breakthroughs in their respective fields. Nominations for the award are open to researchers worldwide, with a panel of esteemed experts reviewing and shortlisting candidates across various research areas. Winners are then selected by a Global Committee appointed by the ICBS. The awardees are invited to accept the honor in person at the ICBS event held in July 2024 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China. In 2023, a total of one hundred thirty-two awards were presented across Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, and Theoretical Computer and Information Sciences. For further details, please refer to: https://www.icbs.cn/.
Department - April 15, 2024
Amir Mohammadi honored with 2024 Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems
Congratulations to Amir Mohammadi for being honored with the prestigious 2024 Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems. Sponsored by Google co-founder Sergey Brin and established in honor of Michael Brin, a retired math professor from the University of Maryland renowned for his work in dynamical systems, this esteemed prize recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field. Notably, the recipient must be within 14 years of receiving their PhD. Since its inception in 2008, the Brin Prize has been awarded biennially until 2017, after which it became an annual event. As of this year, there have been thirteenth recipients of this award, with some past awardees subsequently going on to receive the Fields Medal, one of the highest honors in mathematics. For more information, please visit: https://science.psu.edu/math/research/dynsys/brinprize.
Department - April 15, 2024
Directed Reading Program in Mathematics
The Directed Reading Program in Mathematics pairs undergraduate participants with graduate student mentors to read a selected math text/paper. It is designed to give undergraduates the ability to explore topics they might not see in the standard curriculum in a fun and stress-free environment.
Aimed at UCSD undergraduate Mathematics majors, the program could be suitable for undergraduates from any major who would like to further explore the field - applicants must have completed (or be in the process of taking) one of the Math 100/200, 220, or 140/240 series.
For more information, please go to the DRP website
Graduate, Undergraduate - February 14, 2024
Congratulations to Hui Tan in receiving the Carol & George Lattimer Award
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Carol & George Lattimer Award for Graduate Excellence math major recipient, Hui Tan!
Graduate - January 4, 2024
Congratulations to the recipients of 2023-2024 Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellence
Congratulations to our 12 undergraduate math majors who have been named among the recipients of the 2023-2024 Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellence! The recipients are Jiaxin Ye, Xiaoyan He, Jake Kosakoff, Jared Hughes, Yongce Li, Sean Chen, Deepansha Singh, MingCheng Sheng, Siyuan Zheng, Eugene Chiou, Xun Gong, and Felix Peng.Additionally, Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Selma and Robert Silagi Undergraduate Award for Excellence math major recipient, Linghao Zhang!Undergraduate - January 4, 2024
Professor Ruth Williams received an honorary Doctor of Science
On December 11, 2023, Ruth Williams received an honorary Doctor of Science from the University Of Melbourne, Australia. View list of honorary degree holders here.
Department - December 11, 2023
SEW Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli receives UCLA Chancellor's Award for Postdoctoral Research
Congratulations to Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli on receiving UCLA Chancellor's Award!
Department - November 14, 2023
Congratulations to Freddie Manners - Proof of the 'Polynomial Freiman--Ruzsa Conjecture' (conjectured by K. Marton)
Tim Gowers, Ben Green, Freddie Manners and Terry Tao have now solved it over a field of characteristic 2. Congratulations! Read more
Department - November 13, 2023
UC San Diego Math Graduate Program - US News Top 5 "Best Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics Programs"
During the last fifteen years, the combinatorics group at UCSD has consistently ranked in the top six by the US News and World Report. It is currently ranked No. 5 (up from No. 6) in the 2023 graduate rankings.
Department - October 24, 2023
UC San Diego Math Graduate Program - US News Top 10 "Best Algebra/Number Theory/Algebraic Geometry Programs"
Rankings of doctoral programs in the sciences published in 2023 were based solely on the results of surveys sent to academic officials in fall 2022 and early 2023 in chemistry, computer science, earth science, mathematics, and physics. View rankings at US News.
Department - September 27, 2023
Congratulations to Zhouli Xu as a recent recipient of the Frontiers of Science Awards
Congratulations to Zhouli Xu as a recent recipient of the Frontiers of Science Awards at the Inaugural International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) Conference. Read more.
Department, Graduate, Undergraduate - July 20, 2023
2022-23 TA Awards
The Mathematics department is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022-23 TA Awards
- David Cavender - commended for his passion for teaching and concern for students as he took an active role in the courses he TA'd
- Varun Khurana - singled out for his dedication in developing real-world projects for students in Math 102
- Richard Yi - nominated for his compassion, knowledge and organization; making countless worksheets and topic summaries for students in Math 109 and 154
- Wei Yin - was recommended for his ability to lead students towards a deeper appreciation of the beauty of Algebraic Number Theory
Please join us in celebrating this year's awardees!
Graduate - July 7, 2023
Significant breakthrough in Ramsey Theory
Professor Jacques Verstraete and his former postdoc, Sam Matteus recently achieved a significant breakthrough in Ramsey Theory. Article: Mathematicians Discover Novel Way to Predict Structure in Graphs. Congratulations Jacques and Sam!
Department - June 22, 2023
2022-23 Powell Dissertation Awards
After review of the many applications, the Graduate Awards Committee congratulates the following three PhD students on being named recipients of the Powell Dissertation Award:
Rusiru Gambheera Arachchige (Advisor: Cristian Popescu)
Shubham Sinha (Advisor: Dragos Oprea)
Brian Tran (Advisor: Melvin Leok)
Graduate - June 12, 2023
Professor Bill Helton receives an honorary Doctor of Science
Bill Helton, Professor Emeritus and Research Professor at UCSD, received an honorary Doctor of Science from Chapman University for his contributions to mathematics, specifically in operator theory and functional analysis, and for linking these areas with electrical engineering, optimal control and mathematical physics.
Department - May 19, 2023
SEW Assistant Professor Aranya Lahiri received the Navy Impact Influencer
SEW Assistant Professor Aranya Lahiri received the Navy Impact Influencer certificate in recognition of the positive impact he has made on the lives of his students. Rowan Barg (MAE), a student in the Navy Nuclear Collegiate Program nominated Professor Lahiri based on his teaching methods and unwavering dedication to his students' success. Congratulations Aranya!
Department - May 17, 2023
Statistics Student Recognized as Peer Mentor
Congratulations to Statistics MS student Teresa Rexin for being honored with the 2023 Outstanding Peer Mentor Award from the UC San Diego Graduate & Professional Student Association. Part of the Mentorship Committee with the Association for Women in Mathematics, Teresa serves as a source of advice and wisdom to her colleagues. Her willingness and ability to advise her fellow students on all issues of graduate life has greatly enhanced the experience of students in the Mathematics department. Teresa will join other GPSA awardees at a ceremony on Thursday, May 18, 2023.
Graduate - May 11, 2023
Danna Zhang selected as a 2023-24 Hellman Fellow
Danna Zhang selected as a 2023-24 Hellman Fellow. This award provides financial support and encouragement to young faculty in core disciplines who show capacity for great distinction in their research and creative activities. Congratulations Danna!Department - May 8, 2023
Careers in Math - Panel Discussion on May 17th
Interested in learning more about the different career paths you can take as a math student?The Department of Mathematics in collaboration with the Student Success Center is hosting a Careers in Math Panel Discussion this Spring Quarter!The event will provide great insights from industry professionals; they will share their academic and career experiences, information about their current company, the top skills they are seeking in a successful candidate, and more!
In addition, we will get to hear from SD2 (SD Squared) Co-Founder, H. Puentes! SD2 connects students to STEM opportunities providing access to education, mentorship, and the resources they need to succeed!Wednesday, May 17th
5 PM-6:30 PM PST
Natural Sciences Building - AuditoriumFree food and drinks will be available, sponsored by SD2!Undergraduate - May 8, 2023
2023 Mathematics Graduation Stoles
The Society for Undergraduate Mathematics Students (SUMS) is selling stoles for math majors in the Class of 2023!Price: $40
Extended Deadline: Sunday, May 7th at 11:59pm
If you are interested, please fill out the form: https://forms.gle/
pB2ZKSN6bYCsBCgDA Undergraduate - May 2, 2023
Honors Presentations 2023
The 2023 Honors Presentations will be taking place starting May 2nd. Contact math-advising-g@ucsd.edu for Zoom links for remote presentations.Tuesday, May 2nd- 12:00pm - Fred Rajasekaran (APM 6402)
- "Fluctuations of Eigenvalues and Concentration Inequalities for Patterned Random Matrices
- 1:00pm - Fuxiang Yang (APM 6402)
- "Invariant Theory and Group Coaction on Artin-Schelter Regular Algebra"
Tuesday, May 9th- 12:00pm - Mingcheng Sheng (APM 6402)
- Topic: Freiman Problems, Title TBD
- 1:00pm - Rohan Puthukudy (APM 6402)
- "Combinatorial Representation Theory"
Wednesday, May 10th- 10:00am - Xun Gong (APM 6402)
- "Monodromy of a Symmetric Surface"
Thursday, May 11th- 10:00am - Winston Yu (via Zoom)
- "Power of Maximum Mean Discrepancy Tests using Generalized Anisotropic Kernels"
- 2:00pm - Andrew Paul (via Zoom)
- Title TBD
Undergraduate - April 24, 2023
- 12:00pm - Fred Rajasekaran (APM 6402)
AWM at UCSD Recognized for EDI Excellence
The School of Physical Sciences has announced that the Association for Women in Mathematics at UC San Diego has been named a recipient of one of this year's Physical Sciences EDI Excellence Awards. Re-established in the department in Fall 2019, AWM is a professional society whose mission is to encourage women and girls to study and have active careers in the mathematical sciences and to promote equal opportunity for and the equal treatment of women and girls in mathematics. Congratulations to the members and board of AWM at UCSD.
Graduate - April 21, 2023
Leesa Anzaldo and Ming Xiao receive the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award
Two math faculty receive awards! Leesa Anzaldo and Ming Xiao selected by the Academic Senate Committee on Senate Awards to receive the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award. Congratulations to you both! Read more about the award https://senate.ucsd.edu/Grants-Awards/Senate-Awards/distinguished-teaching-award
Department, Graduate, Undergraduate - April 19, 2023
2022-23 Richard Libby Graduate Research Award
Congratulations to PhD student Myeonghun Yu (Advisor: Prof. Wenxin Zhou) for being awarded the 2022-23 Richard Libby Graduate Research Award.
Graduate - April 5, 2023
Spring 2023 In-Person Group Advising
The Mathematics advising team will be presenting a series of in-person advising / information sessions this quarter:
"Major Advising" - Friday, April 14th at 10:00am
Learn about the different Undergraduate Math majors and their requirements.
"Reading Your Degree Audit" - Wednesday, May 3rd at 10:00am
Learn how to interpret your Degree Audit, and how running a Degree Audit will show your status in fulfilling Math major requirements.
"Double Majoring" - Friday, Math 19th at 10:00am
Learn tips and tricks on how to submit a successful Double Major Petition for prospective and current Math majors.
Please register at bit.ly/sp23groupplanning. All presentations will take place in AP&M 7321
Undergraduate - April 5, 2023
Mathematics PhD Student Recognized as Integrity Champion
Congratulations to PhD student Gregory Patchell for being named one of two Integrity Champions for 2023 by the Research Ethics Program and Academic Integrity Office. One of the Math department's two Senior TAs, who lead in the training and observation of new Teaching Assistants, Greg is being honored for his volunteer work on academic integrity. The Integrity Awards celebration will take place April 19th at 5:30pm. More information can be found here.
Graduate - March 30, 2023
Congratulations to 2023 Simons Foundation Fellowship recipient Kiran Kedlaya for his project "p-adic Geometry."
For more information: 2023 Simons Fellows in Mathematics Announced.
Department, Graduate, Undergraduate - March 7, 2023
Congratulations to Xiaochuan Tian, winner of the 2023 Sloan Research Fellowships.
Department, Graduate, Undergraduate - February 17, 2023
Jane Street Estimathon on Monday, January 30th
Jane Street will be hosting an Estimathon on January 30th at 2pm in APM B402A.
The Estimathon is a mind-bending mixture of math and trivia. In teams, you'll attempt 13 Fermi problems in 30 minutes, ranging from totally trivial to positively Putnamesque. Be prepared to come up with the best set of confidence intervals! Sample problems include:
- How many stop signs are in New York City?
- How many babies were born in 1900?
- How many Social Security Numbers are prime?
Register here by January 26th @ 11:59pm PT. All participants will register as an individual and teams will be created on-site. We will confirm your attendance with the event location by January 27th.
Undergraduate - January 13, 2023
Double Majoring Information Session - February 23rd at 11am
If you have questions about Double Majoring with Math at UCSD, be sure to attend this Zoom session on Thursday, February 23rd at 11:00am. Learn some tips and tricks on how to submit a successful Double Major Petitions. Of interest to both current and potential Math majors.
To attend this Zoom session, please register at bit.ly/wi23groupplanningUndergraduate - January 8, 2023
Reading Your Degree Audit - February 9th at 11am
Join our advisors on a Zoom session on Thursday, February 9th at 11am to talk about your Degree Audit. Learn how to interpret your Degree Audit, and see how running an Audit will show your status in fulfilling Math major requirements.
To attend this Zoom session, please register at bit.ly/wi23groupplanning
Undergraduate - January 8, 2023
Winter 2023 Group Advising Session - January 19th at 11am
Please join us on Thursday, January 19th at 9am for Group Advising this Winter - Meet your undergraduate advisors, get your questions answered and learn more about the Math department and our majors and requirements.
To attend, please register for the Zoom session at bit.ly/wi23groupplanning
Undergraduate - January 8, 2023
Johannes Brust - Q&A on COVID-19 pooling tests and linear algebra
Visiting Scholar Johannes Brust is featured in a Q&A interview by the UCSD School of Physical Sciences regarding his work on "Matrix Designs for COVID-19 Group Testing" and linear algebra:
edu/media-events/articles/ 2022/linear-algebra.html Department - December 20, 2022
Congratulations to Fan Graham, elected Fellow of the Network Science Society, as one of the seven fellows of the Class of 2022 for foundational contributions to the combinatorics of random graphs and networks.
Department, Graduate, Undergraduate - November 28, 2022
Emina Solijanin - Jack Keil Wolf Lecture - November 14, 2022
CMRR cordially invites you to Jack Keil Wolf Lecture on Monday, November 14, 2022.
The Lecture will be held at Jack Keil Wolf Auditorium in CMRR bldg. at 2:00 PM (with a reception to follow). The invited speaker is Emina Soljanin, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers. "On Some Quantum Internet Information Rates."
For abstract and more information: https://cmrr.ucsd.edu/ Department, Graduate, Undergraduate - November 7, 2022
Virtual Grad Recruitment Open House (Rescheduled) - November 9 - 1pm
Join Professor Brendon Seward from the Math Department at the "UCSD Virtual Graduate Recruitment Open House" on Wednesday 11/09/2022 from 1:00pm-2:00pm.
Undergraduate - October 28, 2022
2022 Physical Sciences Dean's Undergraduate Excellence Awardees
A (belated) congratulations to the Mathematics students receiving the 2022 Undergraduate Excellence Award: Andrew Dennehy, Aidan Epperly, Xun Gong, Natalie Quach, Yunhao Sun, Yihe Tang, Kin Yau James Wong, Junchen Zhao and Yixuan Zhou. And special commendation to Frederick Rajasekaran, the recipient of the 2022 Selma and Robert Silagi Award.
Undergraduate - October 13, 2022
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Group Planning Sessions
Please join us for Group Planning Sessions this Fall, where you can meet your Undergraduate Advisors and learn about the following advising topics.
To attend these Zoom sessions, please register at bit.ly/fa22groupplanning
"Double Majoring 101"
- Thursday, October 13th at 11:00 AM
- Learn tips and tricks on how to submit a successful Double Major Petition
"Course Planning"
- Thursday, November 3rd at 11:00 AM
- Learn how to plan out courses using tools like Planned Course Offerings, your Degree Audit, and the Course Catalog
"Reading Your Degree Audit"
- Thursday, December 1st at 11:00 AM
- Intro to the ins and outs of reading your Degree Audit
Undergraduate - September 28, 2022
PhD Student Awarded First Prize in the Great Math Challenges in Biology Contest
Ph.D. student Harish Kannan and a teammate won the first prize in the Great Math Challenges in Biology Contest conducted by the NSF-Simons Center for Quantitative Biology at Northwestern University. Congratulations!
Graduate - September 6, 2022
Orientations for New First Year Undergraduate (August 24) and Transfer (August 26) Math Students
The Department of Mathematics will be having (remote) orientations for new students in late August:
This will be an opportunity to meet your advisors, learn more about the undergraduate program, and ask questions in a Q and A session.
Please use the link below to access orientation.
August 24th at 9am for First-Years (https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/
93625016334) August 26th at 9am for Transfers (https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/
99519875576) Undergraduate - August 3, 2022
282 Comprehensive Exam - September 15th
The MATH 282 Comprehensive Exam has been scheduled for Thursday, September 15 from 10am-1pm.Students with A- or better in 282A and 282B in 2021-2022 are NOT required to take the exam.Register via the link below by Wednesday, August 31:Graduate - July 14, 2022
International Congress of Mathematicians Conference - July 6-14, 2022
International Congress of Mathematicians Conference will run July 6 - 14
Department - July 5, 2022
Fall 2022 Qualifying Exams - August 29 - September 9
Fall 2022 Qualifying Exams
- Registration is closed. Please email mathgradadvising@math.ucsd.edu to register.
- Exam dates August 29th - September 9th
- Exams will be in person
Exam dates:
August 30 - STATISTICS (1 - 4 PM PDT)
August 31 - COMPLEX (1 - 4 PM PDT)
September 1 - TOPOLOGY (1 - 4 PM PDT)
September 2 - APPLIED ALGEBRA (1 - 4 PM PDT)
September 6 - REAL ANALYSIS (1 - 4 PM PDT)
September 7 - NUMERICAL (9 AM - 12 PM PDT)
September 8 - ALGEBRA (1- 4 PM PDT)
Graduate - July 5, 2022
2021-22 TA Awards
The Mathematics department is delighted to announce the recipients of the 2021-22 TA Awards --
- Tai-Hsuan Chung was praised as a devoted and enthusiastic instructor with a contagious love of mathematics.
- Thomas Grubb was noted as instrumental to the success of Math 157, developing much of the content, methodology and overall tenor of the course.
- Somak Maitra is a 'go-to' TA for entry level mathematics, where his students rave about his commitment to teaching and willingness to help
- Nicholas Sieger was singled out for his clear passion for teaching and his willingness to always 'do more' to help in the running of his courses
- Ji Zeng was commended as being professional, helpful and knowledgeable - with students finding him a more valuable resource than the textbook
Please join us in celebrating this year's awardees!
Graduate - June 3, 2022
PhD Student Honored as GPSA Community Award Recipient
Congratulations to PhD student Eva Loeser - recipient of the 2021-22 GPSA Community Award for Peer Mentorship. This award honors a graduate student at UC San Diego who has proven to be an excellent source of advice and wisdom for their colleagues in graduate school. Eva has shown a strong dedication and ability to advise her fellow graduate students on issues related to academics as well as general life skills, and her efforts towards peer mentorship (particularly as part of the rebirth of the Association for Women in Mathematics) has significantly enhanced the graduate school experience of our students. Congratulations on the recognition Eva.
Graduate - May 23, 2022
2021-22 Powell Dissertation Fellowship & Award
The Department of Mathematics is pleased to announce that Jiaqi Liu, Jason O'Neill, Samir Canning, and Suhan Zhong have been awarded a 2021-2022 Powell Dissertation Fellowship, which provides funds to support research, and that Zilu Ma, Xiaoou Pan, and Zirui Zhang have been awarded a 2021-2022 Powell Dissertation Award. Congratulations to all of the awardees!
Graduate - May 19, 2022
2021-22 Libby Awardees
Congratulations to the 2021-22 recipients of the Richard Libby Graduate Research Award
Somak Maitra & Kejin Wu (both advised by Dimitris Politis)
Richard Libby ('80, MA '82, PhD) received his degrees in mathematics at UC San Diego. His generous contributions support graduate student research in our department in the areas of market analysis, quantitative finance, and related fields. This includes, but is not limited to, research exploring the measurement, estimation, and implications of extreme events on financial markets and the broader economy with the potential to cause breakdown and systemic risk. The research may also include the extent to which the risks associated with these events can be managed by financial institutions, regulators, and households, along with the possibility of predicting and quantifying the magnitude and frequency of such events.
Graduate - May 4, 2022
Mathematics Honors Presentation Schedule
The Mathematics Honors Presentation Schedule:
- Wednesday, May 4th
- 9:00-9:30 AM: Hantao Yu
- 9:30-10 AM: Junchen Zhao 1
- :00-1:30 PM: Andrew Dennehy
- 1:30-2:00 PM: Aidan Epperly
- Friday, May 6th
- 1:00-1:30 PM: Kin Yau James Wong
- 1:30-2:00 PM: Shuncheng Yuan
- 2:00-2:30 PM: Ricardo Arruda
If you are interested in attending, please email k1simmons@ucsd.edu for Zoom information.
Undergraduate - May 4, 2022
- Wednesday, May 4th
Math Industry Day: Resume & Interview Tips (Hybrid Event)
When: Monday, May 2nd @ 12:00pm-1:30pm via Zoom OR in person at the Dolores Huerta/Philip Vera Cruz Room
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/gDMkfj8Nvph3H5JfAIn collaboration with the Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students (SUMS), the Student Success Center is hosting a virtual Math Industry Day with a focus on resume and interview tips! The event will include presentations from three guest speakers about their work in industry and well as their tips for navigating the job search and application process. Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance as well as participate in the session’s Q&A. Guest speakers include UCSD alumn, Amanda Horowitz, currently a first year student at Kellogg School of Management, UCSD alumn, Paul de Fusco, currently a Data Services Specialist at Cloudera, and UCSD alumn, Kishan Patel, a Data Analyst at Pacific Specialty Insurance Company.
Where is the Dolores Huerta/Philip Vera Cruz room? You can find a map here.
Website: https://center.ucsd.edu/student-events/upcoming-events.html#mathevent
Registration form: https://forms.gle/LSq53XB4UE3gyxyQ9
Undergraduate - May 2, 2022
SUMS Integration Bee 2022 Signup
The Society for Undergraduate Mathematics Students (SUMS) will be hosting the Spring 2022 Integration Bee at UCSD! The style of SUMS' Integration Bee will be similar to that of MIT's Integration Bee, where contestants compete to solve integrals as quickly as possible (there is no need to show steps - only the solution counts).
If you would like to participate as a contestant, please fill out the form . We will be using this information to determine the difficulty of the problems.
There will be qualifying exams held throughout Weeks 5-7 of SP22. Depending on the number of contestants, the few top performing students will be selected to take part in the Integration Bee, of which will take place in Week 9 of SP22.
Many of the dates and locations are still in planning, but the academic weeks of when the events will take place are finalized.
If you have any questions before submitting the form, please email us at sums@ucsd.edu.
**This signup form will be open until the end of Week 4 of SP22 (i.e. Sunday 11:59pm of Week 4)**Undergraduate - April 8, 2022
Spring 2022 Qualifying & Comprehensive Exams
Real Analysis – May 9
Statistics – May 10
Numerical – May 11
Topology – May 12
Complex Analysis – May 17
Applied Algebra – May 16
Algebra – May 18MATH 282 Comprehensive exam - April 12
Questions? Please contact Diana Platero-Lopez (mathgradadvising@math.ucsd.edu)
Graduate - April 8, 2022
Frederick Manners - 2022 Sloan Fellowship
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Frederick Manners who has received a 2022 Sloan Research Fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. See UCSD News Release.
Department - March 11, 2022
Adrian Ioana, Melvin Leok, Rayan Saab - 2022 Simons Fellows in Mathematics
Congratulations to Professor Adrian Ioana, Professor Melvin Leok, and Associate Professor Rayan Saab who have been awarded Simons Fellowships in Mathematics in 2022 by the Simons Foundation.
Department - February 23, 2022
Aaron Pollack Receives NSF CAREER Award
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Aaron Pollack who has received a NSF CAREER award.
Department - February 1, 2022
New Process for 20E Transfer Equivalency
Effective Winter 2022, the department will no longer require students take a Requirement Fulfillment Exam in order to receive equivalent transfer credit for Math 20E.
Go here for complete information on the new petition process.
Undergraduate - December 8, 2021
Math PhD named 2021-22 ARCS Scholar
Congratulations to PhD student Brian Tran, recipient of a 2021-22 ARCS Foundation Fellowship Award! ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Foundation of San Diego is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization founded and administered by women who support American leadership and aid advancement in science and technology.
Graduate - October 13, 2021
Benedict Gross - Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award 2021
Congratulations to Benedict Gross, Professor Emeritus, who, along with colleague Don Zagier are awarded the Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award 2021.
Department - September 30, 2021
Math Internship Event - Oct. 14, 2021
Resources & Best Practices for Internship Preparation
October 14, 2021 — 1 PM–2 PMThe Department of Mathematics in collaboration with the Student Success Center will host a Resources & Best Practices for Internship Preparation webinar on October 14, 1:00-2:00 p.m. The panelists will share information on what resources are available and what are the best practices for internship preparation and more! Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance as well as participate in the live Q & A.
Register and submit questions: https://tinyurl.com/5aa7dm4x
Undergraduate - September 29, 2021
Alex Cloninger - UCTV Science Like Me Video
Assistant Professor Alex Cloninger is profiled in the UCTV Science Like Me video "Meet a Mathematician with Alex Cloninger".
Department - September 21, 2021
Amir Mohammadi, Zhouli Xu, Tianyi Zheng - ICM 2022 Invited Lectures
Three faculty in the mathematics department, Amir Mohammadi, Zhouli Xu, and Tianyi Zheng have been invited to speak at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2022:
Bin Dong of Beijing University, China, who was a SEW Visiting Assistant Professor at UCSD in 2009-2011 was also invited to speak.Department - September 20, 2021
GPSA Names Two in Mathematics for the 2021 Community Awards
Congratulations to Math Ph.D. student Evangelos “Vaki” Nikitopoulos, recipient of the 2021 Professional / Grad Student Leader Award from the GPSA (Graduate & Professional Student Association). Also receiving an award, as Outstanding Professional / Grad Student Support Staff is Scott Rollans, Director of Student Services.
Graduate - August 3, 2021
Fan Chung Graham, Melvin Leok - TILOS NSF National AI Research Institute
Congratulations to math faculty Fan Chung Graham and Melvin Leok. They are part of the newly announced institute focused on artificial intelligence and optimization headquartered at UC San Diego. The Institute for Learning-enabled Optimization at Scale, or TILOS, is funded by a $20 million grant from the NSF. See UCSD News Release.
Department - August 1, 2021
AWM Student Chapter - 2021 Award for Professional Development
The UCSD AWM has been awarded the 2021 AWM Student Chapter Award for Professional Development by the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) in recognition of the success of its program to develop students' professional involvement in mathematics.
Department - July 30, 2021
Fall 2021 Qual Exams - Sept 7-10, 13-15
Fall 2021 Math Qualifying Exams will take place September 7-10 and 13-15. Register ASAP (no later than Friday, July 16, 2021) at:
For questions, contact Kelly Guerriero (kguerriero@ucsd.edu).
Graduate - July 12, 2021
2020-21 TA Awards
On behalf of the entire Mathematics Department - the Graduate Awards Committee have named four Ph.D. students as the recipients of the 2020-21 Teaching Assistant Award. Please join us in acknowledging the excellence, dedication and hard work of Bochao Kong, Eva Loeser, Alex Mathers, and Alec Todd.
Graduate - June 14, 2021
Mathematics Moves to Uncapped
Effective Monday, 5/24/2021, the Mathematics Department majors are no longer Capped.
Continuing students may use the TritonLink Major/Minor Tool online to change their major department to Mathematics. No additional screening will be required.
Incoming students may use the TritonLink Major/Minor Tool online to change their major department to Mathematics as soon as they are registered and enrolled for Fall 2021 courses.
Undergraduate - May 23, 2021
James McKernan - Simons Foundation Grant 5-Year Extension
Professor James McKernan received a 5-year extension to his Simons Foundation grant.
Department - May 20, 2021
Ery Arias-Castro - 2021 Fellow of the IMS
Professor Ery-Arias Castro has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) for "fundamental contributions to nonparametric statistics including clustering, graphs and networks, sparse estimation, and statistical learning; and for extensive editorial service."
Department - May 11, 2021
Jiawang Nie - 14th Feng Kang Prize of Scientific Computing
Professor Jiawang Nie has been awarded the 14th Feng Kang Prize of Scientific Computing for significant contributions to "Polynomial optimization, convex algebraic geometry and tensor computation." A ceremony will be held at the General Assembly of the China Society for Computational Mathematics in Nanjing, China from August 15–19, 2021.
Department - May 8, 2021
Honors Presentations 2021
(Contact math-advising-g@ucsd.edu for Zoom links.)
Friday, April 30th
- 3:30pm - Tomoki Oda
— "ADE Classification of Invariants, Singularities and Groups"
Monday, May 3rd
- 2:00pm - Austin Du
— "Estimating Quadratically Regularized Wasserstein Distance on k-Connected Graphs" - 2:30pm - Brian Chao
— "A spatial mutation model with increasing mutation rates" - 3:30pm - William Tran
— "Closed Random Walks on Lattices and Generalization of the Catalan Numbers"
Wednesday, May 5th
- 1:00pm - Huanxi Liu
— "An Evaluation of Hyperparameter Tuning Methods in SVM" - 1:30pm - Erding Liao
— "An Investigation on Modification of Hidden Markov Model with Partially Missing Observations" - 2:00pm - Ibrahim Hajar
— "Embeddability of Abstract Pseudo-Einstein Cauchy-Riemann Manifolds"
Friday, May 7th
- 1:00pm - Lawrence Zhang
— "A Friendly Introduction to Compressed Sensing" - 3:00pm - Jiyue Zeng
— "Numerical Methods for Convex Optimization and Their Applications" - 3:30pm - Artur Bayramyan
— "Topological Algebra: Tool of Persistent Homology and Its Application in Analysing US School Data"
Please contact math-advising-g@ucsd.edu for Zoom links.
Undergraduate - April 25, 2021
- 3:30pm - Tomoki Oda
Andrej Zlatoš - 2021 Simons Fellow
Professor Andrej Zlatoš has been awarded a 2021 Simons Fellowship in Mathematics by the Simons Foundation.
Department - April 15, 2021
Undergraduate Mathematicians Recognized for Academic Excellence
Congratulations to those students awarded the 2021 Physical Sciences Dean's Award for Undergraduate Excellence: Ricardo Arruda, Samuel Babichenko, Yiwei Cao, Brian Chao, Amanda Huynh, Michael Jaber, Liu Jiazheng, Tomoki Oda, Yixuan Peng, Yueyan Tang, Yining Wang, Thurman Ye, Jiyue Zeng, and Kaiqi Zhang. Special commendation to Keller Jordan, one of three students in the Division to also receive the Selma and Robert Silagi Award.
Undergraduate - April 15, 2021
Haeseong Moon, Yiren Wang - 2020-2021 Richard Libby Graduate Research Award
Congratulations to graduate students Haeseong Moon (Advisor: Professor Wenxin Zhou) and Yiren Wang (Advisor: Professor Dimitris Politis) for being awarded the 2020-2021 Richard Libby Graduate Research Award. Richard Libby ('80, MA '82, PhD) received his degrees in mathematics at UC San Diego before starting a successful career in the finance industry. His recent $100,000 contribution to the university exemplifies his passion for using mathematics in concert with finance and business, in particular when it comes to assessing market risk. Half of his unique gift has been awarded to the Department of Mathematics in support of graduate studies and research.
Department - April 14, 2021
Aaron Pollack - 2021-2022 AMS Centennial Fellowship
Assistant Professor Aaron Pollack has been awarded the 2021-2022 AMS Centennial Fellowship by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). See AMS news release.
Department - April 4, 2021
Rémi Boutonnet - CNRS Bronze Medal 2021
Rémi Boutonnet has been awarded a Bronze Medal 2021 by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). Boutonnet was a UCSD Math postdoc from 2014-2015 mentored by Professor Adrian Ioana.
Department - March 19, 2021
Spring 2021 Qual Exams - May 10-14, 17-21
Spring 2021 Math Qualifying exams will take place May 10-14 and 17-21. Register here by March 26: https://forms.gle/Mfmcz7JmDXLCNndt5
For questions, contact Kelly Guerriero (kguerriero@ucsd.edu).
Graduate - March 17, 2021
Math Industry Day - March 3, 2021
Math Industry Day: Careers in Computer Science
The Department of Mathematics in collaboration with the Student Success Center is hosting a Math Industry Day: Careers in Computer Science webinar on Wednesday, March 3rd from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM. The event will feature presentations by industry speakers as they share more about their academic and career journey, their current company, top skills they are seeking in a successful candidate, and more! Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance as well as participate in the live Q & A.
Undergraduate - February 22, 2021
Brandon Seward - 2021 Sloan Research Fellow
Assistant Professor Brandon Seward has been named a 2021 Sloan Research Fellow by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. See UCSD news release.
Department - February 16, 2021
Ming Xiao - NSF CAREER Award
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Ming Xiao who received a CAREER Award for "Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables" from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Department - February 15, 2021
Luca Spolaor - NSF CAREER Award
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Luca Spolaor who received a CAREER Award for "Fine Structure of the Singular Set in Some Geometric Variational Problems" from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Department - February 15, 2021
2020-2021 Powell Dissertation Fellowships
Congratulations to the following Ph.D. students who have been awarded the 2020-2021 Department of Mathematics Powell Dissertation Fellowship: Yingjia Fu, Xindong Tang, Yucheng Tu, Jaqueline Warren, Yizhe Zhu.Graduate - February 15, 2021
Winter/Spring 2021 P/NP Policy for Majors in Mathematics
The faculty of the Department of Mathematics will allow for Winter 2021 and Spring 2021 students in any Math Department major (MA27, MA29, MA30, MA31, MA32, MA33, MA34, MA35) to take a maximum of four (4) major requirement courses on a P/NP basis in each quarter. This includes both lower-division and upper-division courses as well as courses taken from other departments that are used to satisfy Math major requirements.However, no more than seven (7) total upper-division courses taken in Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2021 and Spring 2021 with a P grade will be allowed to satisfy major requirements.Here is a link to the Enrollment & Registration Calendar for this academic year. The WI21 deadline for all students to change grading options is 3/12/21 (Week 10). The SP21 deadline for all students to change grading options is 6/4/21 (Week 10).
Please keep in mind the following:- Winter 2021 & Spring 2021 P/NP units will not count towards the 25% maximum allowed by the University
- Course work must be equivalent to C- or better to receive a P grade.
- Financial Aid packages will be affected by NP grades.
- Students looking to go into math graduate programs would most likely want to take key coursework (especially advanced theory classes like Algebra or Analysis) for letter grades as these are courses graduate admissions committees will focus on. This is also true for students applying to competitive research programs, fellowships and internships.
The P grade is an acceptable prerequisite for any Math Department course. An EASy request may be required if WebReg does not automatically recognize the P grade prerequisite when you attempt to enroll. Students who plan to use the P grade as a prerequisite for another department's course should consult with that department before electing the grade option change.Undergraduate - February 11, 2021
Peter Ebenfelt - 2020 AMS Bergman Prize
Professor Peter Ebenfelt has been awarded the 2020 Bergman Prize by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). See AMS news release.
Department - February 10, 2021
Kiran Kedlaya - Quanta Magazine
The Quanta Magazine article "Tetrahedron Solutions Finally Proved Decades After Computer Search" discusses how a new proof co-authored by Professor Kiran Kedlaya was developed.
Department - February 3, 2021
Fall 2020 P/NP Policy for Majors in Mathematics
The faculty of the Department of Mathematics will allow for Fall 2020 students in any Math Department major (MA27, MA29, MA30, MA31, MA32, MA33, MA34, MA35) to take a maximum of four (4) on a P/NP basis. This includes both lower-division and upper-division courses as well as courses taken from other departments that are used to satisfy Math major requirements.However, no more than seven (7) total upper-division courses taken in Spring 2020 and Fall 2020 with a P grade will be allowed to satisfy major requirements.
Please keep in mind the following:- Fall 2020 P/NP units will count toward the 25% maximum allowed by the University.
- Course work must be equivalent to C- or better to receive a P grade.
- A change from a D grade to a NP will result in a loss of units.
- Financial Aid packages will be affected by NP grades.
- A change to P/NP for a Fall 2020 course will be allowed for a repeat of a class in which a D or F grade was earned in an earlier term.
- Students looking to go into math graduate programs would most likely want to take key coursework (especially advanced theory classes like Algebra or Analysis) for letter grades as these are courses graduate admissions committees will focus on. This is also true for students applying to competitive research programs, fellowships and internships.
The P grade is an acceptable prerequisite for any Math Department course. An EASy request may be required if WebReg does not automatically recognize the P grade prerequisite when you attempt to enroll. Students who plan to use the P grade as a prerequisite for another department's course should consult with that department before electing the grade option change.Undergraduate - December 16, 2020
Lattimer Faculty Research Fellows Public Lecture - Dec. 16, 2020
Join the Division of Physical Sciences for presentations by the 2019-20 Lattimer Faculty Research Fellows: Rommie Amaro (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Suckjoon Jun (Physics), and Bo Li (Mathematics) on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 4:00pm. Register (FREE) for Zoom Webinar.
Department - December 14, 2020
Alina Bucur - 2021 Fellow of the AWM
Associate Professor Alina Bucur has been announced as a 2021 Fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). See AWM webpage.
Department - November 29, 2020
Cristian Popescu - 2021 Fellow of the AMS
Professor Cristian Popescu has been elected a 2021 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) for contributions to number theory and arithmetic geometry.
Department - November 1, 2020
Math Industry Day - September 16, 2020
Wednesday, September 16th from 11:00 AM- 12:15 PM
The Department of Mathematics in collaboration with the Student Success Center is hosting a Math Industry Day: Careers in Finance webinar that will feature presentations by industry speakers as they share more about their academic and career journey, their current company, top skills they are seeking in a successful candidate, and more! Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance as well as participate in the live Q & A. Register and submit questions here.
Undergraduate - September 13, 2020
Richard Libby - Donates $50K to Math Dept.
Richard Libby ('80, MA '82, PhD) received his degrees in mathematics at UC San Diego before starting a successful career in the finance industry. His recent $100,000 contribution to the university exemplifies his passion for using mathematics in concert with finance and business, in particular when it comes to assessing market risk. Half of his unique gift will go to the Department of Mathematics and half to the Rady School of Management in support of graduate studies and research. In light of current events, Richard also agreed to a secondary designation to support the math department’s greatest needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Department - August 30, 2020
Virtual Conference on Several Complex Variables - August 18-21, 2020
A Virtual Conference on Several Complex Variables will be held August 18-21, 2020. See conference website.
Department - August 16, 2020
Fall 2020 Qualifying & Comprehensive Exams
Algebra – August 31
Real Analysis – September 1
Statistics – September 2
Complex Analysis – September 3
Applied Algebra – September 4
Numerical – September 8
Topology – September 9MATH 282 Comprehensive exam - September 22
Questions? Please contact Kelly Guerriero (kguerriero@ucsd.edu)
Graduate - July 28, 2020
Melvin Leok, Boris Kramer - Newton Award
Professor Melvin Leok (Mathematics) and Assistant Professor Boris Kramer (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) were awarded a "Newton Award for Transformative Ideas during the COVID-19 Pandemic" by the U.S. Department of Defense for their proposal "Geometric Structure-Preserving Model Reduction for Large-Scale Interconnected Systems". See UCSD News Release.
Department - July 21, 2020
In Memoriam: Ronald Graham, 1935-2020
Professor Ronald Graham died on July 6, 2020 at the age of 84. See UCSD Campus Notice. See UCSD News Release.
Department - July 17, 2020
Math Industry Day - July 22, 2020
Join us for Math Industry Day, featuring industry professionals:
- Kyle Shannon
- Laura Wilke
- Charles Yetman
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 from 1:00–2:00pm
More details of the event can be found here and the link to the video is here.
Co-sponsored with the Mathematics Department and the Physical Sciences Student Success Center.
Undergraduate - July 14, 2020
Fall 2020 - Return to Learn
In accordance with the UC San Diego "Return to Learn" initiative for Fall 2020, the Math Department will offer undergraduate and graduate courses in In-Person, Hybrid, and Remote formats.
Department - July 7, 2020
Spring Quarter 2020 P/NP Policy for Majors in Mathematics
The faculty of the Department of Mathematics have decided to allow students in any Math Department major (MA27, MA29, MA30, MA31, MA32, MA33, MA34, MA35) to take a maximum of four Spring 2020 major courses on a P/NP basis.
If you decide to make the grade option change online, please re-run your degree audit after the change to ensure the course(s) have been properly accepted into your major requirements.
The P grade is an acceptable prerequisite for any Math Department course. An EASy request may be required if WebReg does not automatically recognize the P grade prerequisite when you attempt to enroll. Students who plan to use the P grade as a prerequisite for another department's course should consult with that department before electing the grade option change.
Undergraduate - May 11, 2020
Honors Presentations
(Contact math-advising-g@ucsd.edu for Zoom links.)
Monday, May 4th
• 10:00am – Randy Martinez (advised by Claus Sorensen)
— "The Zeta Function on Fermat Hypersurfaces"
• 2:00pm – Omar Vazquez (advised by Ery Arias-Castro)
— "Applications of Instrumental Variables in Real Estate Data Analysis"Wednesday, May 6th
• 9:30am – Haoyang Li (advised by Ery Arias-Castro)
— "Algorithms and Applications of Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra"
• 10:00am – Thu Nguyen (advised by Ery Arias-Castro)
— "Recovering vertices in a preferential attachment model"
• 10:30am – Jeb Runnoe (advised by Philip Gill)
— "Performance of Quasi-Newton Variants for Unconstrained Optimization"
• 11:00am – Yi Fu (advised by Bill Helton)
— "Empirical Properties of Extreme Points Arising in Semidefinite Programming with Matrix Variables"Please contact math-advising-g@ucsd.edu for Zoom links.
Undergraduate - April 29, 2020
Spring 2020 Math Qualifying and Comprehensive Exams
Please sign up via this link, by April 30, 2020:
Questions? Contact Kelly Guerriero (kguerriero@ucsd.edu).
Graduate - April 20, 2020
Ruth Williams - SIAM Fellow 2020
Congratulations to Professor Ruth Williams who has been selected as a Class of 2020 Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
Department - April 10, 2020
Applied Statistics Comp Exam - Postponed
Due to the drastic changes mandated for Spring quarter, the Applied Statistics Comprehensive exam has been postponed until further notice - registered students will be notified once it has been rescheduled.
Registration: Go to Registration Form
This examination is normally only held twice per year
Graduate - March 2, 2020
Rosenblatt Lecture Series 2020 - Feb. 26, 2020
The Murray and Adylin Rosenblatt Endowed Lecture Series in Applied Mathematics 2020 will be held on February 26, 2020 in Tata Hall at UCSD.
Department - February 23, 2020
Front Desk Advising Hours - Friday 2/21
The Mathematics Department Front Desk Advising will be closed from 8:00am-1:00pm on Friday, 2/21/20.
Our hours will restart from 1:00pm-4:00pm.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
Undergraduate - February 19, 2020
Southern California Number Theory Day
The Southern California Number Theory Day will be held on February 22, 2020 in the AP&M building at UCSD.
Department - February 17, 2020
Tarek Elgindi - 2020 Sloan Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Tarek Elgindi who has been selected as a 2020 Sloan Research Fellow by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. See UCSD News Release.
Department - February 12, 2020
GSCC 2020 - March 27-28, 2020
The Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference (GSCC) 2020 will be held on March 27-28, 2020 at UCSD.
Department - February 2, 2020
SoCalAGS 2020 - Feb. 29, 2020
The Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar (SoCalAGS) - Spring 2020 will be held on February 29, 2020 in the AP&M building at UCSD.
Department - February 2, 2020
SCNTD 2020 - Feb. 22, 2020
The Southern California Number Theory Day (SCNTD) 2020 will be held on February 22, 2020 in the AP&M building at UCSD.
Department - February 2, 2020
Masters Program Application Deadline
The deadline to apply to all three Masters programs in Mathematics (Pure Math, Applied Math, and Statistics) is Monday, February 3, 2020.
Graduate - January 20, 2020
Undergraduate Mathematicians Recognized for Academic Excellence by Physical Sciences Dean
Congratulations to the following students awarded the 2019-2020 UCSD Physical Sciences Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellence: Yuhong Chen, Yue Chu, Yijie Fan, Yilan Jiang, Emmie Martirossian, Randy Martinez, Katarina Melendez, Yash Pande, Jeb Runnoe, Keren Shao, Jon Stephens, Haoming Zhang, Xiaowen Zhang, Zehong Zhao, Ruihan Zhou and Yupei Zhou. And a special notice to Tianyi Yu for being one of three UCSD students in Physical Sciences to receive the Selma and Robert Silagi Award for Undergraduate Excellence.
Undergraduate - January 9, 2020
Update to Math Capped Screening Criteria
Students, please note the following change to our Math Capped Screening Criteria management:
As of the Winter 2020 Application Period, Joint Math-Econ majors under the Department of Economics (EN28) will be subject to the same Screening Criteria as all other students not directly admitted to one of our Math majors. EN28 majors must complete the five required courses with a C- or higher and with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in those five courses before being eligible to apply to the Math Department.
The Winter 2020 Capped Application Period will close on 2/2/20.
Undergraduate - January 5, 2020
James McKernan - 2020 Fellow of the AMS
Congratulations to Professor James McKernan who has been named a 2020 Fellow of the AMS by the American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Department - October 31, 2019
In Memoriam: Murray Rosenblatt, 1926-2019
Professor Emeritus Murray Rosenblatt died on October 9, 2019 at the age of 93. See memorial website. See UCSD Campus Notice. A memorial service will be held on Friday, November 1, 2019 at 1:00pm at El Camino Memorial - Sorrento Valley Park, 5600 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92121.
Department - October 29, 2019
SCAPDE 2019 - Nov. 2-3, 2019
The Southern California Analysis and PDE (SCAPDE) 2019 conference will be held November 2-3, 2019 at UCSD. See conference website.
Department - October 27, 2019
Front Desk Hours 10/2/19 - 10/4/19
The Math Department Front Desk will have the following limited hours for the rest of this week:
Wednesday 10/2 — 9:00am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-3:30pm
Thursday 10/3 — 9:00am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-2:00pm
Friday 10/4 — 9:00am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-3:30pm
Undergraduate - October 1, 2019
Front Desk Hours (Weeks 0 and 1)
Please note: The Math Department Front Desk will have shortened hours from 9/27/19 - 10/4/19 (Weeks 0-1).
We will be open from:
Please plan accordingly and thank you for your understanding.
Undergraduate - September 18, 2019
Front Desk Hours (Weeks 0 and 1)
The Math Department Front Desk (AP&M 7409) will have shortened hours from 9/27/19 - 10/4/19.
We will be open from:
Please plan accordingly and thank you for your understanding.
Undergraduate - September 18, 2019
Qualifying Exam Schedule
Exam Date Location Algebra MON 08/26/2019 APM 6402 Real Analysis TUE 08/27/2019 APM 7321 Complex Analysis WED 08/28/2019 APM 6402 Applied Algebra THU 08/29/2019 APM 7321 Numerical FRI 08/30/2019 APM 6402 Statistics TUE 09/03/2019 APM 7321 Topology WED 09/04/2019 APM 6402 MATH 282 Comprehensive THU 09/05/2019 APM 7321 Questions? Please contact Kelly Guerriero (kguerriero@ucsd.edu).
Graduate - July 30, 2019
Front Desk Intake Advising Closed
The Math Department Front Desk Intake Advising window will be temporarily closed until 8/7/19.
Students can make advising appointments by emailing advisingappt@math.ucsd.edu.
General inquiries can be submitted to the Virtual Advising Center (vac.ucsd.edu) or emailed to mathadvising@math.ucsd.edu.
Undergraduate Petitions and AFA Letters can be submitted to the open window on the south side of APM 7409.
Undergraduate - June 30, 2019
Fall 2019 Capped Applications
The FA19 Capped Applications are open.
Eligible students who are not currently declared under the Department of Mathematics and wish to change their major will be able apply to any of the eight Math Majors using this link:
Eligible students are those who have already completed all five screening courses and have final grades posted on their Academic History. Do not submit an application if you have not yet completed the screening courses. More information on eligibility can be found here:
Note: Students who are looking to Double Major should not use the online application. Instead, they can apply using a Double Major Petition
Undergraduate - June 26, 2019
In Memoriam: Hubert Halkin, 1936-2019
Professor Emeritus Hubert Halkin died on May 26, 2019 at the age of 82. See UCSD Campus Notice.
Department - June 9, 2019
2018-19 Teaching Assistant Awards
On behalf of the entire Mathematics Department - the Chair and Faculty Council have named five PhD students as the recipients of the 2018-19 Teaching Assistant Award. Please join us in acknowledging the excellence, dedication and hard work of Yingjia Fu, Zach Higgins, Pieter Spaas, Jacqueline Warren and Nantawat Udomchatpitak.
Graduate - June 9, 2019
Garsiafest - June 17-20, 2019
Garsiafest: Future Directions in Algebraic Combinatorics (a conference in honor of Adriano Garsia's 90th birthday) will be held June 17-20, 2019 at the Scripps Seaside Forum at SIO. See https://sites.google.com/view/garsiafest
Department - June 6, 2019
CHI 2019 Student Presentations
Congratulations to UCSD Math Undergraduate students Samarth Aggarwal and Alexander Guthrie for their third place finish in the student presentations as part of the 'Affordable Smart Wheelchair' team at the 2019 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Undergraduate - May 27, 2019
2019-2020 Planned Course Offerings
The 2019-2020 Planned Course Offerings are now available at https://math.ucsd.edu/~
wwwdyn/resources/planned- course-offerings/?year=2019 We would also like to announce new courses being offered for the first time next academic year:
- Math 105 - Basic Number Theory
- Math 106 - Algebraic Geometry
- Math 144 - Introduction to Fourier Analysis
- Math 148 - Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
- Math 158 - Extremal Combinatorics & Graph Theory
- Math 184 - Enumerative Combinatorics
- Math 188 - Algebraic Combinatorics
- Math 173AB - Optimization for Data Science
- Math 190AB - Foundations of Topology
Further information about these new courses will be available upon release of the 2019-2020 General Catalog
Undergraduate - April 22, 2019
Front Desk Hours - 3/28/19
The Math Department Front Desk will have the following limited hours on Thursday 3/28/19:
8:00am-12:00pm and
Undergraduate - March 26, 2019
Math Dept Prospective PhD Open House
On Thursday, March 7th and Friday, March 8th, the UCSD Department of Mathematics will host its annual Open House for prospective PhD students who have been admitted for Fall 2019. The schedule of events is packed with two days of activities and talks. A full schedule can be found online. Attendance is limited to invited guests.
Department - March 6, 2019
Kyoto Prize Symposium Presentation by Masaki Kashiwara - March 20, 2019
The 2019 Kyoto Prize Symposium - Basic Sciences Presentation featuring mathematician Masaki Kashiwara will be held on March 20, 2019 from 2:00pm-3:30pm in the UCSD Price Center West Ballroom.
Department - March 6, 2019
Tianyi Zheng - 2019 Sloan Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Tianyi Zheng who has been selected as a 2019 Sloan Research Fellow by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Department - February 18, 2019
In Memoriam: Thomas Enright, 1947-2019
Professor Emeritus Thomas Enright died on January 27, 2019 at the age of 71. See UCSD Campus Notice.
Department - February 11, 2019
Marino Romero - UC President's Postdoctoral Fellow 2019-2020
Congratulations to Marino Romero who has been awarded a UC President's Postdoctoral Fellowship for the 2019-2020 academic year.
Graduate - January 17, 2019
SCGAS - Jan. 26-27, 2019
The 26th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar (SCGAS) will be held January 26-27, 2019 at UCSD.
See https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~scgas/Department - January 15, 2019
Statistics & Data Science Symposium - Jan. 19-20, 2019
The Statistics & Data Science Symposium: Beyond Big, Missing or Corrupted Data will be held at UCSD on January 19-20, 2019. Register now!
Department - December 19, 2018
Ruth Williams - Video Profile
A video profile of Professor Ruth Williams and her research, produced in conjunction with the Research Communications Program, was recently posted by the UCSD Division of Physical Sciences.
Department - November 29, 2018
Denise Rava, 2019 Inamori Fellow
Denise Rava has been named as one of three Inamori Fellows for 2019. The Inamori Fellowship Program at UCSD supports the best and brightest graduate students who will ensure the future of humanity through a balance of scientific process and human spirit. Congratulations to Denise!
Graduate - November 26, 2018
Skip Garibaldi - 2019 Fellow of the AMS
Skip Garibaldi, director of CCR, who is a UCSD Mathematics alumni (Ph.D. 1998), just got elected as a Fellow of the AMS (Class of 2019).
Department - November 7, 2018
Fall 2018 Math Qualifying Exam Schedule
Numerical – August 27
Topology – August 28
Algebra – August 29
Statistics – August 30
Complex Analysis – August 31
Real Analysis – September 4
Applied Algebra – September 5Questions? Please contact Kelly Guerriero (kguerriero@ucsd.edu).
Graduate - August 5, 2018
Andrew Ying - 2018-2019 ARCS Scholarship
Andrew Ying has been named as a recipient of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholarship for 2018-2019. The ARCS Scholarship rewards excellence in research, and is based on the exceptional promise of the recipient to make a significant contribution to the advancement of science. Congratulations to Andrew!
Graduate - July 31, 2018
2017-18 TA Awards
The following students have been named as recipients of the 2017-18 TA Awards: Jor-el Briones, Daniel Copeland, Geoff Ganzberger, Eric Lybrand, Artem Mavrin, Yucheng Tu. Congratulations to all!
Graduate - June 19, 2018
Ruth Williams - Corresponding Member of the Australian Academy of Science
Congratulations to Professor Ruth Williams who has been named a Corresponding Member of the Australian Academy of Science.
Department - May 16, 2018
Spring 2018 Math Qualifying Exam Schedule
Statistics — MAY 21st 1-4pm – AP&M 6402
Algebra — MAY 22nd 9am-12pm – AP&M 6402
Numerical — MAY 23rd 1-4pm – AP&M 6402
Applied Algebra — MAY 24th 9am-12pm – AP&M 6402
Real — MAY 25th 1-4pm – AP&M B412
Complex Analysis — MAY 29th 1-4pm – AP&M 5829
Topology — MAY 30th 9am-12pm – AP&M 6402Graduate - May 16, 2018
Summer 2018 Undergraduate Research
CURE = Collaborative Undergraduate Research Experience is an intensive 8-week research program that has run each summer since 2013.
In Summer 2018, it will run from July 2 to August 31. The 4 or 5 selected participants will work with a Ph.D. student and faculty mentor, together as a group, on a research problem of current interest. Participants will be paid a stipend of $4,000 for the summer.
Interested applicants should visit the webpage:
and follow the application instructions there.The deadline to apply is June 1, 2018.
Undergraduate - May 9, 2018
SCAPDE - June 2-3, 2018
The Southern California Analysis and PDE (SCAPDE) 2018 conference will be held June 2-3, 2018 at UCSD. See conference website.
Department - May 8, 2018
SCNTD - May 12, 2018
The next Southern California Number Theory Day (SCNTD) conference will be held at UCSD on May 12, 2018. Please visit the conference website for further information:
https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~scntd/2018/Department - April 24, 2018
Fan Chung Graham - thisweek@ucsandiego Feature
Professor Emeritus Fan Chung Graham has been featured in thisweek@ucsandiego.
Department - April 19, 2018
Todd Kemp - 2017-18 Distinguished Teaching Award
Congratulations to Associate Professor Todd Kemp who has been selected for the 2017-18 Distinguished Teaching Award for UC San Diego Academic Senate Members.
Department - April 3, 2018
Math Dept Prospective PhD Open House
On Thursday, April 5th and Friday, April 6th, the UCSD Department of Mathematics will host its annual Open House for prospective PhD students who have been admitted for Fall 2018. The schedule of events is packed with two days of activities and talks. Program can be found HERE. Attendance restricted to invited students.
Graduate - April 2, 2018
Front Desk Spring Quarter Hours
Front Desk business hours for Spring Quarter are:
8:00AM-12:00PM & 1:00PM-4:30PM
Please see the schedule on the left side of this page for the weekly Walk-in Advising hours (for course planning, double major petitions, etc.)
Undergraduate - April 1, 2018
Undergrad Advising FAQ
Check out our Undergraduate Advising FAQ if you have any questions about our undergraduate programs in Mathematics:
Undergraduate - March 21, 2018
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Program Ranked in Top 20 by USN&WR
In the 2019 U.S. News & World Report rankings of Best Graduate Schools, the UCSD Mathematics Ph.D. graduate program ranked #19. See UCSD News Release.
Department - March 20, 2018
Spring Quals - May 21-30, 2018
The Spring Qualifying Exams will take place from May 21-30th, please sign up here. For any questions, please contact Kelly Guerriero (kguerriero@ucsd.edu).
Graduate - March 11, 2018
Fan Chung Graham - 2017 Euler Medal
Professor Emeritus Fan Chung Graham has been awarded the 2017 Euler Medal by the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications (ICA). Euler Medals recognize distinguished lifetime career contributions to combinatorial research.
Department - February 28, 2018
Mathematics and Music - March 15, 2018
Mathematics and Music - Communicating Complexity and Beauty: Mathematics professors Louis Rowen (Bar-Ilan University) and Dan Rogalski (UCSD) will perform Beethoven's Sonata for Cello and Piano in D Major, Opus 102 No. 2. A discussion of the synergies between mathematics and music with music professor Miller Puckette (UCSD) will precede the performance. At the Conrad Prebys Music Center Room 264 from 5-7pm on Thursday, March 15, 2018. See flier. Please RSVP as space is limited. See event video.
Department - February 26, 2018
SCAPDE - March 3-4, 2018
The Southern California Analysis and PDE (SCAPDE) 2018 conference will be held March 3-4, 2018 at UCSD. See conference website.
Department - February 26, 2018
Lily Xu - Research Study Referenced in New York Times
A New York Times article referenced a research study about fetal alcohol spectrum disorders that Professor Ronghui (Lily) Xu helped co-author with public health researchers. This study was published in the medical journal JAMA.
Department - February 23, 2018
Ian Charlesworth Awarded NSF Postdoc
Congratulations to Stefan E. Warschawski Visiting Assistant Professor Ian Charlesworth who has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Postdoctoral Fellowship to work at UC Berkeley.
Department - February 1, 2018
Communicating Mathematics in Movies - Feb. 5, 2018
Communicating Mathematics in Movies: Join award-winning documentary filmmaker Ekaterina Eremenko for a screening of The Discrete Charm of Geometry, followed by a Q&A led by Fields Medalist Efim Zelmanov about Eremenko’s work portraying mathematics and mathematicians on film. At the UCSD Price Center Theatre from 5:00-7:00pm on Monday, February 5, 2018. Free and open to all UCSD faculty, staff and students. See flier. Please RSVP.
Department - January 28, 2018
Jiawang Nie - 2018 SIAG/LA Best Paper Prize
Congratulations to Professor Jiawang Nie who has a paper that has been selected for the 2018 SIAG/Linear Algebra Best Paper Prize, which will be awarded at the 2018 SIAM ALA Conference in Hong Kong, May 4-8, 2018.
Department - January 28, 2018
SCGAS - Jan. 27-28, 2018
The 25th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar (SCGAS) will be held at UCI this year on January 27-28th. The conference was organized jointly by UC Irvine and UC San Diego. Graduate students and junior faculty are encouraged to participate. Partial support is available. The conference website is https://www.math.uci.edu/~scgas/scgas-2018/2018.php.
Department - January 21, 2018
Jeffrey Remmel Memorial - Jan. 9, 2018
The memorial event for Professor Jeffrey Remmel will be at the UCSD Faculty Club on Tuesday, January 9, 2018 from 2:00pm-5:00pm. See Jeffrey Remmel memorial website
Department - January 7, 2018
Linda Rothschild - Inaugural Fellow of AWM
Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Linda Rothschild who has been named a member of the inaugural 2018 Class of AWM Fellows by the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).
Department - December 20, 2017
James McKernan - 2018 Breakthrough Prize
Congratulations to Professor James McKernan who was awarded the 2018 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics, jointly with Christopher Hacon (University of Utah). McKernan and Hacon will share $3 million. See award ceremony video from National Geographic. See UCSD news release and thisweek@ucsandiego feature.
Department - December 3, 2017
In Memoriam: Ronald K. Getoor, 1929-2017
Professor Emeritus Ronald K. Getoor died on October 28, 2017 at the age of 88. See Ronald Getoor memorial website.
Department - November 26, 2017
Physical Sciences Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellence
The recipients of the 2017-18 Physical Science Dean's Undergraduate Awards for Excellence were recently announced. Fifteen Mathematics students were named as awardees. Join with us in congratulating Mengyao Chen, Haiyu Huang, Minsheng Liu, Kuangcong Liu, Xinyi Luo, Chengyuan Ma, Karina Meneses-Cima, Shengwenxin Ni, Yiwei Sang, Rosemary Elliott Smith, Zhiqi Song, Jue Wang, Tianhao Wang, John Bohan Yin and Debbie Zhuang.
Undergraduate - November 26, 2017
Week 8 Front Desk Hours
Due to the Thanksgiving break, the Math Department Front Desk will be closing on Wednesday, 11/22/17, at 2:30PM.
We will reopen after the Thanksgiving break on Monday, 11/27/17, at 8:00AM.
Undergraduate - November 16, 2017
Peter Ebenfelt, Lei Ni - 2018 Fellows of the AMS
Congratulations to Professor Peter Ebenfelt and Professor Lei Ni who have been selected as members of the 2018 Class of Fellows of the AMS by the American Mathematical Society (AMS).
Department - October 31, 2017
Ruth Williams - 2017 WORMS Award for the Advancement of Women in OR/MS
Congratulations to Professor Ruth Williams who was awarded the 2017 WORMS Award for the Advancement of Women in Operations Research and the Management Sciences (OR/MS) by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Department - October 24, 2017
Jeffrey Remmel Memorial - Jan. 9, 2018
A memorial event for Professor Jeffrey Remmel will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2018 from 2:00pm-5:00pm at the UCSD Faculty Club. Please RSVP at the Jeffrey Remmel memorial website.
Department - October 22, 2017
Dimitris Politis - Chair-Elect, Nonparametric Statistics Section, ASA 2017-2018
Congratulations to Dimitris Politis who has been elected as the Chair-Elect of the Section on Nonparametric Statistics of the American Statistical Association (ASA) 2017-2018.
Department - October 16, 2017
Sam Buss - Bernard Bolzano Medal
Congratulations to Professor Sam Buss who was awarded the Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merit in the Mathematical Sciences by the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Department - October 16, 2017
In Memoriam: Jeffrey B. Remmel, 1948-2017
Distinguished Professor Jeffrey B. Remmel died on September 29, 2017 at the age of 68.
See Jeffrey Remmel memorial website.Department - October 5, 2017
Rosenblatt Lectures 2017 - Oct. 20, 2017
The 2017 Murray and Adylin Rosenblatt Endowed Lecture Series in Applied Mathematics will be held from 3:00pm-6:30pm on October 20, 2017 at UCSD. Tamar Schlick (NYU) and David Donoho (Stanford) will speak. Register to attend at the lecture series website.
Department - October 4, 2017
In Memoriam: John W. Evans, 1935-2017
Professor Emeritus John W. Evans died on August 20, 2017 at the age of 82. See UCSD Campus Notice.
Department - September 13, 2017
In Memoriam: Ted Frankel, 1929-2017
Professor Emeritus Theodore "Ted" Frankel died on August 5, 2017 at the age of 88. See UCSD Campus Notice.
Department - August 31, 2017
UCSD Mathematics Ranked 18th Globally (12th Nationally) by ShanghaiRanking
ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) 2017 has ranked UCSD Mathematics 18th globally (12th nationally).
Department - August 30, 2017
Marino Romero Awarded 2017-2018 ARCS Scholarship
Marino Romero has been named as a recipient of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholarship for 2017-2018. The ARCS Scholarship rewards excellence in research, and is based on the exceptional promise of the recipient to make a significant contribution to the advancement of science, and to the material and intellectual welfare of all people. Congratulations to Marino!
Graduate - August 13, 2017
Fall Qualifying Exam Schedule.
The Fall qualifying exam schedule has been set. Students interested in sitting for exams should register by August 11. Click to register.
Contact Kelly Guerriero (kguerriero@ucsd.edu) with questions.
Graduate - July 13, 2017
Front Desk Hours Weeks 3-10
The Math Department Front Desk will resume regular business hours for the rest of the quarter.
- Monday to Friday
- 8:00AM-4:30PM
Undergraduate - May 14, 2017
Jason Schweinsberg - 2017 IMS Fellow
Congratulations to Professor Jason Schweinsberg who has been elected as a 2017 Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).
Department - May 3, 2017
Adrian Ioana - ICM 2018 Invited Speaker
Professor Adrian Ioana has been selected as an invited speaker for the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2018 that will be held August 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Congratulations to Adrian for this distinct honor!
Department - April 20, 2017
Geometry of Moduli Spaces Workshop - May 19-21, 2017
The workshop "Geometry of Moduli Spaces" will be held May 19-21, 2017 at UCSD.
Department - April 11, 2017
Dept. Open House 2017 for Prospective Graduate Students
On Thursday, April 6th and Friday, April 7th, the UCSD Department of Mathematics will host its annual Open House for prospective graduate students who have been admitted for Fall 2017. The schedule of events is packed with two days of activities. Program can be found here. Attendance restricted to invited students.
Graduate - April 4, 2017
Sean Curry - Best Doctoral Thesis 2016
Sean Curry is a recipient of the Vice-Chancellor's Prize for Best Doctoral Thesis in 2016 at The University of Auckland, New Zealand, for his thesis "Submanifolds in Conformal and CR Manifolds and Applications". Curry is currently a Stefan E. Warschawski Visiting Assistant Professor at UCSD.
Department - April 3, 2017
SCAPDE - April 1-2, 2017
The Southern California Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (SCAPDE) 2017 conference will be held April 1-2, 2017 at UCSD.
Department - March 16, 2017
SCNTD - March 4-5, 2017
The next Southern California Number Theory Day (SCNTD) conference will be held at UCSD on March 4-5, 2017. Please visit the conference website for further information:
https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~scntd/2017/Department - February 12, 2017
24th SCGAS at UCSD - February 11-12, 2017
The 24th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar (SCGAS) will be held February 11-12, 2017 in Center Hall 105 at UCSD. The seminar is an annual event supported by NSF, rotating between UCI and UCSD. This year's speakers are:
- Tom Ilmanen (ETH)
- Fang-Hua Lin (NYU)
- William Minicozzi (MIT)
- André Neves (Chicago)
- Joel Spruck (Johns Hopkins)
- Lu Wang (Wisconsin)
- Michael Wolf (Rice)
The registration is FREE for UCSD faculty and students.
Department - February 3, 2017
Jue Hou named 2017 Inamori Fellow.
Jue 'Marquis' Hou has been named as one of three Inamori Fellows for 2017. The Inamori Fellowship Program at UCSD supports the best and brightest graduate students who will ensure the future of humanity through a balance of scientific process and human spirit. Congratulations to Marquis.
Graduate - December 8, 2016
Physical Sciences Undergraduate Awards
The recipients of the 2016-17 Physical Science Dean's Undergraduate Awards for Excellence were recently announced. Fifteen Mathematics students were named as awardees. Join with us in congratulating Anthony Armas, Kin Tung Jonathan Chan, Matthew Cheung, Shiyuan Huang, Ran Huo, He Jiang, Shiyang Jin, Mingqian (Maycee) Lin, Zongze Liu, Jiawei Long, Andrew T Nguyen, Eilon Reisin-Tzur, Jialei Wang, Shuheng Wang, and Shifan Zhang.
Department - November 29, 2016
Academic Advising
- The Math Department is closing early on Wednesday, November 23, 2016. The department hours for that day are 8:00am–2:30pm. Normal hours will resume Monday, November 28, 2016.
- UPDATED Walk-In Hours for remainder of Fall 2016 (as of 11/17/2016):
Monday — 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Hours subject to change. Please call ahead same-day to ensure Walk-In Hours have not been changed or canceled — (858) 534-3590.
Tuesday — 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Wednesday — 9:00am – 11:00am
Thursday — 9:00am – 10:00am
Friday — By Appt Only
Undergraduate - November 22, 2016
Academic Advising
- Walk-In Advising is not available on Tuesday, November 22nd, therefore, please plan to attend the day before or after. Reminders: Always call the department on the day that you want to attend to ensure of last minute changes in advising hours. Appointments are also available by request at mathadvising@math.ucsd.edu.
- The Math Department is closing early on Wednesday, November 23, 2016. The department hours for that day is 8:00am–2:30pm. Normal hours will resume Monday, November 28, 2016.
- UPDATED Walk-In Hours for remainder of Fall 2016:
Mondays — 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Hours subject to change. Please call ahead same-day to ensure Walk-In Hours have not been changed or canceled — (858) 534-3590.
Tuesdays — 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Wednesdays — 9:00am – 11:00am
Thursdays — 9:00am – 10:00am
Fridays — By Appt Only
Undergraduate - November 20, 2016
Ruth Williams - 2016 John von Neumann Theory Prize
Professor Ruth Williams won the 2016 John von Neumann Theory Prize by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), jointly with Martin Reiman. See UCSD news release and thisweek@ucsandiego feature
Department - November 13, 2016
REVISED Walk-in Hours for Fall Quarter
Note the adjusted Walk-in hours for the rest of Fall Quarter:
- Mondays 1:30pm - 3:00pm
- Tuesdays 1:30pm - 3:00pm
- Wednesdays 9:00am -11:00am
- Thursdays 9:00am - 10:00am
- Fridays No hours
Undergraduate - November 7, 2016
Emily Sergel Receives AWM Dissertation Prize
Spring Ph.D. Emily Leven has been named a recipient of the Inaugural AWM Dissertation Prize. Awarded by the Association for Women in Mathematics, Emily will be recognized at the 2017 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Atlanta, Georgia. A student of Adriano Garsia, Emily's dissertation is on "The Combinatorics of nabla pn and connections to the Rational Shuffle Conjecture".
Association for Women in Mathematics WebsiteGraduate - November 7, 2016
Robert Snellman Receives ARCS Award
Math Ph.D. graduate student Robert Snellman is one of the 35 recipients of the 2016 ARCS (Advancing Science in America) awards for his doctoral thesis work in Number Theory under the supervision of Professors Cristian Popescu and Claus Sorensen. The award carries funding of $7,500 per year, for up to 3 academic years. The awards will be presented by Chancellor Khosla at the UCSD Faculty Club on November 4th, 2:30-3:30pm.
https://san-diego.arcsfoundation.org/Graduate - October 30, 2016
Murray and Adylin Rosenblatt Endowed Lectures in Applied Mathematics
The Murray and Adylin Rosenblatt Endowed Lecture Series in Applied Mathematics features lectures by eminent scholars who use mathematics and statistics in areas of application. Inaugural lectures will be:
- Professor Robert Engle, NYU
"Dynamic Conditional Beta"
Oct. 21, 5-6:15pm, Galbraith Hall 242 - Professor Catherine Constable, SIO, UCSD
"Earth's Magnetic Field: Random Reversals, Stochastic Models, and Physical Interpretations"
Oct. 22, 1:45-3pm, York Hall 2722
Free registration required to attend. See Rosenblatt lecture series details.
Department - October 17, 2016
- Professor Robert Engle, NYU
SCAPDE - October 15-16 at UCLA
The Southern California Analysis & PDE (SCAPDE) meeting will be on October 15-16, 2016 at UCLA.
Department - October 9, 2016
Fall Advising/Presentation
Fall 2016 Math Advising Sessions & Presentations:
- Monday 10/10/16 4-4:50pm in APM 6402
- Major in Mathematics / Major in Mathematics-Applied Science
- Monday 10/10/16 5-5:50pm in APM 6402
- Major in Applied Mathematics
- Monday 10/24/16 4-4:50pm in APM 6402
- Course Planning
- Monday 10/31/16 4-4:50pm in APM 6402
- Joint Major in Mathematics and Economics
- Monday 10/31/16 5-5:50pm in APM 6402
- Graduate School in Mathematics
- Monday 11/7/16 5-5:50pm in APM 6402
- Cheiron International Presentation/Recruitment
Undergraduate - October 6, 2016
- Monday 10/10/16 4-4:50pm in APM 6402
Peter Ebenfelt - Foreign Member of The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters
Congratulations to Professor Peter Ebenfelt who has been elected as a Foreign Member of The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters.
Department - October 6, 2016
Walk-In Advising Hours
Fall 2016 Math Major Walk-In Advising:
- Monday – 1:30pm-3:00pm
- Tuesday – 1:30pm-4:00pm
- Wednesday – 9:00am-11:00am; 2:00pm-4:00pm
- Thursday – 9:00am-10:00am; 2:00pm-4:00pm
- Friday – 2:00pm-4:00pm
Hours subject to change. Please call ahead same-day to ensure Walk-In Hours have not been changed or canceled — (858) 534-3590
Undergraduate - September 23, 2016
Walk-In Advising Hours
SUMMER 2016 Math Major Walk-In Advising:
- Monday - By appointment only
- Tuesday - By appointment only
- Wednesday - By appointment only
- Thursday - By appointment only
- Friday - By appointment only
Hours subject to change. Please call ahead same-day to ensure Walk-In Hours have not been changed or canceled — (858) 534-3590
Undergraduate - June 27, 2016
Walk-In Advising Hours
SPRING 2016 Math Major Walk-In Advising:
- Monday - 1:30pm-3:30pm
- Tuesday - 9:30am-11:30am, 1:30pm-3:30pm
- Wednesday - 9:00am-12:00pm (noon)
- Thursday - 8:00am-12:00pm (noon)
- Friday - 2:30pm-4:30pm
Hours subject to change.
Undergraduate - March 21, 2016
Walk-In Advising Hours
WINTER Math Major Walk-In Advising:
- Monday - 1:00-3:00
- Tuesday - 12:00-2:00 and 2:00-4:00
- Wednesday - 9:00-11:00 and 2:00-4:00
- Thursday - 8:00-10:00 and 2:00-4:00
- Friday - 2:00-4:00
Hours subject to change.
Undergraduate - January 14, 2016
Undergraduate Student Orientations
Welcome Week 2016 is here, and with it come a batch of undergraduate student orientations:
- Monday 3:30-4:30p = Capped Major Session
- Tuesday 9-10:00a = New Freshman Session (A)
- Tuesday 10-11:00a = New Freshman Session (B)
- Tuesday 1-2:00p = New Math-CS Session
- Tuesday 2-3:00p = New Applied Math Session
- Wednesday 11-12:00p = New Transfer Session
All sessions held in APM B402A (basement)
Undergraduate - September 18, 2016
Kiran Kedlaya - 2016 George Polya Award
The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) has awarded Professor Kiran Kedlaya and his coauthors, Gordon Hamilton and Henri Picciotto, the 2016 George Polya Award for their expository article "Square-Sum Pair Partitions" in the College Mathematics Journal.
Department - August 7, 2016
Fan Chung Graham - 2016 Academician of Academia Sinica
Congratulations to Professor Fan Chung Graham who has been elected as a 2016 Academician of Academia Sinica (Taiwan).
Department - July 14, 2016
James McKernan - 2016 Simons Investigator
Congratulations to Professor James McKernan who has been selected as a 2016 Simons Investigator awardee by the Simons Foundation.
Department - June 16, 2016
Laura Stevens - Outstanding Professor Award
Congratulations to Professor Laura Stevens who was honored with an Outstanding Professor Award by the UCSD Panhellenic Association at the 10th Annual Panhellenic Scholarship Banquet on May 26, 2016.
Department - May 30, 2016
Faculty Expand Systematic Knowledge of Mathematics
UCSD Mathematics faculty Alina Bucur and Kiran Kedlaya are among an international group of mathematicians that developed the "L-functions and Modular Forms Database" - a catalog of mathematical objects and the connections between them. Read the UCSD News Press Release.
Department - May 9, 2016
Math Grad Receives Academic Integrity Award
Math Ph.D. graduate student, Robert Snellman, has been awarded the inaugural Academic Integrity Instructional Assistant Award at the 6th annual Integrity Award Ceremony.
Graduate - April 19, 2016
SoCal Applied Math Symposium - June 4, 2016
The Southern California Applied Mathematics Symposium (SOCAMS) 2016 will be held on June 4, 2016 at the Claremont Colleges.
Department - April 18, 2016
Math Majors Become Capped - Fall 2016
Effective Fall 2016, all undergraduate majors in the Department of Mathematics will become Capped. This means that we will have enrollment targets for new and continuing students, and that any student not currently a math major (or not directly admitted into a math major) will need to first complete screening courses to change to a math major. For more information, please go HERE (PDF).
Department - April 7, 2016
Michael Holst - SIAM Fellow 2016
Congratulations to Professor Michael Holst who has been selected as a Class of 2016 Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
Department - March 30, 2016
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House 2016
From Thursday, March 31st to Friday, April 1st, the UCSD Department of Mathematics will host its annual Open House for prospective graduate students who have been admitted for Fall 2016. The schedule of events is packed with two days of activities for prospective mathematics Ph.D. students. Program can be found HERE. Attendance restricted to invited students.
Graduate - March 30, 2016
GradSWANTAG II - March 5, 2016
The Graduate Student Workshop in Algebra, Number Theory, and Algebraic Geometry (GradSWANTAG) will be held on March 5, 2016 from 9:30am-3:30pm in AP&M 6402. See GradSWANTAG website for details.
Department - February 23, 2016
Lilit Martirosyan - 2016 Emil Artin Junior Prize
SEW Assistant Professor Lilit Martirosyan has been awarded the 2016 Emil Artin Junior Prize in Mathematics for her paper "The representation theory of the exceptional Lie superalgebras F(4) and G(3)" in the Journal of Algebra Vol. 419 (2014). See Notices of the AMS announcement.
Department - February 2, 2016
Southern California Number Theory Day
The next Southern California Number Theory Day conference will take place Saturday, February 20 at UCSD.
Department - January 27, 2016
Xiaolong Li - Inamori Fellow 2016
Congratulations to graduate student Xiaolong Li who has been selected as a 2016 Inamori Graduate Fellow.
Graduate - December 10, 2015
James McKernan - 2016 AMS Moore Prize
Professor James McKernan and 3 co-authors will receive the 2016 AMS E. H. Moore Research Article Prize for their article "Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type," Journal of the AMS (2010).
Department - November 29, 2015
Ian Agol - 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics
Ian Agol, Professor of Mathematics at UC Berkeley, has received the 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics. Agol received his Ph.D. from the Mathematics Department at UCSD in 1998.
Department - November 17, 2015
Complex Algebraic Geometry Conference - Jan. 15-18, 2016
The Complex Algebraic Geometry Conference 2016 will be hosted at UCSD on January 15-18, 2016. Conference website: https://sites.google.com/site/complexalgebraicgeometry2016/
Department - November 9, 2015
Jim Agler - 2016 Fellow of the AMS
Congratulations to Professor Jim Agler who has been selected as a 2016 Fellow of the AMS.
Department - November 9, 2015
Undergraduate Awards for Excellence 2015-2016
Congratulations to the 2015-2016 Physical Sciences Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellence recipients in Mathematics: Leonardo Chan, Nathan Chen, Jaclyn Doo, Xinyi Ma, Tian Pan, Linda Wogulis, Siyue Wu, Yijun Zhou
Department - November 3, 2015
Distinguished Colloquium: Martin Hairer - Oct. 29, 2015
Thursday, October 29, at 4:00pm in the AP&M 6402 Halkin Seminar Room. Regius Professor Martin Hairer of The University of Warwick, winner of the 2014 Fields Medal, will speak on his groundbreaking work in stochastic analysis and mathematical physics. See poster.
Department - October 20, 2015
Mathematics Dept. Orientation - Sep. 22
Undergraduate Freshman Orientation - Tuesday, September 22 at 11:00am in AP&M B402A.
Undergraduate Transfer Orientation - Tuesday, September 22 at 1:00pm in AP&M B402A.Undergraduate - September 21, 2015
Daniel Hoff - ARCS Award 2015-2016
Congratulations to Daniel Hoff, 5th year graduate student, who has been selected to receive the 2015-2016 Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) for his excellence in research.
Graduate - September 21, 2015
WCOAS at UCSD - Oct. 10-11, 2015
The West Coast Operator Algebra Seminar (WCOAS) will be hosted at UCSD on October 10-11, 2015. The talks will be held in the AP&M building. For more information, see the conference's website: https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~rboutonn/WCOAS2015.html
Department - August 10, 2015
Rayan Saab - Hellman Fellow 2015-2016
Congratulations to Professor Rayan Saab who has been selected as a 2015-2016 Hellman Fellow.
Department - June 2, 2015
John Eggers - Outstanding Professor Award 2014-2015
Congratulations to Professor John Eggers who was presented with an Outstanding Professor Award for 2014-2015 by the Panhellenic Association at UCSD on May 27, 2015.
Department - May 27, 2015
Maria Warren - Katzin Prize Fellowship 2015-2016.
Congratulations to incoming graduate student Maria Warren, recipient of a Katzin Prize fellowship. She received one of only five such fellowships awarded for 2015-2016. The fellowship will provide $10,000 of support annually for each year of study, renewable up to five years.
Graduate - May 27, 2015
SCAPDE at UCSD - May 2-3, 2015
A conference in the Southern California Analysis and PDE (SCAPDE) series will be organized at UCSD on May 2-3, 2015. Information and a registration form can be found at https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~scapde/
Department - April 16, 2015
Laura Stevens - Distinguished Teaching Award 2014-2015
Congratulations to Professor Laura Stevens who has been selected as a recipient of a 2014-2015 Distinguished Teaching Award for Academic Senate Members.
Department - April 1, 2015
Fan Chung Graham - SIAM Fellow 2015
Congratulations to Professor Fan Chung Graham who has been selected as a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) for 2015.
Department - April 1, 2015
SCNTD May 23, 2015 - Special Session
A special session of the Southern California Number Theory Day will be organized at UCSD on May 23, 2015. The conference will be followed by a dinner celebrating John Tate's 90th birthday. Visit the SCNTD website for more information.
Department - February 23, 2015
Calum Spicer - Inamori Fellow 2015
Graduate student Calum Spicer has been selected as an Inamori Fellow for 2015 by the Inamori Foundation. The Inamori Fellowship Program "supports the best and brightest graduate students who will ensure the future of humanity through a balance of the scientific process and human spirit."
Graduate - February 9, 2015
SCNTD Conference
The Southern California Number Theory Day (SCNTD) will be hosted at UCSD on February 14, 2015 in the AP&M building. Visit the SCNTD website for more information.
Department - January 29, 2015
Cristian D. Popescu - 2015 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
Cristian D. Popescu was awarded one of the 2015 Simons Fellowships in Mathematics by the Simons Foundation. Professor Popescu will spend the 2015-2016 academic year as a Simons Fellow at Harvard University.
Department - January 9, 2015
22nd Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar
The 22nd Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar (SCGAS) will be held at UCSD on February 7-8, 2015. This is an annual meeting which rotates between UCI and UCSD.
Department - January 8, 2015
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House
From Thursday, April 2, 2015 to Friday, April 3, 2015, the UCSD Department of Mathematics will host its annual Open House for prospective mathematics graduate students who have been admitted for Fall 2015. Program information for Open House 2015 is available. Attendance restricted to invited students.
Graduate - January 8, 2015
Dean's Undergraduate Awards for Excellence Recipients 2014-2015
Congratulations to the 2014-2015 Physical Sciences Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellence recipients in Mathematics: Victor Balcer, Steven Gagniere, Jonathan Haapala, Chenzhi Li, Feifei Peng, Neeraj Vipin Sapra, Meredith Quicho, and Zhongzhong Xu.
Undergraduate - January 1, 2015
So Cal Algebraic Geometry Seminar 2014 on Nov. 15
Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar (SoCalAGS) 2014 on November 15, 2014 in AP&M 6402
Department - October 7, 2014
Summer School in Mathematical Biology
Summer School in Mathematical Biology: Spatial Problems from Cells to Tissues to Flocks. Monday, 9/22/2014 - Friday, 9/26/2014 in AP&M 6402, UCSD. For more information visit https://bcamley.physics.ucsd.edu/mathbiosummerschool.html or you may email Bo Li at: bli@math.ucsd.edu
Department - September 18, 2014
New Graduate Student Orientation.
New Mathematics Graduate Student Orientation begins the week of September 16: tours, trainings, announcements, and campus-wide events.
Graduate - September 12, 2014
New Student Orientations
The New Undergraduate Math Orientation will take place Tuesday, September 30.
Freshmen Orientation - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Transfer Orientation - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
The Orientations will be taking place in room B402A in the APM basement.Undergraduate - September 12, 2014
Jiawang Nie - 2014 Young Researcher Prize
Congratulations to Jiawang Nie who was awarded the 2014 Young Researcher Prize by INFORMS Optimization Society (IOS).
Department - September 4, 2014
Workshop on von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory
A workshop on von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory will be held at UCLA, MS 6627, in the period September 22nd-26th, 2014. For more information, see the workshop's website at https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~aioana/UCLA_workshop.html.
Department - August 8, 2014
Brainstorm Workshop on Biological Molecules
Brainstorm Workshop on Biological Molecules, Cells, and Beyond, August 4 and 5, 2014, AP&M 6402, UCSD. Please email Bo Li (bli@math.ucsd.edu) if you have any questions.
Department - July 22, 2014
Dimitris Politis - John von Neumann Visiting Professorship
Congratulations to Dimitris Politis who was awarded a John von Neumann Visiting Professorship.Department - July 11, 2014
Jelena Bradic - Hellman Fellow
Congratulations to Jelena Bradic, a 2014-2015 Hellman Fellow
Department - May 28, 2014
Southern California Optimization Day 2014
The 2014 Southern California Optimization Day will be held in the Department of Mathematics, May 23rd 2014. For more information, see https://ccom.ucsd.edu/~socalopt/.Department - May 8, 2014
Kedlaya Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship
Congratulations to Professor Kiran Kedlaya for winning a 2014 Guggenheim Fellowship. See UCSD News Release.Department - April 23, 2014
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House 2014
On Thursday April 3rd and Friday April 4th, the UCSD Department of Mathematics will host its annual Open House for prospective graduate students who have been admitted for Fall 2014. The schedule of events is packed with two days of activities for prospective mathematics Ph.D. students. Program information is now available. Attendance restricted to invited students.
Department - March 31, 2014
Memorial Conference for Salah Baouendi
A Memorial Conference will be held March 24-27, 2014 in Tunis, Tunisia to honor the memory of Salah Baouendi.
Department - January 14, 2014
NSF PRIME 2014 Info Session
Alumni from the Pacific Rim Experiences for Undergraduates (PRIME) program will discuss their experiences with this summer international research internship and cultural exchange. Under the PRIME program, students perform research in Pacific Rim countries, including Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan and more. Wednesday, January 8th at 6pm - UCSD International Center Lounge More Information on PRIME .
Undergraduate - December 20, 2013
Dean's Undergraduate Excellence Awards 2013
Congratulations to the following students, who have received a Dean's Undergraduate Excellence Award: Alexander Huang, Fengpei Li, Gulnara Fayzulina, Mengyi Gao, Samuel Tracy, Wenjing Yin.
Department - December 16, 2013
2014 Fellows of the AMS
Congratulations to Patrick Fitzsimmons and Murray Rosenblatt, both of whom have been selected to the 2014 Class of the Fellows of the American Mathematical Society (AMS).
Department - November 1, 2013
Math and The Body and The Mind
Join cognitive scientist Rafael Nunez along with Cindy Lawrence and Glen Whitney, Co-Directors of the National Museum of Mathematics as they discuss the interplay between physical experience and mathematical cognition and intuition. Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - 5:30-7:30pm Atkinson Hall Auditorium. Free to the public. RSVP: Info@imagination.ucsd.edu.
Undergraduate - October 9, 2013
WAGS 2013 - Nov. 9-10, 2013
UCSD is hosting the Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium (WAGS) from November 9-10, 2013.
Department - October 4, 2013
New Student Orientations
The New Undergraduate Math Orientation will take place Tuesday, September 24.
Freshmen Orientation - 10:00am to 11:30am
Transfer Orientation - 1:00pm to 2:30pm
The Orientations will be taking place in room B402A in the APM basement.Undergraduate - September 20, 2013
Conference on Stark's Conjectures and Related Topics
The "Conference on Stark's Conjectures and Related Topics" will be held here at UCSD from September 20th through September 22, 2013. For more information, visit the conference website.Department - July 31, 2013
CAARMS 19 - July 24-27, 2013
CAARMS (Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences) 19 will be held at UCSD from July 24-27, 2013. The program will include invited speakers, tutorials, and a graduate student poster session. The conference spotlights the accomplishments of mathematicians from underrepresented minority backgrounds, and is open to all. Conference Website.
Department - July 8, 2013
A Tribute to our Graduating Honors Students
Our sincere congratulations to this year's Honors students: - Camille Briat (Random-to-Random Shuffles)
- Greg Edwards (On Genus Zero Stable Maps To The Flag Variety)
- Siuyung Fung (Functions Of Baire Class One)
- Geoff Ganzberger (Some Properties of Rational Points on Elliptic Curves
on their outstanding research projects, their theses, and their terrific public lectures in defense of their work. They have earned the special distinction of an Honors degree. We wish them the best in their future studies and beyond.Undergraduate - June 19, 2013
New Grad Student Orientation and Fall Qualifying Exams in September 2013
New Graduate Student Orientation will be held on September 16, 2013 and Fall Qualifying Exams will be held from September 9 to 13, 2013. More information will be posted soon.
Graduate - June 17, 2013
Lily Xu - 2013 ASA Fellow
The American Statistical Association (ASA) announced that Professor Lily Xu is being honored as a 2013 ASA Fellow. Honorees are recognized for their outstanding professional contributions to and leadership in the field of statistical science.Department - June 6, 2013
UCSD Undergraduate Math Day
Learn about what math majors do, hear talks from graduate students about what math research is all about, present your research (if you've done any) and hear talks from other undergraduates and invited speakers. Saturday, May 11, 10am-4:15pm - sponsored by the Associate for Women in Mathematics. More Information .Undergraduate - May 6, 2013
Team Wins D4D Challenge Prize 2013
Professor David Meyer and the research team of Orest Bucicovschi, Rex Douglass, Megha Ram, David Rideout, and Dongjin Song were awarded the Best Scientific Project prize in the Data for Development (D4D) Challenge 2013 for their research in "Analyzing social divisions using cell phone data". See UCSD News Release.Department - May 3, 2013
Twin WiMSoCal Symposium April 2013
A one-day symposium for Women in Mathematics in Southern California will be held at UCSD on Sunday, April 21, 2013. This symposium is sponsored by Microsoft Research and UCSD. For more info, please see the Twin WiMSoCal website.Department - April 19, 2013
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House for 2013
On Thursday April 4th and Friday April 5th, the UCSD Department of Mathematics will host its annual Open House for prospective graduate students who have been admitted for Fall 2013. The schedule of events is packed with two days of activities for prospective mathematics Ph.D. students. Program information is now available.
Department - March 26, 2013
Probability and Statistics Day at UCSD
The day will be Friday, April 5th. There will be plenary lectures by Fan Chung-Graham, Iain Johnstone, Scott Sheffield, Peter Hall, David Aldous, and a public lecture by Terry Speed. For more information: https://www.math.ucsd.edu/ProbStatsDay/Department - March 26, 2013
Southern California Algebraic Geometry Day
The Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar will meet next at UC San Diego on Saturday, April 13 from 10am-4:30pm. Confirmed speakers: Ben Antieau, Izzet Coskun, Karl Schwede, Anastasia Stavrova. Click here for more information.Department - March 8, 2013
Congratulations to Alina Bucur
Microsoft Research has given $7,500 to the University of California, San Diego to support the Women in Numbers - Europe (WINE 2013) , and Women in Mathematics - Southern California annual conference (WiMSoCal), both coordinated by Dr. Alina Bucur in 2013; and to support the Association for Women in Mathematics UCSD Student Chapter , overseen by Dr. Bucur
Department - February 26, 2013
Winter 2013 Southern California Analysis & PDE (SCAPDE) Meeting
The winter edition of SCAPDE will be held at UCLA March 9-10. If you are a graduate student interesting in attending please email jsterben@math.ucsd.edu for travel funding.Department - February 25, 2013
20th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar
UCSD will host the 20th meeting of the Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar, February 23-24, 2013. All talks will be held in Center Hall 105. Email scgas@math.ucsd.edu any questions.Department - February 19, 2013
2013 Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship - Adrian Ioana
Congratulations to Adrian Ioana, named as a 2013 Sloan Research Fellow. Click Here for a full list of the 2013 recipients.Department - February 14, 2013
NSF CAREER Awards 2013
Adrian Ioana and Todd Kemp have each been awarded prestigious NSF CAREER grants. Congratulations to Adrian and Todd!Department - January 31, 2013
Mathematics Major Receives Silagi Award
Camille Briat, a double major in Probability & Statistics and Management Science, and Math Club President, has been named as the recipient of the 2013 Selma and Robert Silagi Award for Undergraduate Excellence. The annual award honors the top graduating undergraduate in the Natural Sciences (which includes the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mathematics, and Physics, as well as the Division of Biological Sciences.) The Silagi Award is given to students in recognition of their commitment and dedication to excellence in academics and research.Department - January 30, 2013
Graduate Student Fellowships - OSU Statistics
The Department of Statistics at Oregon State University has scholarship opportunities for promising applicants to their graduate studies programs with strong ties (or current home address in) Southern California. The Rose Hills Foundation Scholarship award up to $25,000 annually (based on qualifications). For more information visit the program website: Stats at OSU.
Undergraduate - January 18, 2013
Summer Research in Optics and Photonics
Two REU summer programs for students graduating AFTER this summer. 10 week programs for math students with an interest in engineering, physics, material science or optics. Integraded Optics for Undergrads focuses on speeding up the internet and developing energy-saving features for sustainable next-generation optical networks. Hooked on Photonics focuses on improving solar technology. To apply: Integrated Optics for Undergraduates or Hooked on Photonics.Undergraduate - January 18, 2013
The Power Law, or: How to Lose $100 Billion
Come join Andy Niedermaier (UCSD PhD 2009) this Friday for an informal discussion on probability, magic buttons, 25-sigma events, and Twilight. Andy now works at Jane Street Capital, a trading firm in NYC - the talk is recommended especially to anyone interested in a career in finance. Friday, January 11, at 1:00pm in APM 6402.Undergraduate - January 9, 2013
Marine Physical Laboratory Summer Internship
The Marine Physical Laboratory at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography is looking for Applied Mathematics undergrads for their 2013 Summer Internship Program. The ten-week internship offers the opportunity to work with some of the most notable scientists in the world while earning a modest salary.
The application deadline is February 24, 2013.
Information and Application Material.Undergraduate - January 9, 2013
Lie Theory Workshop
UCSD will host the winter meeting of the Lie Theory Workshop, January 19-20, 2013. The speakers will be Misha Kapovich, Bert Kostant, Alex Lubotzky, Amir Mohammadi, Vera Serganova, Terry Tao, and Nolan Wallach. All talks will be in 6402 AP&M. More information here.Department - January 8, 2013
2012 Dean's Undergraduate Awards for Excellence
Six undergraduate math majors have been named among the recipients of the 2012 Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellence. Congratulations to Siuyung Fung, Artem Mavrin, Alex Moody, Kevin Vissuet, Harrison Wong, and Yun Jeong Yang.Department - January 4, 2013
Summer Math Institute at Carnegie Mellon
Carnegie Mellon University will offer an applied mathematics summer institute for twelve undergraduates considering research careers in mathematical sciences. Students will spend seven weeks in Pittsburgh participating in a course in analysis, a computer laboratory, and working on projects under the direction of research faculty.
The application deadline is March 1, 2013.
Apply Online .Undergraduate - November 20, 2012
Actuarial Info Session with UnitedHealth Group
Speakers from UnitedHealth Group will be on campus on Friday, November 30th to discuss the actuarial profession and careers with the company. They are also recruiting for summer actuarial interns in their Cypress and Santa Ana offices.
Friday, November 30 from 3-4:30pm in APM B402A. Careers at UnitedHealth Group.Undergraduate - November 19, 2012
Post-Bachelor Fellowship at UW
The Post-Bachelor Fellowship at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington combines a full-time professional position, academic research, and education with progressive on-the-job training and mentoring from a renowned group of professors. This program provides Post-Bachelor Fellows the option to pursue for a fully-funded Master of Public Health at the University of Washington
More Information .Undergraduate - November 16, 2012
Fellows of the AMS
The inaugural Fellows of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) were just announced: https://www.ams.org/profession/ams-fellows/ams-fellows. Please congratulate the following UCSD faculty who were named: Donald Anderson, Fan Chung Graham, Bruce Driver, Adriano Garsia, Ron Getoor, Ron Graham, Bill Helton, Kiran Kedlaya, Jim Lin, Burt Rodin, Linda Rothschild, Lance Small, Harold Stark, Audrey Terras, Nolan Wallach, Ruth Williams, Efim Zelmanov
Department - November 1, 2012
Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar
The Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar will be taking place on Saturday, November 17, 2012. Speakers include Sabin Cautis, Emanuele Macri, Andrei Negut and Ben Williams.Department - October 29, 2012
Faculty Mentor Program
Looking for a way to do undergraduate research? The FMP can help match undergrads with faculty researchers.
Through the FMP, students will receive 2 quarters of 199 research, attend training sessions and workshops on research and conference presentation, and present their project at the FMP Research Sympsoium in the Spring.
Paricipants must have a GP of 2.7 or higher, be of Junior or Senior status, and must be able to commit to 10 hours a week for two quarters.Undergraduate - October 29, 2012
SDSU Graduate School of Public Health
Student Outreach Event
When: Friday, April 27 Time: 1:00 - 4:00pm
Where: San Diego State University, Graduate School of Public Health, Hardy Tower 140.Undergraduate - August 31, 2012
SDSU Graduate School of Public Health
Student Outreach Event
When: Friday, April 27 Time: 1:00 - 4:00pm
Where: San Diego State University, Graduate School of Public Health, Hardy Tower 140.Undergraduate - April 18, 2012
SMART Scholarships
The Department of Defense sponsors the Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) scholarships. Students working toward undergraduate or graduate degrees in STEM fields can receive full tuition & fees plus a stipend, health insurance, book allowance and internships. For each year of support under SMART, recipients must commit to one year of civilian employment in a DoD laboratory. The deadline to apply is December 14, 2012. Information.
Undergraduate - August 31, 2012
Phi Sigma Rho Recruitment
Phi Sigma Rho, a social sorority for women in engineering and technical sciences, will be holding their Fall 2012 Recruitment from October 10-12, 2012 at 8pm in the Dolores Huerta Room (Oct. 10) and The Forum (Oct. 11-12). For more details, contact Jill Yee at xpsr.vprecruitment@gmail.com.
Undergraduate - August 31, 2012
PCF - Verizon Scholarship Awards Program
In partnership with Verizon, the Asian Pacific Community Fund is offering five $2000 scholarships for 2nd year college students majoring in math, sciences, engineering or a related field. The deadline is October 31, 2012. Information and Application.
Undergraduate - August 24, 2012
SAMSI Undergraduate Workshop
The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) will offer a two-day undergraduate workshop on Computaional Methodology for Massive Datasets. This workshop will be held on October 26-27, 2012 at SAMSI. SAMSI will reimburse appropriate travel expenses as well as provide food and lodging.
Undergraduate - August 20, 2012
Congratulations to Adrian Ioana
Professor Adrian Ioana has been awarded an European Mathematical Society (EMS) Prize at the 2012 European Congress of Mathematicians in Krakow, Poland.
Department - July 5, 2012
Congratulations to Alina Bucur
The Microsoft Research eXtreme Computing Group gifted $5,000 to the University of California, San Diego to support the number theory research conference being organized by Dr. Alina Bucur in 2013.Department - July 3, 2012
Microsoft Gifts $2,500 to UCSD AWM
Microsoft Research has for the second year gifted $2,500.00 to the UCSD Chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) to fund female graduate students to attend research conferences in their mathematical area.Department - June 5, 2012
Alina Bucur - Hellman Fellow
Congratulations to Alina Bucur, a 2012-2013 Hellman Fellow.
Department - May 21, 2012
Congratulations - Dimitris Politis
Professor Dimitris Politis has received the 2009-2011 Tjalling C. Koopmans Econometric Theory Prize - awarded once every three years for the best article published in the journal Econometric Theory over that period.
Department - May 3, 2012
Congratulations - Ruth Williams
Professor Ruth Williams has just been elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Notice.Department - May 1, 2012
SCAPDE Conference 2012
The next Southern California Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (SCAPDE) Conference will be held at UCSD on May 5-6, 2012.Department - April 25, 2012
Undergrad Summer Research Program
Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada. July 3 to August 24, 2012. Applications due April 30, 2012. Information.Undergraduate - April 25, 2012
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House for 2012
On Thursday April 5th and Friday April 6th, the UCSD Department of Mathematics will host its annual Open House for prospective graduate students who have been admitted for Fall 2012. The schedule of events is packed with two days of activities for prospective mathematics Ph.D. students. Program information is now available.
Department - March 27, 2012
Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminars
The next Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar will be here at UCSD on Saturday March 10, 2012.Department - March 1, 2012
NYU Summer Sessions
Undergraduate - March 1, 2012
Salah Baouendi Memorial - March 8, 2012
A Salah Baouendi Memorial Event is scheduled for Thursday, March 8, 2012 at the UCSD Faculty Club. Please RSVP.Department - February 24, 2012
Congratulations to Alireza Salehi Golsefidy
Alireza has been awarded a 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. Complete list of recipients.Department - February 16, 2012
SIO Summer Internship Opportunity
Ten-week summer internship opportunity in the Marine Physical Lab at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego.Undergraduate - February 15, 2012
2012 Calit2 Summer Undergraduate Research Scholars Program
Open to registered UC San Diego undergraduates in any academic discipline. Application deadline : noon, March 12.Undergraduate - February 15, 2012
SCNTD - February 26, 2012
This year's Southern California Number Theory Day (SCNTD) is on February 26, 2012. For a schedule of talks and registration, visit the conference page.
Department - February 13, 2012
Paid Federal Student Internships
Washington Center's Summer 2012 Competitive Government Program. Online Information Session on Friday, February 10, 2012 @ 3 p.m. EST. RSVP on website.Undergraduate - February 9, 2012
Programs Abroad Deadlines Extended!
Updated EAP application deadlines. Also new scholarships.
Undergraduate - February 9, 2012
REU - Mount Holyoke
Summer Mathematics research Institute. Application Deadline: February 20, 2012Undergraduate - February 9, 2012
New Scholarship Opportunity for Undergraduates
Frugaldad.com is offering a $5,000 merit-based scholarship to be given out in June.Undergraduate - February 9, 2012
PURE Mathematics Program (Hawaii)
Pacific Undergraduate Research Experience in Mathematics - 5-week and 8-week research programs (June 9 or 30 - August 4) in Hilo Hawaii. Includes room, board, travel and stipend. Visit Program Website for informationUndergraduate - February 8, 2012
GW Summer Program for Women in Mathematics
5-week (June 30-August 4) intensive program at George Washington University (Washington DC) for mathematically talented undergraduate women who are completing their junior year and may be contemplating graduate study in the mathematical sciences. Visit their website for informationUndergraduate - February 8, 2012
Texas A&M Summer Programs
Pre-REU, Bridge Program for Current Juniors, Bridge Program for Entering Graduate Students, Undergrad Mentoring through Critical Transition Points. InformationUndergraduate - February 2, 2012
Study Abroad Programs in English
Information Session.
Thursday, February 2, 2012 3:30-4:30 p.m.
International Center, Oceanids PavilionUndergraduate - January 31, 2012
2012-2013 California Strawberry Scholarships applications
Scholarships available exclusively for children of strawberry farmworkers! Information & Application.Undergraduate - January 31, 2012
UnitedHealthcare Summer Internship
Applications& Information via Port Triton for 2012 Southern California actuarial intern positions.
Application deadline is January 30, and we will be inviting selected candidates to participate in on-campus interviews on February 17.Undergraduate - January 25, 2012
Pacific Coast Undergrad Math Conference
March 10, 2012. Cal Poly Pomona. 8:30am to 4 pm.
Undergraduate - January 25, 2012
NASA Summer Internships
Applications due Monday, January 30.
NASA DEVELOP Applied Sciences Internship opportunities at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for Summer 2012.Undergraduate - January 24, 2012
Teach For America
Post-Grad Opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Through Teach For America Learn more on Wednesday, January 25th @ 4:30pm John Muir Room - Price Center EastUndergraduate - January 18, 2012
Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
The Colorado Center for Biorefining and Biofuels (C2B2) is now seeking applications. Application.Undergraduate - January 9, 2012
UCSD MPL Summer Internship Opportunity
The Marine Physical Laboratory, at UC San Diegos Scripps Institution of Oceanography - 2012 MPL Summer Internship Program. Information.Undergraduate - January 6, 2012
In Memoriam: Professor Salah Baouendi
Salah Baouendi died peacefully in his home on December 24, 2011. He will be greatly missed. See news release. A Salah Baouendi Memorial Fund has been established in his honor.Department - January 5, 2012
SMALL - Undergraduate Research
Williams College Mathematics Summer Program, June 12 to August 10 2012. Application & Information.Undergraduate - January 5, 2012
MPL Summer Internship Program
The Marine Physical Laboratory, at UC San Diegos world renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography, is currently seeking inquisitive, motivated undergraduate students with exceptional aptitude for quantitative science to apply for the 2012 MPL Summer Internship Program. This ten-week internship will offer qualified students the opportunity to work with some of the most notable scientists in the world and learn about marine science and technology while earning a modest salary. Applications accepted through February 24, 2012.Undergraduate - January 3, 2012
Jacques Verstraete Elected as SIAM Program Director
Professor Jacques Verstraete has been elected as Program Director of the SIAM Discrete Mathematics group.
Department - December 14, 2011
Math Abroad Info Session
Monday, January 23
4:00 pm - 5:00pm
International Center Oceanids PavillionUndergraduate - December 8, 2011
Phi Sigma Rho
... a social sorority for women in engineering and technical sciences, will be holding their Winter 2012 Recruitment from January 17-20, 2012 at 8pm in the Bear Room, PC West Sun God Lounge.Undergraduate - December 2, 2011
Mathematics REU: San Diego State University
Summer 2012 Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates. June 17 - August 11. Number theory, specifically nonunique factorization theory. Application Deadline Mar 5 2012. Information.
Undergraduate - December 1, 2011
Expanding Your Horizons - call for volunteers
Female Mentors needed for 11-16 year olds attending the Expanding Your Horizons Conference, Univ of San Diego, Saturday, March 3, 2012. Application.Undergraduate - November 21, 2011
Math Club: REU/ Grad School Panel
Thursday, 17 November 2011 11:00 - 12:00 at APM 5402 Math Club will be hosting a panel discussing the process of applying to REUs (Research Experience for Undergrads) and Graduate School.
Undergraduate - November 15, 2011
Fellowships for Graduate Studies
National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowships - 3 year funding. Information.Undergraduate - November 10, 2011
Interested in a math/engineering study-abroad program in Rome, Italy for Summer 2012? Information Session:
Date: Nov 9 (This Coming Wednesday)
Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm
Place: International Center Oceanids PavilionUndergraduate - November 8, 2011
UCLA - Summer 2101 RIPS!
Research in Industrial Projects for Students. June 24 to Aug 24. Information & Application.Undergraduate - November 1, 2011
SMART Scholarships
The Science, Mathematics, And Research for Transformation (SMART) scholarship-for-service Program fully funds undergrad & grad degrees in a wide range of technical areas. Information.
Undergraduate - October 27, 2011
2012 Physical Sciences Dean's Awards for Excellence
Congratulations to the following math majors : Camille Briat, Ryan Cooper, Monte Cooper, Joseph Doolittle, Gregory Edwards, Lihua Huang and Kevin Vissuet.
Undergraduate - October 20, 2011
2012 Physical Sciences Dean's Awards for Excellence
Congratulations to the following math majors : Camille Briat, Ryan Cooper, Monte Cooper, Joseph Doolittle, Gregory Edwards, Lihua Huang and Kevin Vissuet.
Department - October 20, 2011
NASA Internship Opportunities
Spring and Summer 2012. Spring applications due soon. US citizenship required. Applications.Undergraduate - October 19, 2011
Analytic Software-Scientist II Position
FICO - Del Mar. Job opening #6294. Information or email JeremyGreen@fico.com.Undergraduate - October 19, 2011
Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
Undergraduate - October 19, 2011
National Physical Science Consortium Graduate Fellowship
Undergraduate - October 19, 2011
Asian Pacific Community Fund - Verizon Scholarship Awards Program, deadline for the current cycle of scholarships is in 2 weeks, on Monday, October 31st. Information
AAUW is offering various funding opportunities for the 2012-13 academic yearUndergraduate - October 17, 2011
Quarterly Colloquium sponsored by Microsoft Research
Microsoft Research has provided the Department $5,000 to sponsor one of the Departments colloquia per quarter.Department - October 11, 2011
USC Grad Program Info Session
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Embassy Suites, 4550 La Jolla Village Drive. RegisterUndergraduate - October 5, 2011
Interested in Studying Abroad?
- Special First Steps Info Session. Wednesday, October 5, 6:00 - 7:00 PM, International Center Lounge - After the info session, opportunity to mingle with students who recently returned from studying abroad.
- Programs Abroad EXPO 2011. Monday, October 17, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Library Walk - representatives from approximately 70 different programs and universities abroad.Undergraduate - September 28, 2011
Freshman Seminar in Teaching
Interested in teaching math? Professor Guershon Harel will lead a Freshman Seminar (Math 87 C00) that will focus on elementary and secondary students in mathematical errors and insights. Learn about the reasons for these errors and how to help students avoid them; and about the sources of these insights and how to embrace them. Students will discuss authentic examples of errors and insights from elementary mathematics. This seminar will help you realize the challenge of becoming an effective mathematics teachers. Space is still available - Section ID 729131 Mondays 1-2:50pm in APM B412Undergraduate - September 26, 2011
UCSD for Exploration (National Geographic)
For the very first time ever, the National Geographic Society has joined teams with your very own world famous explorer and UCSD faculty, Dr. Albert Yu-Min Lin, to collaborate on numerous and exciting new projects: https://ngs.ucsd.edu.
Find out how you can get involved TODAY at 1:30pm inside Calit2 (Atkinson Hall) conference room, 5004 (in front of you as you exit the elevator).
All majors and academic years may apply to this highly prestigious and competitive program. Just image what is possible when you're of being funded by one of the most well known and respected societies in the world.Undergraduate - September 26, 2011
Phi Sigma Rho - Recruitment
Phi Sigma Rho, a social sorority for women in engineering and technical science majors, will be holding their Fall 2011 Recruitment from October 4th - 8th. More information and a list of events, or contact Katie Gedeon at xpsr.vprecruitment@gmail.comUndergraduate - September 23, 2011
Researchers sequence a single cell
A report in Nature Biotechnology describes a new DNA sequencing method that allows sequencing a single bacterial cell, even if it cannot be cultured. Prof. Glenn Tesler in the Department of Mathematics is a coauthor, along with collaborators from UCSD, the J. Craig Venter Institute, and Illumina, Inc. Article.Department - September 20, 2011
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
National Science Foundation Fellowships for 2011 - 80 available to math students for graduate studies.Undergraduate - September 19, 2011
Asian Pacific Community Fund - Verizon Scholarship
Scholarship Application and Information
$1,000 Awards. Deadline: October 31, 2011.Undergraduate - August 31, 2011
Department Welcomes New Graduate Students 2011
The department's new graduate student orientation starts at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, September 12, 2011 in AP&M B402.
Department - August 17, 2011
The Washington Center Internship Program
Paid internship opportunities with selected federal agencies this fall, apply by July 15. Information & ApplicationUndergraduate - June 29, 2011
Research Associate Position-222961
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
DetailsUndergraduate - June 28, 2011
SDG&E Employment Opportunity
Suitable for new graduates. Information requisition 11-8772
Undergraduate - June 17, 2011
Math Tutors needed
Escondido Union High School District is asking for undergraduate math students to work with incoming 9th grade students at a summer algebra academy from June 22 - July 14 7:45 - 12:45. $11 per hour. Contact: Lisa Grant, lgrant@euhsd.k12.ca.us, 760 291 3003Undergraduate - June 10, 2011
Microsoft Gifts $2,500 to UCSD AWM
Microsoft Research has gifted $2,500.00 to the UCSD Chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) to fund female graduate students to attend research conferences in their mathematical area.
Department - June 8, 2011
Congratulations to David Rideout
Project Scientist David Rideout won 3rd place in the UCSD S&E Library's "Art of Science 2011" competition with an image entitled "The First 10^-42 Seconds".
Department - June 6, 2011
Math Major part of First Place Hacking Team
Mathematics and Computer Science Double Major - and Math Club President - Leilani Gilpin took home first place as part of a four-person team at the Yahoo! Hack U Hack Day competition at UCSD on April 7th-8th. The team now has the chance to compete at a nationwide "Hack-a-thon" championship this September in New York City. Their "What's in My Fridge?" design for iPhone beat out 30 other teams from UCSD. Congratulations Leilani! More InformationUndergraduate - May 24, 2011
Congratulations to Todd Kemp
Professor Todd Kemp has been selected as a Hellman Fellow for 2011-2012
Department - May 3, 2011
SCAPDE Conference 2011
UCSD is hosting the Southern California Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (SCAPDE) Conference on May 28-29, 2011. For more information, visit the SCAPDE website.Department - May 3, 2011
April is Math Awareness Month
Sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics -- this year's theme is "Unraveling Complex Systems."Department - April 20, 2011
Congratulations to Dimitris Politis
Professor Dimitris Politis has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for 2011-2012.
Department - April 7, 2011
Congratulations to Dragos Oprea
Professor Dragos Oprea has received a 2011 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship.Department - April 6, 2011
Career Opportunities for Math Students
Acumen, LLC will be participating at this Wednesday's career fair (April 6th) and have expressed a particular interest in recruiting students in Mathematics. If interested in Quantitative Research or Data Systems/Algorithm Programming, be sure to speak with their representative - Edwin Onaga at the fair. Click Here for more information, or to view other positions available.Undergraduate - April 5, 2011
Career Opportunity for Statistics Students
Direct Partners, a full service advertising agency based in Marina Del Rey is seeking a statistics student for a paid position as a Program Performance Analyst. The position will analyze various performance metrics for programs/campaigns developed and managed by the firm. Contact David Axline (daxline@directpartners.com) to apply.Undergraduate - April 5, 2011
Olvi Mangasarian Named 2011 SIAM Fellow
Congratulations to research scientist Olvi Mangasarian who has been named a 2011 SIAM Fellow for seminal contributions to the theory and algorithms of optimization and applications to machine learning.Department - April 1, 2011
UCSD Admit Day on April 9, 2011
UCSD will host newly admitted freshmen and their families at Admit Day on Saturday, April 9, 2011. Mathematics Department events include student discussion panels (10:30am and 12:30pm in AP&M 6402), a faculty presentation by Dr. Laura Stevens (11:30am in Center Hall 105), and a department and Math Club table at the Information Fair (10:00am-2:00pm on Library Walk).Department - March 30, 2011
Kyoto Prize Symposium:
Mathematician will lecture as part of the Kyoto Prize Symposium (free and open to the public) on April 5, 2011 from 3:30pm-5:00pm in the Price Center West Ballroom at UCSD.
See UCSD News Release or UCSD Physical Sciences NewsDepartment - March 29, 2011
Summer Program at University of Washington
Three-week summer school on Inverse Problems and PDE at UW, Seattle. June 20-July 8 2011 (apply online by April 1). On-campus accommodation and meals provided, plus travel allowance. For More InformationUndergraduate - March 23, 2011
REU in Discrete Math, Texas State University
Nine students will spend eight weeks in the summer (June 13 - August 5) in San Marcos, Texas, working in groups of three with a supervising faculty mentor on an open problem in Mathematics. Benefits include: $4,000 stipend, on-campus housing and meals, travel allowance. Application deadline: March 25, 2011. For More InformationUndergraduate - March 16, 2011
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House for 2011
On March 31 and April 1, the UCSD Department of Mathematics will host its annual Open House for prospective graduate students. The schedule of events is packed with two days of activities for prospective mathematics Ph.D. students.
Graduate - March 15, 2011
Lie Theory and Its Applications Conference
Lie Theory and Its Applications Conference in Honor of Nolan Wallach
University of California, San Diego
March 18-21, 2011Department - March 4, 2011
Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar
There will be a Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar in APM 6402 on Saturday March 12, 2011. For more information, visit their site.Department - February 28, 2011
SCGAS Conference on February 26-27, 2011
18th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar (SCGAS)
University of California, San Diego
February 26-27, 2011Department - February 18, 2011
Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics
The Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics (SIBS) with a concentration in Biostatistics Research in Disease and Genetic Epidemiology (BRIDGE) at Washington University in St Louis will run June 6th to July 15th, 2011. Part of 8 sites sponsored by the NIH, participates will gain hands-on experience working with real data collected in internationally recognized studies as they design and work on projects in small groups while learning from practicing biostatisticians, epidemiologists and statistical geneticists.
Undergraduate - February 11, 2011
SCNTD Conference - February 19th, 2011
The UCSD Number Theory Group is hosting the Southern California Number Theory Day on February 19th, 2011 in AP&M 6402. For conference details, registration, and schedule visit the SCNTD site.Department - February 7, 2011
CALIT2 Summer Undergraduate Research
If you are a registered UC San Diego undergraduate from any academic discipline, you are encouraged to apply to be a Calit2 Scholar. The student must find their own faculty advisor and will perform hands-on research under their advisors guidance for 10 weeks. Students will be required to attend weekly seminars and presentations for research and career development. Apply by Friday, March 4th. Each Calit2 Scholar will be awarded a $3,000 scholarship, paid in 2 installments. Click Here for More InformationUndergraduate - February 3, 2011
Adriano Garsia Awarded Honorary Degree
Congratulations to Professor Adriano Garsia who was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Bordeaux 1 in Bordeaux, France on January 25, 2011 for his work in combinatorics and algorithms..
Department - January 28, 2011
REU at University of North Carolina
Aglorithmic Combinatorics on Words: University of North Carolina - Interdisciplinary research at the crossroads between Mathematics and Computer Science, an eight week (June 6-July 30) program with Professor Francine Blanchet-Sadri. Deadline for applications: February 21, 2011 - InformationUndergraduate - January 21, 2011
2011 MSRI Undergraduate Program
The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley has announced the 2011 MSRI Undergraduate Program. Eighteen students selected for the project will participate in research on Mathematical Finance led by Dr Marcel Blais of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The program runs June11-July 24. InformationUndergraduate - January 21, 2011
REU at Oregon State University
Program in Pure and Applied Mathematics: Oregon State University - Emphasizing computer experimentation and rigorous proofs, students will work on an eight week (June 20-August 12) project with a faculty advisor. Deadline for applications: February 21, 2011 - InformationUndergraduate - January 21, 2011
Summer Math Institute at Cornell University
The SMI Program (June 11 - August 6, 2011) aims to prepare undergraduates for the challenges of graduate school in the mathematical sciences. The primary focus is a rigorous algebra course. There is also a project/research component to SMI, and regular opportunities to interact with visiting speakers from other universities and from industry.. InformationUndergraduate - January 7, 2011
First Abel Conference
The First Abel Conference, honoring John Tate, is held this week at the IMA at the University of Minnesota. Professor Cristian Popescu is one of the invited speakers.Department - January 6, 2011
Phi Sigma Rho Recruitment
Phi Sigma Rho, a social sorority for women in engineering and technical science majors, will be holding their Winter 2011 Recruitment from January 10th-13th at 8pm in the Bear Room, PC West Sungod Lounge.
Undergraduate - January 3, 2011
Post-Bachelor Fellowship Opportunity
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington: Post-Bachelor Fellowship program combining a full-time professional position, academic research, and education with progressive on-the-job training and mentoring from an illustrious group of professors. InformationUndergraduate - December 17, 2010
Math Grad Student Dan Schultheis
... has been awarded a Summer Graduate Teaching Fellowship for 2011. Professor David Meyer will be his faculty mentor while teaching Math 20F during the summer session.
Department - December 17, 2010
UCSD Holiday Closure 2010-2011
During the 2010 holiday season, UC San Diego, including the Department of Mathematics will officially close for 16 days between Saturday, December 18, 2010 and Sunday, January 2, 2011. The department will reopen on Monday, January 3, 2011. Happy holidays!
Department - December 16, 2010
REU - Arizona State University
Mathematical & Theoretical Biology Institute.
June 14-August 3, 2011. InformationUndergraduate - December 6, 2010
REU - Arizona State University
Mathematical & Theoretical Biology Institute. June 15 - August 7, 2010. Information & Application.Undergraduate - January 21, 2010
REU - Mississippi State
Applied Math & Biostatistics, May 31-August 6, 2011. Information & Application.Undergraduate - November 30, 2010
2011 Actuarial Summer Internship Program
UnitedHealth Group. 12 weeks/40hrs per week. All information on AP&M 6th Floor Notice Board. Applications due: January 31, 2011.Undergraduate - November 30, 2010
California Space Grant Consortium
2010-2011 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP). Application Announcement
Undergraduate - November 23, 2010
Ohio State Graduate Program
Mathematics Dept, MMS and PhD Programs. Information & InstructionsUndergraduate - November 23, 2010
Research in Industrial Projects for Students, June 26 to August 26, 2011. Application and Information.Undergraduate - November 23, 2010
Summer School in Mathematics
Penn State - Gottingen International. July 24 to August 13.Undergraduate - November 16, 2010
Undergraduate Math Conferences
Full list of upcoming conferences supported by the MAA RUMC program.Undergraduate - November 4, 2010
Undergrad Women in Math Conference
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
January 28-30, 2011. InformationUndergraduate - November 4, 2010
2010-2011 Physical Sciences Dean's Award
Congratulations to the following Math Majors: Matthew Ming Cha, Allyson Chee, Jacky Chong, Duy Dao, Kamron Farman-Farmaian, Robert Rivera, Briana West.Department - October 28, 2010
Congratulations to Prof Ruth Williams
Ruth Williams was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science by La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia on October 21, 2010.Department - October 28, 2010
Career Seminar - Math Club Event
Wednesday, 03 November 2010 16:00 - 18:00 at APM 2402 What can you do with a Math Major? Former UCSD Math students will come in and talk about their careers.
Emily Shen - BA Applied Mathematics 1994
Brian Long - BA Math-App Sci/BS Management Sci/BA Psychology, 2000 and JD Law, 2003
Joey Hammer - BA Math-Computer Sci/Music-ICAM, 2005 and MS Computer Sci, 2007Department - October 25, 2010
October 20 - World Statistics Day
Celebrating the many contributions & achievements of official statistics. Service : Professionalism : IntegrityDepartment - October 19, 2010
GRE Test Prep
San Diego State University - For more information please call: (818) 879-0889 or www.btpstesting.comUndergraduate - October 19, 2010
Programs Abroad Expo
10am to 3pm, Monday, October 18, 2010. Library Walk.
Visit over 70 exhibitors with opportunities to study-work-volunteer-intern abroad.Undergraduate - October 16, 2010
DOE Graduate Fellowship
Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Program. InformationUndergraduate - October 15, 2010
Interdisciplinary PhD Program
New Your University, Courant Institute. Atmosphere Ocean Science & Mathematics. InformationUndergraduate - October 13, 2010
Harvard School of Public Health
Summer Program in Quantitative Sciences. Graduate studies in Biostatistics & EpidemiologyUndergraduate - October 12, 2010
Actuarial Society Meeting
Organizational Meeting. Thursday, Oct 14, 12noon. AP&M 5402Undergraduate - October 11, 2010
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
Spring Session deadline November 1.Undergraduate - October 10, 2010
First Math Club GBM and Ice Cream Social!
The Math Club - first GBM at 4:00pm THIS Wednesday, October 6 in AP&M 5218. Everyone Welcome. Then afterwards a joint ice cream social with the Association for Women in Math.Undergraduate - October 4, 2010
USC Graduate Programs
Information Session. Embassy Suites La Jolla, Room A
Thursday, October 14, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. RegisterUndergraduate - September 30, 2010
SMART Scholarships
DoD related - must be US Citizen. Applications close in December.
Undergraduate - September 30, 2010
William Lowell Putnam Competition
Prof Verstraete will be running the Putnam Competition training sessions for FA10. First meeting Thursday, Sept 30.Undergraduate - September 23, 2010
Workshop to honor Prof Bill Helton
Control, Optimization & Functional Analysis: Synergies and Perspectives,
October 2-4, 2010, Banquet, Saturday, October 2.
Workshop Program. Banquet Registration etc.Department - September 22, 2010
2011 Joint Math Meeting
New Orleans: January 6-9 - paper abstracts due now! Information
Undergraduate - September 22, 2010
Minor in Math Info Session
Minor in Mathematics Information Education
Information & Pizza Sessions
Wed Sept 22 & Thurs Sept 23 : 7pm : Rm 4500 Pacific HallUndergraduate - September 21, 2010
Math Department Orientations
Tuesday, September 21, AP&M B402A
10:00am to noon: Transfer Student Orientation
1:30pm to 3:00pm: Freshman Student Orientation
Come and hear all the inside information on Mathematics at UC San Diego.Undergraduate - September 8, 2010
Department Welcomes New Graduate Students
The department's new graduate student orientation starts at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, September 13, 2010 in AP&M B402.
Graduate - September 7, 2010
Phi Sigma Rho
... a social sorority for women in engineering and technical science majors, will be holding their Fall 2010 recruitment from October 5-7, 2010 at 8pm in the Red Shoe Room, PC West Sungod Lounge.Undergraduate - September 7, 2010
National Institute of Health Grant
Professors Li-Tien Cheng , Bo Li, and Andrew McCammon (Chemistry and Biochemistry) have been awarded a National Institute of Health grant of $1.2M to conduct interdisciplinary research on biomolecular interactions with applications to rational drug design.Department - August 24, 2010
International Congress of Mathematicians, 2010
The ICM, 2010 started today in Hyderabad, India, and Professor Kiran Kedlaya has been invited to give a 45-min talk in the Number Theory Section.Department - August 18, 2010
Statistical Analysis Positions
Pacific Gas & Electric, San Francisco. Information.Undergraduate - July 16, 2010
Congratulations to Ruth Williams.
Professor Ruth Williams has been selected as the next President-elect of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
Department - July 13, 2010
Free GRE Sample Class - USD
Tuesday, June 29, 7:00 to 8:00pm in the Joan Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, Rm 223A. Complete schedule.
Undergraduate - June 16, 2010
Job Opportunity - Math Instructional Asst
Math Department, Laney College, Oakland, CA Permanent, full-time, 12-month position Salary range: $2,967 to $3,592 per month Application deadline: June 28, 2010 Minimum education required: 2 years of college with emphasis in mathematics including one year of calculus (or equivalent) Anticipated starting date: the latter part of August, 2010 SEE OFFICIAL JOB ANNOUNCEMENT AND APPLICATION PROCEDURES AT: https://web.peralta.edu/; click on Jobs in orange menu barUndergraduate - June 2, 2010
Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, May 1, 2010
The AWM local chapter hosted a conference for Southern California Mathematics Majors. More Information.Department - May 18, 2010
Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, May 1, 2010
The AWM local chapter hosted a conference for Southern California Mathematics Majors. More Information.Undergraduate - May 18, 2010
GAANN Grant Awarded
The Mathematics Department has been awarded a Dept of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need grant providing financial support to Ph.D. students.Department - May 18, 2010
Congratulations to Laura Stevens
Laura Stevens has been selected for the Outstanding Professor Award by the UCSD Panhellenic Association.Department - May 11, 2010
2010-11 Hellman Faculty Fellow
Mathematics Department faculty member Dragos Oprea has been named a UC San Diego Hellman Faculty Fellow for 2009-2010.
Department - May 5, 2010
NREUP UT Arlington
The Math Depart at UT Arlington will run an NREUP program for underrepresented minorities.
"Exact solutions to integrable nonlinear partial differential equations."Undergraduate - April 23, 2010
2010 Koyoto Laureate Symposium
Evolutionary biologists Peter & Rosemary Grant will present their findings at UC San Diego 3:30 to 5:00pm., Thursday, April 22, in Price Center West Ballrooms A&B. InformationUndergraduate - April 20, 2010
Raytheon Info Session - Math Majors!!
Learn how to apply on-line for intern, entry-level and leadership development program opportunities! All hiring will be on-line, no resumes accepted at this info session. PIZZA!! EBU II Room 584 | 11:30 - 1:00pm | April 20, 2010Undergraduate - April 16, 2010
6th Structured Integrators Workshop
Melvin Leok and Michael Holst are hosting the 6th Structured Integrators Workshop on April 26-27, 2010, at UCSD. Information.Department - April 16, 2010
REU - Kansas State University
In 2010, the core program will be on cryptology. Information. Applications open now!Undergraduate - April 13, 2010
San Diego Science Festival - Math Dept Participation
Undergraduate and Graduate students from UCSD's Math Department spent a day at the San Diego Science Festival, teaching kids how math can be fun with several exhibits, including a graph coloring activity, a project on the geometry of origami, and a topological twist on Tic-Tac-Toe.Department - April 7, 2010
Southern California Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Conference
UCSD is hosting the Southern California Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Conference at UCSD. For more information, please visit: https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~scapde/
Department - March 31, 2010
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
Currently looking for interns to hire for the summer, Poway in the Software Engineering Department.
Karen Tani - Programs Software Manager, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Tel: (858)312-3713Undergraduate - March 30, 2010
Affymetrix visiting UCSD on April 6-7, 2010
Targeted recruiting and an info session for physical sciences students on April 7, 2010 from 3 to 4:30pm in NSB.Undergraduate - March 30, 2010
The British Embassy in Washington, DC
.... is looking for an intern this summer. Announcement.Undergraduate - March 30, 2010
Southern California Algebraic Geometry Conference
April 3, UC San Diego, AP&M 6402. Information.Department - March 24, 2010
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House for 2010
The department of mathematics is hosting an open house for newly admitted graduate students entering Fall 2010.
Department - March 22, 2010
PCGM26 Conference
The Center for Computational Mathematics, with support from the UCSD Division of Physical Sciences, is hosting the 26th Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting (PCGM26) on March 26-27, 2010. For more information: https://ccom.ucsd.edu/~pcgm26/Department - March 15, 2010
LMIPO Tutorial Workshop
Jiawang Nie and Bill Helton are organizing a workshop on Linear Matrix Inequalities and Polynomial Optimization (LMIPO) on March 22-25. For more information visit LMIPO at UCSDDepartment - March 12, 2010
SAMSI Undergrad Modeling Workshop
May 16 to 21. Space-Time Analysis for Environmental Mapping, Epidemiology & Climate Change and Stochastic Dynamics. ApplicationUndergraduate - March 11, 2010
Bard College - REU
Summer Research in Mathematics &Computation.
Application & Information.Undergraduate - March 10, 2010
CSU Channel Islands - REU
Projects include Geometric Modeling & Graph Labeling.
Information & Application.Undergraduate - March 10, 2010
UnitedHealthcare Internship - Update
The e-mail address listed in the program flyer (ASIP@uhc.com), was not working properly, please re-send cover letter, resume, and unofficial transcript.Undergraduate - March 3, 2010
Texas A&M University - Summer Programs
Pre-REU, Bridge Program for Current Juniors, Bridge Program for entering Graduates. Information.Undergraduate - March 3, 2010
Sth Calif Undergrad Math Conference
Saturday, May 1, 2010.
AP&M UC San Diego. ProgramUndergraduate - March 3, 2010
Wee Teck Gan, Cristian Popescu, Harold Stark, with financial support from the NSA and UCSD are hosting the Southern California Number Theory Day at UCSD. For more information, please visit https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~scntd/Department - February 22, 2010
Conference on Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry
Mark Gross (UCSD), Ilia Itenberg (Strasbourg), Ludmil Katzarkov (Miami), Yan Soibelman (KSU), Ilia Zharkov (KSU) are organizing a conference at UCSD on Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry. For more information http://www.math.ucsd.edu/~mgross/ctgms/Department - February 8, 2010
UCLA Anderson MFE Program
Master of Financial Engineering Information Session. February 8, 2010, Hyatt Regency La Jolla. InformationUndergraduate - January 29, 2010
Penn State MASS REU
Intensive Program for undergrads interested in mathematics. June 30 to August 13 2010. Information.Undergraduate - January 29, 2010
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH)
One day volunteer opportunity for female undergrad and grad students. Hands-on/ minds-on exploration conference in science, mathematics, and technology for 6th- 10th grade girls , USD March 6, 2010. InformationUndergraduate - January 29, 2010
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH)
One day volunteer opportunity for female undergrad and grad students. Hands-on/ minds-on exploration conference in science, mathematics, and technology for 6th- 10th grade girls , USD March 6, 2010. InformationUndergraduate - January 29, 2010
Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC)
UCLA, March 19 to 20, 2010 - to support minority women interested in mathematics and statistics. Information & Registration.Undergraduate - January 29, 2010
REU - Central Michigan University
June 7 to July 31, 2010. Differential Geometry, Graph Theory, Matrix Theory, Statistics. Information & ApplicationUndergraduate - January 27, 2010
UnitedHealthcare Actuarial Internship
12 weeks (flexible start and end dates), 40 hours per week. Cover letter (include explanation of goals in obtaining the internship), resume and unofficial transcript by March 31, 2010 to ASIP@uhc.com.Undergraduate - January 27, 2010
REU - San Diego State University
June 21 to August 13. Projects to be in Number Theory. Information.Undergraduate - January 25, 2010
Free GRE Sample Class
Monday, March 29, 2010. 7:00 to 8:00pm. SDU, Joan Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, Room 215. Complete Schedule.
Undergraduate - January 25, 2010
SMALL Undergraduate Research
Williams College. June 14 to August 13, 2010. Information & Application.Undergraduate - January 21, 2010
Harvey Mudd Coll Math Conference
The Mathematics of Environmental Sustainability & Green Technology. Friday-Saturday January 29 to 30, 2010. Information.Undergraduate - January 21, 2010
Mississippi State REU
Applied Math & Statistics. May 30 to August 7, 2010. Information & Application.Undergraduate - January 21, 2010
Summer Research Program
Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada. July 3 to August 28, 2010. Information & ApplicationUndergraduate - January 21, 2010
REU - Univ of Washington
Discrete inverse problems/partial differential equations. June 21 to August 13, 2010. Information & Application.Undergraduate - January 21, 2010
REU - Claremont Colleges
June 7 to July 31, 2010. Information & Application.Undergraduate - January 21, 2010
Program for Women & Mathematics
Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton. May 17 to 28, 2010. Information & ApplicationUndergraduate - January 21, 2010
Summer Undergrad Applied Math Institute
Center for Nonlinear Analysis, Carnegie Mellon University. June 1 to July 20, 2010. Information & Application.Undergraduate - January 21, 2010
Cornell University Summer Math Institute
Runs June 5 to July 31 2010. Information.Undergraduate - January 13, 2010
California Space Grant Scholarships
$1,500 to $2,000 awards for Juniors, Seniors. Information & Application.
Undergraduate - January 13, 2010
Washington Center, Summer Programs
10 week internships with various Government Departments. Information.Undergraduate - January 13, 2010
Discover INTUIT event
January 22, 2010, 2-4pm, 7535 Torrey Santa Fe Road, San Diego, 92129.Undergraduate - January 13, 2010
Acumen LLC
Research Analyst-Writer/Coordinator position. Seeking entry level and experienced Research Analysts to assist our health policy research. Information.
Undergraduate - January 13, 2010
USD Test Preparation 30% Tuition Discount
Hurry to submit your registration at www.sandiego.edu/testprep.Undergraduate - December 18, 2009
Free GRE Sample Class
Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 7:00-8:00pm. Joan Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, Room 220A, USD. Complete schedule.
Undergraduate - December 17, 2009
Free GRE Sample Class
Tuesday, November 3. 2009, 7:00-8:00pm.
USD - Shiley Center for Science & Technology, Room 129. Complete ScheduleUndergraduate - October 19, 2009
Free GRE Sample Class
Thursday, May 28, 7:00-8:00pm. Shiley Center for Science and Technology, University of San Diego. Complete Schedule
Undergraduate - May 14, 2009
Association for Women in Science (AWIS) Scholarships
$1000 scholarships to 10 women pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering or mathematics in San Diego County.
Undergraduate - December 14, 2009
UCLA - IPAM Undergrad Summer Program
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics - real world research projects with RIPS.
Undergraduate - December 9, 2009
Harvard, 2010 Summer Program
Quantitative Statistics. Eligibility & Requirements.
Undergraduate - December 9, 2009
Summer Program for Women in Math
George Washington University - June 26 to July 31, 2010.
InformationUndergraduate - December 9, 2009
Bowling Green State University
Masters, MA in Teaching, PhD programs in Mathematics and Statistics. Information
Undergraduate - December 2, 2009
UCSD AWM Undergraduate Conference
Conference for third and fourth year undergraduates from the southern California area interested in math. Planned date is Saturday, May 1st. Students are invited to present a 20 minute talk about work done for a Senior Project, an REU etc. Please contact jbitmead@ucsd.edu if you are interested in presenting or attending.Undergraduate - December 2, 2009
Nebraska Immerse
June 14-July 23, 2010 - algebra and analysis for beginning graduate students. Deadline: March 15, 2010
www.math.unl.edu/immerseUndergraduate - November 17, 2009
Rutgers Mathematics REU
June 1-July 23, 2010. Deadline: January 31, 2010 dimacs.rutgers.edu/REU/ ..... math.rutgers.edu/~edu/Undergraduate - November 17, 2009
Summer Mathematics Program for Women
June 20-July 18, 2010 - Carleton College (Northfield, MN)Undergraduate - November 17, 2009
Algorithmic Combinatorics on Words
June 7-July 31, 2010. Computer related and combinatorics related research. University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Deadline: February 21, 2010 www.uncg.edu/cmp/reuUndergraduate - November 17, 2009
Mathpath 2010 Camp Counselor
June 27-July 25, 2010 - Macalester College (Saint Paul, MN) Deadline: January 31, 2010 - www.mathpath.orgUndergraduate - November 17, 2009
Northrop Grumman is hiring!
Information Session with recruiters, Tuesday, Nov 17
11:00am to 1:00pm CSE 4140
Bring your resumes.Undergraduate - November 13, 2009
Math Dept 2009 Outstanding TA Awards
Congratulations to: Will Garner, Kevin McGown and Hieu Nguyen
Department - November 10, 2009
Career Seminar
Thursday, 05 November 2009 16:00 - 18:00 at APM B412
Come learn about careers in mathematics. We will have the following UCSD Math alumni as guest speakers:
*Dr Stephen Hobbs, a scientist/mathematician at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (PhD Mathematics 1985 from UCSD),
*Candice A Churchwell, a regulatory economic advisor at San Diego Gas and Electric (BS Mathematics and Economics 2001; MS Statistics 2004 from UCSD)
*Suzanne Valentine, a VP of Science and Analytics, DemandTec (BA Applied Mathematics/Scientific Programming from UCSD, MS Biostatistics from University of Michigan)Undergraduate - October 30, 2009
Career Seminar
Thursday, November 5, 4pm AP&M B412
Hear Math Dept Alumni talk about what they have done with their math degrees!
* Dr Stephen Hobbs - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center.
* Candice A Churchwell - Regulatory Economic Advisor, San Diego Gas & Electric.
* Suzanne Valentine - VP of Science & Analytics, DemandTecUndergraduate - October 20, 2009
CCoM Conference on Adaptive & Multilevel Methods
To be held in honor of Professor Randy Bank's 60th Birthday UCSD November 13-14, 2009.
Department - October 27, 2009
2009 Physical Sciences Dean's Awards
Congratulations to all divisional recipients of these awards. Our Math Department recipients are Luke Rhee, Konstantin Dragomiretskiy, Yue Zhou, Shishir Agrawal and Bryce Terwilliger. There will be an awards ceremony on Thursday, Oct 29 at 5:30pm.Department - October 27, 2009
Build Your Alumni Network and GET PAID!
The UCSD Alumni Association is hiring students for its Alumni Discovery Initiative. Upper-division students with strong leadership experience and UCSD spirit and pride are preferred. https://www.alumni.ucsd.edu/s/1170/rd18/home.aspx or contact Greg Murphy, grmurphy@ucsd.edu or (858) 246-0326.Undergraduate - October 23, 2009
Actuarial Society
Thursday, Oct. 29, 4pm. AP&M 5402.
Open to all who are interested and/or pursuing the career.Undergraduate - October 20, 2009
Math Club GBM
Thursday, October 22, 11am. AP&M 6218
Origami : Announcements : Movie night.Undergraduate - October 20, 2009
Math Club GBM
Thursday, October 8, 11am. AP&M (Applied Physics & Math) Building, Room 6218. All welcome.Undergraduate - October 5, 2009
Graduate School Fair
Tomorrow - Wednesday, October 14 - Library Walk
Hear about the UC Berkeley Master's in Financial Engineering Program (MFE) and many other programs. Don't forget copies of Transcripts & Resumes!Undergraduate - October 13, 2009
Prof Jiawang Nie
... has been awarded an NSF CAREER Award for "Linear Matrix Inequality Representations in Optimization".
Department - October 5, 2009
Prof Jiawang Nie
... was selected as a finalist for the Mathematical Programming Society's Tucker Prize. The prize is awarded for outstanding doctoral theses.Department - October 1, 2009
Nebraska Conference for Undergrad Women
NCUWM - January 29-31, 2010, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Application Deadline Dec 4 2009. InformationUndergraduate - October 1, 2009
PhD Fellowships in Applied Analysis
Undergraduate - September 30, 2009
Microsoft Graduate Fellowship Program
UC Santa Barbara - to apply for the fellowship, you should apply to the UCSB Math Department. Questions about applying should be directed to Medina Teel, and other inquiries to Zhenghan Wang.Undergraduate - September 30, 2009
MAA - Fall Section Meeting
Southern California-Nevada Section Meeting - Saturday, October 17, 2009 at Cal State San Bernardino. Complete InformationUndergraduate - September 30, 2009
EDS Scholarships
EDS in partnership with the UCSD Physical Sciences Division has been awarded an Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program grant from the National Science Foundation.Undergraduate - September 30, 2009
National Security Agency
Exceptional Summer programs for undergrads & a position as a Cryptanalytic Computer Scientist. ApplicationUndergraduate - September 29, 2009
MATLAB and Simulink seminar
Please join The MathWorks for a complimentary MATLAB and Simulink seminar on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 in Room 111, Sorrento Mesa. Register for this seminar.Undergraduate - September 29, 2009
Student Achievement Guided by Alumni Institute
SAGA - provides professional & career development training for highly-motivated students from low-income & diverse backgrounds. There are corporate sponsored internships and summer positions For more information contact: jbitmead@ucsd.eduUndergraduate - September 29, 2009
Professor Efim Zelmanov
... will deliver the annual Royal Irish Academy Hamilton Lecture on Hamilton Day, October 16, on the topic "Noncommutative Algebra: from Hamilton to our time".Department - September 29, 2009
FREE GRE Preparation Course
Sunday, Sept 27 - University of San Diego. For a complete schedule and more information.
Undergraduate - September 10, 2009
Two Day Undergraduate Workshop
Statistical & Applied Math Sciences Inst. October 30-31, 2009. Information and Application.Undergraduate - September 10, 2009
Brilliant Math Students Needed!!
Opportunity to do research work. High level of knowledge and understanding of Geometry, Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering is a big plus. Work is available on Internship, part time and/or full time basis. If interested please contact me directly at 858.231.0790 Alex DvorkinUndergraduate - August 18, 2009
CSE Summer Class
CSE 135, Server-side Web ApplicationPlease note that if you need the prerequisite, CSE 134B, it will be waived - email vklair@ucsd.edu. SECTION ID: 667383 ... INSTRUCTOR: Powell, Thomas Allan MWF 08:00 - 09:50 AM in WLH 2110Undergraduate - July 20, 2009
Economic Research Analyst Position
Antitrust Division, US Dept of Justice. A grade point average of 3.0 or better and U.S. citizenship are required.
Questions - please contact Kathy Burruss, at 202-307-5791 or kathleen.burruss@usdoj.gov.Undergraduate - July 20, 2009
San Diego Math Circles Teams
.... placed eighth nationwide in Division A and fifth in Division B - congratulations! Press ReleaseDepartment - June 4, 2009
Prof Jeff Rabin
... has been named this year's winner of the UCSD Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award for his role as a teacher and mentor to undergraduates and to future mathematics teachers.Department - June 1, 2009
Ilse Warschawski - $1 million trust to UC San Diego
... in honor of her late husband and founder of the University's Department of Mathematics, Stefan (Steve) Warschawski. The gift is split between the Mathematics Department and the Moores Cancer Center. See UCSD News Release.
Department - May 21, 2009
Physical Sciences Senior Send-Off
Tuesday, June 2, 2:00-5:00pm. Natural Science Building
Undergraduate - May 14, 2009
2009-10 Hellman Faculty Fellows
Mathematics Department faculty members, Ery Arias-Castro and Jiawang Nie, have been named Hellman Faculty Fellows for 2009-2010..
Department - May 5, 2009
Prof Ruth Williams
... has been elected as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Announcement.
Department - April 20, 2009
Prof Daniel Wulbert -
...has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar Grant to perform research & lecture in southwest India during the 2009-2010 academic year. Further informationDepartment - April 17, 2009
Summer School on Spatial Statistics
July 28 - August 1, 2009 at SAMSI in Research Triangle Park, NC. The application deadline is May 22, 2009.Undergraduate - April 14, 2009
Alumni Talk - Richard Libby, Ph.D
Metamathematical Finance: How Logical Paradox Helped Decipher the Credit Crisis. Dr Libby works for Barclays Global Investors, BA & MA - UC San Diego.
Thursday, April 23, 2009, AP&M 6402, 4:00 to 5:00. Refreshments at 3:30.Undergraduate - April 14, 2009
Southern California Number Theory Day
UC San Diego : May 9 : 2009. InformationDepartment - April 8, 2009
UCSD Association for Women in Math
... have been awarded a MAA Tensor Grant for Spring 2009-2010.Department - April 7, 2009
FIPSE Conference
FIPSE Conference for 2009 will be hosted this year on April 17th - 18th. Schedule information is now available.Department - April 6, 2009
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House for 2009
The department of mathematics is hosting an open house for newly admitted graduate students entering Fall 2009.
Department - March 16, 2009
SAMSI/CRSC Undergraduate Workshop
May 18 - 22 at North Carolina State University - statistical and applied mathematical modeling and analysis of experimental data. General Information.Undergraduate - March 13, 2009
SAMSI/CRSC Undergraduate Workshop
May 18 - 22, 2009 at North Carolina State University.
Undergraduate - March 4, 2009
SAMSI/CRSC Undergraduate Workshop
May 18 to 22, 2009 North Carolina State University.
Tutorials on modeling, mathematical and statistical methodology and on the physical experiments being used will be given.
General Information.Undergraduate - February 12, 2009
AIP - 2009 Summer Research Programs
McNair Program: 8 week, full-time research experience.
Monday June 22 to Friday, August 14. Information.Undergraduate - March 12, 2009
UC Sacramento Academic Internship Prog
Information session: Monday, March 9, 2 to 4pm. Warren-Literature Bldg. AIP Conference Room 210. Web SiteUndergraduate - March 4, 2009
IICAS Undergraduate Student Travel Grants
This site is no longer available: https://iicas.ucsd.edu/
Undergraduate - March 4, 2009
Southern California Optimization Day
Thursday, March 19, 2009. Information & Schedule.Department - March 4, 2009
UCLA Logic Center
Summer School for Undergraduates.
July 13 to 31st. Stipend/Travel/Housing. InformationUndergraduate - March 3, 2009
The C.L. Powell Distinguished Lecture
The Spirit of Algebra - Claudio Procesi, Professor of Mathematics, University of Rome.
Thursday, March 5, 4:00pm. AP&M 6402.
Reception at 3:00pm, 6th Floor LobbyDepartment - February 23, 2009
REU. Cal State San Bernardino
Research Experiences for Undergraduates. June 29 to August 21. Stipend + room/board allowance. Details & ApplicationUndergraduate - February 20, 2009
JPL Genesis Solar Wind Samples
... with Don Sweetnam, NSB Auditorium
Wednesday, Feb 25, 5:30 to 7:30pm. Pizza Reception before talk. RegisterUndergraduate - February 18, 2009
Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar
16th SCGAS - UC San Diego.
February 21 & 22, 2009. InformationDepartment - February 9, 2009
Professor David Meyer,
...has been awarded the inaugural George W & Carol A, Lattimer Campus Professorship for 2009-2011 for an interdisciplinary project on "Geometry and the Topology of Elections".Department - January 30, 2009
Oregon State REU
June 22 to August 14, 2009. Computer experimentation & rigororus proofs are emphasized. InformationUndergraduate - January 30, 2009
REU Univ of Washington
Research on inverse problems of partial differential equations. InformationUndergraduate - January 28, 2009
Washington Center - Study Abroad
Summer programs in London, Oxford, Sydney. Information. Application deadline Feb 27.Undergraduate - January 27, 2009
SDSU Summer Research Experiences
June 22 to August 14. Projects will be in biomathematics and mathematics education. InformationUndergraduate - January 27, 2009
Summer Inst for Training in Biostatistics
June 8 to July 17. All costs covered, three sites: Boston U, North Carolina State, Univ Wisconsin-Madison.Undergraduate - January 26, 2009
Pacific Coast Undergrad Math Conf
University of California, Riverside. March 14, 2009
Undergraduate - January 26, 2009
Career Seminar - Rady School Presentation
Interested in a Business Degree, a job in finance, marketing, management, consulting?
Tuesday, January 27, 5:30pm AP&M 6402Department - January 23, 2009
Congratulations to Prof Jeff Rabin
Prof Rabin has received the 2009 UCSD Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award.Department - January 9, 2009
Rady School of Management
PhD Program Information Session
Tuesday, January 13, 5:00 to 6:00pm
Otterson Hall. Rm 2S117. RSVP to radyphd@ucsd.eduUndergraduate - January 9, 2009
Discover INTUIT
Learn about Job opportunities, tour the site.
Friday, January 23. 2:00-4:00pm.Undergraduate - January 8, 2009
Program's Abroad - Global Seminars
Sorrento, Italy during the month of August 2009.
Undergraduate - January 2, 2009
Summer Internship - Washington Center
Department of Defense Summer Program. DetailsUndergraduate - January 2, 2009
Teach for America
Next Application Deadline: WEDNESDAY, January 7th, 2008
FINAL Application Deadline: Friday, February 13th, 2009
www.teachforamerica.orgUndergraduate - January 2, 2009
Washington Center - Intern Abroad
Opportunities to study abroad this coming summer. DetailsUndergraduate - January 2, 2009
MIT Summer Research Program
(MSRP) from June 7 to August 9, 2009.
For further information and application.Undergraduate - December 30, 2008
UCLA Institute for Pure & Applied Math
Unique summer program for undergraduate students - (RIPS).
June 21 to August 21 2009. InformationUndergraduate - December 30, 2008
Free GRE Sample Class
Tuesday, Jan 6, 7:00-8:00pm, Joan Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, Rm 214. Complete Schedule.Undergraduate - December 29, 2008
Free GRE Sample Class
Tuesday, Nov 4, 7:00-8:00pm, Joan Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, Rm 220. Complete Schedule.
Undergraduate - October 21, 2008
Free GRE Sample Class
Thursday, May 29, Rm 232 Shiley Center for Science & Technology, University of San Diego. Information
Undergraduate - May 16, 2008
AWIS Scholarship Program
San Diego Chapter of the Assoc for Women in Science scholarships. Closing date February 20, 2009. Information
Undergraduate - December 16, 2008
Ax Fellow for 2008
Graduate Student Franklin Kenter is the new Ax Fellow for 2008.
Department - December 16, 2008
Outstanding TA Awards
The Fall Outstanding TA Awards go to Jon Armel and Oded Yacobi - congratulations.Department - December 15, 2008
Math Club Newsletter
The Fall 2008 Math Club Newsletter is now available online: Click Here to download the pdf
Undergraduate - November 26, 2008
2008 Dean's Undergraduate Awards for Excellence
Congratulations to: Aris Alexandradinata, Sarah Elghraoui, Kathryn Farrell, Candice Huynh, Rudy Perkins, Steven Rocha and Brennan Pursley.Department - November 7, 2008
Penn State Grad Program
Applied Math & Computational Science (AMCS).
Sound Interesting?Undergraduate - October 31, 2008
UBC Master of Management in Operations Research Program
University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). InformationUndergraduate - October 31, 2008
UC Irvine Grad Program
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences (IMBS).
InformationUndergraduate - October 31, 2008
Professor Ruth Williams - INFORMS Award
Ruth Williams with Amber Puha (CSUSM) and Christian Gromoll (UVa) - received the Best Publication Award from the INFORMS Applied Probability Society.
Citation: For solving outstanding difficult problems concerning processor sharing systems. The award is given every two years.Department - October 28, 2008
PI: The Art of Editing
Thursday, October 30, 2008 / 7:00 PM Price Center TheatreUndergraduate - October 28, 2008
Professor Ruth Williams
was recently elected as a Fellow of INFORMS, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
Department - October 21, 2008
LAUNCH Information Session - tomorrow
Thursday, Oct 16, 12 noon. Pizza & sodas served.
Earl Warren Room, 3rd Floor, Price Center West. To register call 858 822 1460.Undergraduate - October 15, 2008
Career Seminar - Actuarial Information Session
Thursday, October 16, 2008 AP&M B402A ... 11:00 to 12:30pm.
Department - October 14, 2008
Emre Mengi
- received an Honorable Mention at the Householder XVII Symposium for his PhD Dissertation entitled "Measures for Robust Stability and Controllability".Department - September 23, 2008
Winston Churchill Scholarship
- For seniors or recent graduates who have shown extraordinary abilities and outstanding achievements. Information Deadline Nov 12, 2008.Undergraduate - September 23, 2008
MAA SoCal Fall 2008 Meeting
Saturday, October 11 at Scripps College Claremont. InformationUndergraduate - September 23, 2008
8th Brauer Group Meeting
- was held recently at Colorado State University in honor of Adrian Wadsworth. InformationDepartment - July 16, 2008
Complex Analysis 2008 Meeting
- a Swiss Mathematical Society event was held in Fribourg Switzerland, July 7 to 11 in honor of Linda Rothschild.
Department - July 16, 2008
SAIC Internships
SAIC Secure Network Solutions Internships. Skills preference: Java, C or C++, PERL, network/sys. admin. experience. Pay rate $18-25 per hour.Undergraduate - June 18, 2008
GRE Course Sample Class
Tuesday, July 1, 7:00-8:00pm, Shiley Center for Science & Technology, University of San Diego. Complete class schedule.Undergraduate - June 18, 2008
2008-09 Hellman Faculty Fellows
Congratulations to Jacques Verstraete for being one of the 2008-2009 recipients.
Department - June 17, 2008
Nuclear Power School Instructor
19 to 35 years of age, U.S. Citizen
BS/BA in: Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Math, Architectural, or related Engineering degree
raul.rojas@navy.milUndergraduate - June 9, 2008
Math Club Integration Bee Winners
Graduate: 1. Mike Kinnally 2. Chris Nelson
Upper-div: 1. Jeremy Hanson 2. Rene Claus
Lower-div: 1. Jim Quach 2. Chester Ferrer
Congratulations to the winners, thank you to everyone who participated and to Laura Stevens, Bruce Arnold and Will Garner for judging!Department - May 22, 2008
Annual Integration Bee
12 noon, Wednesday, May 21, Calc Lab AP&M B402A
Come and participate: 3 Divisions (Lower-division, upper-division, graduate).
Come and be part of the fun. Refreshments served.Department - May 16, 2008
Minority Bridge to PhD Program
Cal State, LA. Provides to qualified students paid stipend, tuition, health insurance etc.
Undergraduate - May 16, 2008
Statistical Career Day, UC San diego
Saturday, May 31. 9:30am to 3:00pm. The Center for Molecular Genetics. Free for students. Keynote Speaker and Careers Panel. InformationUndergraduate - May 16, 2008
Lecturer Position 2008-2009
Lecturer Position 2008-2009: Application Deadline May 30, 2008Department - May 7, 2008
Stats - Temporary Student Worker
AMLYN - part time, temporary statistical support to Byetta Data Mining Projects. InformationUndergraduate - April 29, 2008
Watson Wyatt Summer Internship
Paid Internship in Group and Health Care. Apply on Line. Under Practice, select "Group Benefits & Healthcare"; search; the job is listed in LA (Job ID 4179).
Watson WyattUndergraduate - April 29, 2008
Math & Computer Sci Summer Teaching Opportunities
Johns Hopkins University - Center for Talented Youth. Locations around the country. InformationUndergraduate - April 23, 2008
Math Tutors Wanted!!!
Success Academy - Kearney Mesa.
Hours vary from 2 to 20. Starting rate $9 per hour then to $20 per hour.
Resumes to success2sat@gmail.comUndergraduate - April 22, 2008
Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center
Free seminar to explain civilian job opportunities.
June 25, 3:00 to 4:30pm
Point Loma Public Library Community Room
jnewton@spawar.navy.milUndergraduate - April 22, 2008
UIC - Summer Research Opportunity
University of Illinois - Chicago. June 9 to August 8. Distributed Data Mining System.
Application & InformationUndergraduate - April 22, 2008
DV Gokhale Int. Grants/Loans in Statistics
For American undergraduates to study stats etc in India. Information: Becky Yi, byi@iie.orgUndergraduate - April 22, 2008
FIPSE Conference
Preparing the Next Generation of Secondary Mathematics Teachers: How Pedagogy Emerges from Learning Mathematics May 2-3, 2008 https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~fipse/2008/Department - April 17, 2008
Number Theory Day
Spring session of the Southern California Number Theory Day at UCSD on Saturday, May 31. Conference websiteDepartment - April 16, 2008
Math/Stats Spring-Summer Job
Data analysis and simple math modeling from data collected in psychological experiments. JOB# 707317
Career ServicesUndergraduate - April 14, 2008
MDTP San Diego Workshop -
was held on March 29. The workshop was organized by Bruce Arnold and speakers included UCSD Professors, Jeff Rabin and Alfred Manaster. Information.Department - April 11, 2008
Industrial Math Summer School
MITACS - Simon Fraser University
July 14 to August 8, 2008. InformationUndergraduate - April 11, 2008
Guershon Harel - Invited Address
MAA MathFest, Madison Wisconsin, July 31 2008.
"Intellectual Need and its Role in Mathematical Instruction."Department - April 11, 2008
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House for 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008 - Friday, April 4, 2008.
The department of mathematics is hosting an open house for newly admitted graduate students entering Fall 2008.Department - March 27, 2008
DuPont Technology & Areas of Research Advancement
Presentation by Michael Blaustein, Managing Director DuPont Ventures.
Wednesday, March 12, 4:00pm Natural Sciences Bldg Auditorium.Undergraduate - March 11, 2008
MAA 2008 Spring Meeting
California-Nevada Section. Saturday, March 15, University of San Diego. Registration for the meeting can be done at the section website before Tues., March 11, at 5 pm. You also may register on site for $5 more.
Undergraduate - March 11, 2008
University of Washington, Mathematics
Summer Research Program for Undergraduates. InformationUndergraduate - March 3, 2008
RTG summer course
on multiscale modeling and analysis from July 21, 2008 to Aug 8, 2008. Mathematics Department at the University of Texas at Austin. InformationUndergraduate - March 3, 2008
Mathematical Beauty in Rome
Summer 2008 - 5 week tour to study concepts in math, engineering and computing. Deadline to apply, Feb 15; Information session Feb 11. InformationUndergraduate - February 7, 2008
IBM Research Summer Intern Program
Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. Graduate and undergraduate students. Information and IBM Math ResearchUndergraduate - February 7, 2008
GRE Preparation Course
University of San Diego - begins Saturday Feb 9, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Complete ScheduleUndergraduate - January 24, 2008
Cornell Summer Math Institute
June 7 to Aug 2. Suitable for 3rd & 4th Year students. Detailed InformationUndergraduate - January 24, 2008
Indiana Univ - Summer Undergrad Research Program
June 16 to August 8. Details and online applicationUndergraduate - January 24, 2008
Discover Intuit
Who: Business, Finance, Computer Science Students (for Full-Time Positions and Internships)
When: Friday, January 25th, 2:00-4:00pm
Where: Intuit - 7525 Torrey Santa Fe Road Building 2 San Diego, CA 92129
Please email college@intuit.com if you plan to attend! Subject Line: "Discover Intuit"Undergraduate - January 15, 2008
Arizona State - Summer Program
Mathematical & Theoretical Biology, June 9 to August 1 2008. Stipend, travel, living allowance. MTBI@math.asu.edu. InformationUndergraduate - January 4, 2008
AMS-MAA Joint Meetings - San Diego
Fan Chung-Graham - Invited Address on "The mathematics of PageRank", Tuesday, Jan 8, 2008
and Audrey Terras - AWM Emmy Noether Lecture on "Fun with zeta functions of graphs", Monday, Jan 7, 2008.
General Web PageDepartment - January 3, 2008
GRE Sample Class
Thursday, January 3, 2008 from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Shiley Center for Science & Technology, Room 129, Univ of San Diego. Complete schedule. Phone: 619-260-4579 to RSVP.Undergraduate - January 2, 2008
Southern California Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Conference
UC San Diego : January 12-13, 2008. Information.Department - December 10, 2007
Volunteer Opportunity, San Diego Zoo
Students with statistical expertise to work with CRES, Conservation & Research for Endangered Species. A couple of hours per month. For information: Dianne Van Dien, dvandien@sandiegozoo.org.
Undergraduate - December 10, 2007
Prescio - Consultant Position
Presico - risk measurement & consulting. Arizona branch seeking person with strong background in stats & math. Contact: Prakash Kayastha, p.kayastha@prescio.com.Undergraduate - December 10, 2007
Teach for America
Winter Application Deadline: Friday, January 4.
Application & Information.Undergraduate - December 10, 2007
UCLA Summer Program - RIPS
Research in Industrial Projects for Students, June 22 - August 22, 2008. Information
Undergraduate - December 10, 2007
University of California Lie Theory Workshop
A conference in honor of Prof. Georgia Benkart.
February 16-18, 2008. InformationDepartment - December 5, 2007
Math Club: Ice Cream Social and Guest Lecture
Tuesday, December 4th the math club will be sponsoring an ice cream social and a guest lecture from Professor Laura Stevens. It will take place in room B412 in APM at 11:00am!!Undergraduate - December 3, 2007
Association for Women in Mathematics
A new student chapter of the AWM has been established at UCSD. Information
UC San Diego Student Chapter - President: Maia Averett, Vice President: Kristin Jehring Secretary: Michelle Snider. Faculty sponsor: Kate Okikiolu.
Note: You do not have to be a woman to join AWM!Department - December 3, 2007
Association for Women in Mathematics
UC San Diego Student Chapter - President: Maia Averett, Vice President: Kristin Jehring Secretary: Michelle Snider. Faculty sponsor: Kate Okikiolu.
Upcoming EventsUndergraduate - November 20, 2007
Epic Systems Corporation
- Madison Wisconsin. A national leader in healthcare systems.
Looking for upcoming math graduates. Information.Undergraduate - November 20, 2007
Glenn Tesler - Participant in Domestic Cat Genome Sequencing
A report in the current issue of the journal Genome Research details the first assembly, annotation, and comparative analysis of the domestic cat genome (Felis catus ). News ReleaseDepartment - November 15, 2007
Outstanding TA Awards
The 2007 Outstanding TA Awards go to Larissa Horn and Dave Clark. We thank all those faculty and grad students who nominated many individuals for the award.
Department - November 9, 2007
Professor Ruth Williams wins INFORMS Award
Ruth Williams with Amber Puha (CSUSM) and Christian Gromoll (UVa) - received the Best Publication Award from the INFORMS Applied Probability Society.
Citation: For solving outstanding difficult problems concerning processor sharing systems. The award is given every two years.Department - November 8, 2007
UCSD McNair Program
- Call for applicants. A chance for qualified students to do research under faculty guidance. Information for this program and other related opportunities. Applications due November 15.Undergraduate - November 8, 2007
Launch Information Session
Jumpstart Your Entry Into the Workplace.
Friday, Nov 9, Gallery B, Price Center.
A light lunch will be served. Information.Undergraduate - November 8, 2007
The Washington Center
Internship Program for Summer 2008, Department of Defense.
Seeking Mathematics/Statistics majors!! WebsiteUndergraduate - November 6, 2007
GRE Sample Class
Tuesday, November 6, 7:00 - 8:00pm
Shiley Center for Sci & Tech, Room 230, Univ of San Diego.
www.sandiego.edu/testprepUndergraduate - November 6, 2007
Assoc Students Opening
Physical Sciences Academic Senator. For information contact Enrique Soto, ensoto@ucsd.edu.Undergraduate - November 6, 2007
LSU Graduate Studies
Fellowship & Assistantship up to $30,000 per year with free tuition. Math DepartmentUndergraduate - November 6, 2007
Career Seminar - Actuarial Studies
Interested in Actuarial Studies as a career?
PacifiCare employee and alumni, Crystal and colleagues will lead an information session:
Thursday, Nov 15, 4:30pm AP&M B412Department - November 6, 2007
Physical Sciences Dean's Award
6 Math Majors will be receive Dean's Awards today Friday, November 2.
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm ---- Natural Science Building, Front Plaza
Congratulations to - Franklin Kenter, Van Cat Nguyen, Conner Sawaske, Jennifer Webster, Vitaly Katsnelson and David Lipshutz.Department - November 2, 2007
UCSD to Reopen October 29, 2007
UCSD will reopen and resume classes on Monday, October 29, 2007.Department - October 25, 2007
UCSD is CLOSED through Friday, October 26, 2007 due to poor air quality from regional wildfires. All classes are cancelled. Non-essential employees are asked to stay home.
Department - October 23, 2007
Teach for America at UCSD
Tuesday, Oct 16, 12 noon - Career Center: Horizon Room
Wednesday, Oct 17, 12:30 pm - Price Center Theater
Refreshments served at both events
To learn moreUndergraduate - October 15, 2007
Workshop on Geometric Evolution Equations
October 20-21, 2007, APM 6402
ProgramDepartment - October 12, 2007
NASA Spring/Summer Internships
ESMD (Exploration Systems Mission Directorate)
Undergraduate Student Research Projects
https://casgc.ucsd.edu/Undergraduate - October 3, 2007
The Aerospace Corporation Positions
Looking for math majors - BS, MS and PhD
Resumes to richard.h.kim@aero.orgUndergraduate - October 3, 2007
Maia Averett - Congratulations
Maia has recently been awarded a Presidential Dissertation Year Fellowship for the year 2007-2008.Department - September 28, 2007
Field of Dreams Conference
University of Iowa, Saturday October 20 2007.
- to introduce potential graduate students to the math science departments at three Iowa Regents universities. Students will have the opportunity to meet math sciences faculty and attend seminars on graduate school preparation and expectations.
InformationUndergraduate - September 19, 2007
Math Dept Welcome Week Introduction
Math Dept introduction - information on how the Math Dept operates, meet key people within the dept - have your questions answered.Undergraduate - September 19, 2007
NSA Summer Program 2008
12 week program, full year of abstract algebra & analysis recommended and some computing experience.
Deadline is October 15
Information: Mrs Jacquie Holmgren - 301 688 0983, math@nsa.gov
Career OpportunitiesUndergraduate - August 30, 2007
Free GRE Sample Class
Thursday, August 30 - 7:00-8:00pm - Shiley Center for Science & Technology, Rm 230, SDU.
Complete Schedule
Email cbarclay@sandiego.edu or call 619 260 4579 to RSVP.Undergraduate - August 24, 2007
Free GRE Sample Class
NEES Cyberinfrastructure Center.
For information contact: it-support@nees.orgUndergraduate - May 9, 2007
Leslie Fox Prize in Numerical
AnalysisEmri Mengi has received a Second Prize in the Leslie Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis (2007) competition, awarded by the Institute of Mathematics and its Application, at Oxford University.Department - July 23, 2007
Applying to Graduate School Seminar
Are you thinking of applying to Math Graduate School in the future?
Join our panel: UCSD Profs Bank and Lin; Grad Students, Dave Clark (Head TA) and Manda Riehl; SDSU Dept Chair Prof Sam Shen, to get the inside information.
Tuesday, May 29, 2:00-3:30pm, B412 (AP&M)Department - May 24, 2007
Congratulations to Michael Holst
Professor Holst has been named one of the four Outstanding Faculty Mentors by the Academic Enrichment Programs Office.Department - May 21, 2007
Congratulations to Randy Bank
Professor Bank has been awarded a Humboldt Research Award.
Department - May 21, 2007
Integration Bee
The Annual Math Club Integration Bee
Calculus Lab, Thursday May 10, 12:30pm
All levels *** Prizes *** FoodUndergraduate - May 9, 2007
Congratulations to Harold Stark
Professor Stark has been elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences.
Academy Announcement
UC San Diego AnnouncementDepartment - May 1, 2007
Eighth Annual Statistical Careers Day
The San Diego Chapter of the American Statistical Association Presents Its Eighth Annual Statistical Careers Day.
Saturday, the 5th of May 2007 - SDSU Little Theater.
Program and InformationUndergraduate - April 30, 2007
John Eggers Earns Outstanding Professor
John Eggers has been selected as the Revelle College Outstanding Professor in Physical Sciences/Mathematics for 2006-2007.Department - April 16, 2007
University of Illinois - Chicago
Undergraduate Summer Research Opportunity in Computer Science.
Information & Application or reu@ncdm.uic.edu (subject:REU)Undergraduate - April 13, 2007
SAMSI/CRSC Undergraduate Workshop
2006-2007 Education and Outreach Program
May 21 - 25, 2007 at North Carolina State University.Undergraduate - April 11, 2007
50th Annual High School Honors Math Contest
The department and the Greater San Diego Math Council are sponsoring the 50th Annual High School Honors Math Contest at UCSD on Saturday, April 21, 2007 from 7:45 am - 12:15 pm. Contact Bruce Arnold at (858) 534-3298 or barnold@ucsd.edu for contest details.Department - April 4, 2007
UCSD Mathematics Graduate Open House for 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Friday, April 6, 2007.
The department of mathematics is hosting an open house for newly admitted graduate students entering Fall 2007.Graduate - March 28, 2007
Jack in the Box's corporate headquarters
Jack in the Box temporary Statistical Analyst opening (6 month project).
Corporate level position working with Planning and Analysis Department analyzing various components of labor management, such as time & motion studies and labor savings. Need strong statistical analysis skills as well as a talent for crunching numbers.
Email your resume to resumes@jackinthebox.com.Undergraduate - March 20, 2007
Invitrogen - Career Session
11:00am - 2:00pm, Tuesday, April 3rd, NSB-1st flr. Atrium.
Information on opportunities for summer internships and full-time employment.
Lunch will be served.Undergraduate - March 20, 2007
Western United Insurance Company
Western United Insurance Company a member of a large growing Property and Casualty Insurance Company, has an entry-level actuarial position.
Damian Bailey, Actuarial Supervisor Ph: (949) 474 2591Undergraduate - March 20, 2007
MDTP San Diego Conference
Thursday, March 29, 3:30 - 7:15 pm
This conference will focus on issues about teaching mathematical problem solving for classroom teachers of middle and high school mathematics. Conference brochure.Department - March 16, 2007
Math Club Career Seminar
Thursday: March 1: 3:00pm: AP&M B412
Reena Deutsch - 1996 PhD Graduate, now retired.
Pong Woo & Jessica Murray - EMB America LLC.
William Otondo - Vice President Isensix, retired.
For more information on our presenters please see the Math ClubDepartment - February 26, 2007
First UC San Diego Math Workshop in Statistics
Workshop in Statistics, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics:
Model selection and Statistical Learning
Thursday, March 15th, 2007
This one-day workshop is in honor of Hirotogu Akaike, in conjunction with H. Akaike's Kyoto Prize ceremony.Department - February 20, 2007
Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar
February 24, 2007, 9:30am - 4:30pm
The seminar will be held in the AP&M building, UC San Diego, room 6402.
InformationDepartment - February 20, 2007
Research Associate Position
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is looking for recent and future graduates.
Cover letter and resumes to: sf.ra.resumes@sf.frb.org.Undergraduate - February 15, 2007
Software Engineer Position
Software Engineer Position with Sony Pictures Imageworks
Require: C/C ; Linux; Image Processing; Knowledge of compositing technology.
Resumes: swjobs@imageworks.comUndergraduate - February 15, 2007
Math Club - Special Seminar
Professor Cristian Popescu will speak on Math and beyond!
Today, Thursday, Feb 15 3:00pm
(in Room AP&M B412)Department - February 15, 2007
Math in Moscow Scholarships
The AMS invites undergrad math and CS majors to apply for this scholarship.
Information.Undergraduate - February 15, 2007
Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar
Department - January 29, 2007
Kiplinger Ranks UCSD Number 8!
UCSD ranks in the Kiplinger's rankings, of the top 100 public schools that combine outstanding value with a first-class education.
Department - January 24, 2007
SDSC Student Consultant Position
SDSC's user services department. The position is listed in the student section at https://www.sdsc.edu/.Undergraduate - January 23, 2007
Fisher Investments Information Session
Fisher Investments would like to cordially invite you to our Information Session TOMORROW (Tuesday, Jan 23?) afternoon at 5:00pm in the Horizon Room at the Career Services Center.Undergraduate - January 23, 2007
Entry-level Actuarial Position
EMB America LLC - Property and Casualty Insurance Specialists, is hiring.
Please contact jbitmead@ucsd.edu for more information.Undergraduate - January 19, 2007
Professor Ruth Williams
- has been selected to be Chair of the Scientific Program Committee of the 7th World Congress in Probability and Statistics to be held in July 2008 in Singapore.
This congress convenes every four years, and is the premier international meeting in probability and mathematical statistics.Department - January 17, 2007
Southern California Number Theory Day
UCSD, January 27, 2007 - Wee Teck Gan, Cristian Popescu, and Harold Stark are organizing SCNTD - 2007.
Department - January 17, 2007
Math & Science Education
- new Minor Programs
Information Sessions, 7:00 pm January 8 & 9, 4020 York Hall
RSVP: jweber@ucsd.edu (Pizza will be served!).Undergraduate - January 4, 2007
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience
- (SURE) and Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program at the University of Wisconsin Madison, College of Engineering. Read more about MRSEC projects.Undergraduate - December 21, 2006
Free GRE sample class
Thursday, January 4, 2007 from 7:00-8:00 pm in Serra Hall, Room 211 University of San Diego.
A complete schedule is available on USD web site.
Please respond to this message or call 619-260-4579 to RSVP.Undergraduate - December 20, 2006
Free GRE sample class
Thursday, August 31, 2006, 7:00-8:00 pm in the Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, Room 223 University of San Diego.
InformationUndergraduate - August 25, 2006
Free GRE sample class
Thursday, May 25, 2006 from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Institute for Peace and Justice, Room 214, University of San Diego.
Call 619-260-4579 to RSVP or email gretchenv@SanDiego.edu.Undergraduate - May 19, 2006
Free GRE sample class
Tuesday, April 4, 2006 from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, Room 215, University of San Diego. Weeknight classes begin April 11, 2006.
www.sandiego.edu/testprepUndergraduate - April 3, 2006
Goldwater Scholarship
The $7,500 Goldwater Scholarship Application for excellence in math, science, and engineering is now available.
Applications at: www.act.org/goldwater or the Financial Aid Office lobby. Student questions about process: Scholarship Office scholarships@ucsd.edu
Students needing assistance with the application or essay: Dr. Daniel Wulbert dwulbert@ucsd.eduUndergraduate - December 18, 2006
NASA Undergrad Student Research Program
Summer and Fall 207
Application, program information, deadlinesUndergraduate - December 12, 2006
UCLA Summer Undergrad Research Opportunities
IPAM - Research in Industrial Projects for Students.
June 24 - August 24, 2007Undergraduate - December 7, 2006
Graphics Software Developer
Sony Pictures Imageworks
Required skills:* C/C * Linux (RedHat/Centos) * Familiarity with Renderman or other production renderers.
Cover letter and resume (Word Document) to swjobs@imageworks.com.Graduate - December 7, 2006
UCSD Senior Luis Guerrero Wins $2000 from AMS
Luis Guerrero won $2000 from the AMS and a TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator from Texas Instruments in the game Who Wants to Be a Mathematician at the SACNAS national conference in Tampa, FL October 28.
Department - December 5, 2006
Department of Education Award (ED)
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded the department a Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) grant of $506,688 to fund U.S. citizen Ph.D. students who plan on becoming a college or university teacher. The grant is for a period of three years.
The principal investigator is Jim Lin.Graduate - November 2, 2006
Job Fair!
Triton Science & Technical Job Fair on October 24 from 10:30 to 2:30 on Library Walk. Recruiters will be there.Undergraduate - October 19, 2006
2006 Physical Sciences Dean's Awards
Seven (7) mathematics students are among the 18 recipients of Dean's Undergraduate Awards for Excellence. They are: Jonathan Kommemi, Johnny Tam, Christopher Shum, Elizabeth Reed, Jenny Chu, Simone McCloskey and Xinyi Lin (Physics Double Major). There will be an award ceremony on Friday Oct 27, 1:30pm, NSB Front Lawn. Congratulations!
Department - October 18, 2006
Dept of Education (ED) Award
The US Dept of Education has awarded the department a three year grant of $557,877 to develop, assess and disseminate a professional development program for high school math teachers. The approach was developed by Guershon Harel.Department - October 9, 2006
CS Internship
Autobrag Inc seeks students with strong computer & communication skills for a mentored internship opportunity.
Questions: internships@autobrag.comUndergraduate - October 5, 2006
McNair Research Program
Juniors, Seniors with 3.0 GPA. Restrictions: 1st generation/low-income; underrepresented ethnic group.
InformationUndergraduate - October 5, 2006
Salah Baouendi is Elected to Executive Committee
Professor Salah Baouendi has been elected to the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) General Assembly.Department - October 5, 2006
Tutoring Jobs
3rd or 4th year student. UCSD Graduate, or Graduate student. Math Major and previous teaching experience.
Calculus, algebra, geometry, SAT Math, $15-25/hour depending on experience. Job Description: One-on-one tutoring in all areas of math including Algebra, Geometry, Calculus and SAT Math.
Please email jbitmead@ucsd.edu for more information.Undergraduate - September 26, 2006
Volunteer Research Position
Undergraduate (2nd & 3rd year) Math and CS
-Visualizing system of differential equations
-Creating a student package program for the Vector Calculus course in Maple
-Drawing graphs by numerical solution of a physical model representing a mathematical graph
Contact: Moe Ebrahimi - maebrahi@math.ucsd.eduUndergraduate - September 26, 2006
Want to succeed in Math!
Math Dept Information Session.
11:00 am Tuesday, September 19
Applied Physics & Math (APM) Room: B402A (Basement)
Find out how to breeze through your math courses at UC San Diego!Undergraduate - September 18, 2006
NSA Hiring Mathematicians
The National Security Agency has vacancies for mathematicians. For information contact Deanna Egelston: 301 688 0944 or dmegels@afterlife.ncsc.mil.Undergraduate - August 25, 2006
Misha Alekhnovich - Memorial Gathering
There will an informal gathering where friends and colleagues of Misha can share memories and thoughts.
Monday, August 21, 2:00pm, CSE EBU 3b, room 1202.
The IAS discrete mathematics web site has a short obituary notice for Misha.Department - August 18, 2006
MeridianLink Jobs
MeridianLink is a software development company in Costa Mesa. They have positions for Software Developers, Software Rules Engineers and Software Support Engineers. For more information please contact jbitmead@ucsd.eduUndergraduate - May 30, 2006
Statistical Careers Day
SDASA's 7th annual Statistical Careers Day
Saturday May 20 | 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. | Center for Molecular Genetics at UCSD. Register online.Undergraduate - May 12, 2006
2006-2007 Hellman Fellow
Aurore Delaigle has been named a Hellman Fellow for 2006-2007. The awards consisted of eight in Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences and seven from Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Engineering.
Department - May 11, 2006
Mathematics for New Age Structures
Phil Gill collaborates with MAE Professor Bob Skelton and Milenko Masic to devise mathematics for new age structures.
Department - May 8, 2006
Distinguished Teaching Award
Congratulations to John Eggers on winning a 2006 Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award.
Department - May 2, 2006
Is an Actuarial Career in your sights?
Katy Porter from NCCI (www.ncci.com) will be here to tell you about her company and answer questions.
Tuesday, May 2, 3:00-4:00 AP&M 5829.Undergraduate - May 1, 2006
Instructional Assistant/Mathematics
Math Dept, Laney College, Oakland CA
Permanent full-time
Job Announcement Select "Jobs" then "Classified"Undergraduate - May 1, 2006
Career Seminar
Planning on applying to Graduate School?
Come to our information session
2:30 - 3:30 Tuesday April 25 AP&M 2402
Refreshments will be served!Department - April 24, 2006
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics 2006.
Pacific Beach - San Diego. June 19-23
Information and registrationDepartment - April 14, 2006
The Southern California Number Theory Day (SCNTD) 2006 - May 6th, 2006
Schedule and registration is now available.Department - April 10, 2006
MAA Student Conferences
1st Pacific Coast Undergraduate Math Conference, Saturday, March 25. 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Occidental College LA.
Information and Registration
Spring 2006 Meeting, April 8, Cal State San Bernardino
www.maa.orgUndergraduate - March 8, 2006
Mayo Clinic hiring Biostatisticians
Interested in a career in Biostatistics? Mayo Clinic informationUndergraduate - March 7, 2006
Boston University Summer Program
NSF REU Program in photonics technology and applications.
On-line application materials and information.Undergraduate - March 7, 2006
Jeff Rabin presents at Last Lecture Series
University Centers Wednesday March 1, 12noon
Gallery A, Price Center.Department - February 28, 2006
How to Earn $620
Dr. Blair Kelly (NSA - National Security Agency): "How to Earn $620: An unsolved problem in computational number theory"2.27.06 | 7-8 p.m. | AP&M 2402.Undergraduate - February 27, 2006
Ice Cream Social/"Cashing In: The Mathematics of Gambling"
March 2, 2006 | 3:30-5 p.m. | AP&M 2402
***Professor Amber Puha***
Enjoy our ice cream buffet while learning about how mathematics relates to gambling.Undergraduate - February 27, 2006
Peter Ebenfelt and Michael Viscardi Reception
A reception to honor Michael Viscardi, the Siemens Westinghouse Competition $100,000 scholarship winner and his mentor, Peter Ebenfelt, will be held Monday, February 27, 2006 in the Faculty Lounge, AP&M 7356 at 3:30 pm. Please come congratulate Michael and Peter and share some refreshments. Prof. Ebenfelt will be presented with a check from Siemens for his role in Michael's achievements.Department - February 16, 2006
DECaF Career Fair
UCSD Triton Engineering Student Council (TESC) annual student-run DECaF Career Fair on Friday, 02/24/06 in the PC Ballroom from 10am-2pm. Many of the attending companies are interested in recruiting math majors.Undergraduate - February 7, 2006
Summer Research Experience
NSF REU at Chico State
Mathematical Modelling or Knot Theory
June 19 - July 28, 2006 California State University, Chico $1800 plus travel and housing, Deadline: March 1Undergraduate - January 27, 2006
GRE Preparation Course
The University of San Diego's weekend GRE Preparation Course begins Saturday, February 11, 2006. Classes meet on February 11, 18, and 27, 2006 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.Undergraduate - January 27, 2006
SAGE Workshop
The first annual mini-conference and workshop about the computer algebra system SAGE will be held in the UCSD mathematics department February 4-5, 2006.Department - January 26, 2006
Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Math Dept, University of Washington. Information and Application Form.Undergraduate - January 20, 2006
Oceanside Gentech Job Fair
Thursday, January 26 2006 3 PM to 7 PM.
You must be registered to attend.Undergraduate - January 20, 2006
Job & Internship Fare January 17
The US Census Bureau will be present and interviewing students 10:30-2:30 on Tuesday January 17. They have employment opportunities for Math Majors. Formal interviews held on January 18.Undergraduate - January 11, 2006
PRIME Program Information Session
Tuesday January 17, EBU3B 1202. PRIME provides students with international research experience.Undergraduate - January 11, 2006
2006 ICM - Madrid, August 22-23
International Congress of Mathematicians 2006 invited plenary and section speakers. Professor Linda Rothschild will participate as a Section Lecturer.
Department - January 3, 2006
Summer Program at Princeton
July 15 - August 7, 2006
Study Analysis and Geometry at Princeton University.Undergraduate - December 14, 2005
Boston University Summer Research
For students interested in biomedical research.
DetailsUndergraduate - December 12, 2005
UCLA Summer Undergrad Research Opportunities
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics UCLA
Research in Industrial Projects (RIPS) 2006
June 25-August 25 Application Deadline February 15, 2006Undergraduate - December 9, 2005
Summer Program for Women
Carleton College: June 18 - July 16, 2006
Intensive Program for 1st & 2nd year women.Undergraduate - December 8, 2005
Graduate Scholarship Program
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
65 scholarships for seniors and recent graduates planning to attend graduate school for the first time starting in fall.Undergraduate - December 8, 2005
Michael Viscardi wins National Science Competition
The Siemens Westinghouse Competition in Math, Science and Technology - The $100,000 scholarship winner of the individual prize is Michael Viscardi of San Diego, California.Department - December 5, 2005
Part-time Position with Cymer in Rancho Bernardo
Cymer seeks a Computer Engineering/Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics or related major
- 16 hours or more/week, ~6-12 month project
Contact: Debashish Sarkar, dsarkar@cymer.comUndergraduate - November 30, 2005
2006 Los Alamos Dynamics Summer School
Program dates: June 12 - Aug 16 2006
Deadline to apply Dec 5, 2005.Undergraduate - November 22, 2005
P/T Job-Sys Admin/Prog Analyst
BioGem Core Facility intern position. UNIX; security updates; software installation; hardware support; Apache; Samba; relational database systems; web site maintenance.
Contact: Ivan Wick (iwick@ucsd.edu)Undergraduate - November 18, 2005
Industry Internship Program (IIP)
IIP new program to provide internships for juniors/seniors/1st year graduate students - an opportunity to participate in mathematically interesting work in an industrial setting.
Details and application forms.Undergraduate - November 17, 2005
Please visit our web site at or contact Shannon Roberts, CCEIA Scholarship Chair, at swroberts@ucsd.edu or 858-822-4874.
Essays due December 2.Undergraduate - November 15, 2005
Are you a Math Major?
Want to find out what careers are available to you? Come to the Math Club Career Seminar - Thursday, Nov 17, 3:30pm APM 2402.
Robert Sanchez, VP & CTO, inCode - Wireless Technology
Jeff Jolley, VP & Chief Actuary, Pacific Life Insurance
Refreshments will be served!Department - November 9, 2005
Noncommutative Algebra Conference -
- in honor of Professor Lance Small's 65th Birthday.
UCSD, February 18-20, 2006. Details.Department - November 9, 2005
Congratulations to Michael Viscardi -
Michael has just won the Siemens Westinghouse Western Regional Competition Finals based on his research work under the direction of Peter Ebenfelt. He will compete in the National Finals in December.Department - November 9, 2005
California Teach: One Thousand Teachers, One Million Minds
New Teaching Initiative Information Sessions for Freshman Science, Engineering & Math Majors:
7pm Center Hall Rm.223, Mon Nov 21 & Tues Nov 29.
Please RSVP to alcornel@ucsd.edu - they are serving pizza!Undergraduate - November 7, 2005
Free GRE sample class
Tuesday November 8, 2005 from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Serra Hall, Room 204 University of San Diego.
Complete scheduleUndergraduate - November 3, 2005
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
A Program in English for UndergraduatesUndergraduate - October 27, 2005
Summer Math Institute
Cornell University, June 17 - August 6, 2006
Apply online by March 1, 2006.Undergraduate - October 21, 2005
Programs Abroad Expo
UCSD's Annual International Study, Work, Travel Fair
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
-On Library Walk-Undergraduate - October 21, 2005
2005 Dean's Awards
The Dean's Undergraduate Awards for Excellence 2005 Math Dept recipients are:
George Bouvier, Will Garner, Crystal Li, Jonathan Luk, Patrick Sanan, Michael Skirvin and Heidi Tan.
Congratulations!Department - October 21, 2005
How to Apply to Graduate School
Information session:
Where: EBU-3B (new CSE building), 1st floor, room 1202
When: Friday, October 28
Time: 12:00 - 1:00pm.Undergraduate - October 19, 2005
Math Club General Meeting
2:00 pm, Thursday, October 20, APM 2402 (Calc Lab)
Come and find out what the Math Club has in store for this year and meet the officers! Do you have any ideas for the Club - come and tell us.Undergraduate - October 19, 2005
Masters Degree in Computer Security
Scholarships available for Masters Program at The Center for Information Systems Security Studies & Research in Monterey, CA.Undergraduate - October 18, 2005
Jobs at Sony Pictures Imageworks
Listing and information of current positions open at Imageworks; various levels.Undergraduate - October 17, 2005
Undergraduate Workshop - Financial Math, Stats, Econometrics
The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute will offer a two-day undergraduate workshop on topics of current interest in statistics and applied mathematics - November 18-19.Undergraduate - October 14, 2005
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Reminder - Applications due Nov 3, 2005 Program & application detailsUndergraduate - October 13, 2005
Sage Scholars Program
Don't forget! The deadline to apply for the SAGE Scholars Program is coming on on November 4th.
Undergraduate - October 13, 2005
Graduate Fellowship
Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship - for exceptional undergraduate seniors or first or second year graduate students planning full-time study toward a PhD. applications must be made online.Undergraduate - October 11, 2005
Internship - Bainbridge Inc
Do you have initiative, good analytical skill, strong written and oral communication skills and teamwork skills? ... then send your resume to: keaton@bainbridge.comUndergraduate - October 7, 2005
Business Analyst Position
Management Consulting firm seeks Business Analyst with BA to: conduct research, perform analysis, create deliverables, communicate with clients etc. Email resume to: jobs0804@yahoo.comUndergraduate - October 7, 2005
PROGRAMS ABROAD General Information Session
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 at 7:00 p.m. INTERNATIONAL CENTER LOUNGE https://eap.ucop.edu/flash/gen05/ucsd/Undergraduate - October 7, 2005
20E Fulfillment Exam
Fall 2005 Exam will be held on Thursday, September 22, 7:00am AP&M 2618.Undergraduate - September 15, 2005
GRE Preparation Course
University of San Diego GRE Preparation Course begins October 1.Undergraduate - September 15, 2005
2005 Incoming Graduate Students
The Math Department welcomes 31 incoming Graduate Students this Fall. Welcome Luncheon and Orientation session to be held on Wednesday, September 14, starting at 12:30 p.m. in 2402 AP&M.
Graduate - September 13, 2005
DOE's Office of Science Award for Math Research to-
Math Dept Professor Michael Holst a Principal Investigator in a team led by Mitchell Luskin, University of Minnesota and including Eric Bylaska of Pacific Northwest Nat. Lab.
Project: Multiscale Design of Advanced Material based on Hybrid Ab-Initio and Quasicontinuum Methods.
Full list of projects.Department - July 22, 2005
Welcome Week
Sailing Through the Seven Majors of Math
Come and be introduced to the finer points of the Math Department.
Tuesday, September 20 11:00 am AP&M 2402
Refreshments will be served!Undergraduate - July 19, 2005
Mathematics Workshop
Workshop on Geometric Analysis and Flows
Mathematics Department, AP&M Room 6438
University of California, San Diego
July 18-22, 2005Department - July 18, 2005
Bruce Arnold - Outstanding Teacher Award
Bruce Arnold - GSDMC (Greater San Diego Mathematics Council) College Level Outstanding 2004-2005 Classroom Mathematics Teacher Award.
In April Bruce coordinated the very successful 48th Annual Honor's Math Contest, sponsored by GSDMC and UCSD. This year 133 students from 18 schools participated.Department - June 17, 2005
Math Club - Career Seminar
Thinking of Graduate School in Mathematics? Come and hear and question our panel on preparing and applying to grad school.
2:30pm Tuesday, May 24 - APM6438
Refreshments will be servedDepartment - May 18, 2005
Glenn Tesler - Hellman Fellow
Congratulations to Glenn Tesler, a 2005-06 Hellman Fellow.
Department - May 18, 2005
Congratulations to Salah Baouendi and Linda Rothschild on being elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.Department - April 26, 2005
April - Math Awareness Month - Postponed
The Use of New Quantum Isotope Effects to Understand ancient climate, Mars, and the origin of the solar system and life of earth presented by Professor Mark H. Thiemens. Read more!
New date - to be advised Calculus Lab, APM 2402Department - April 18, 2005
Algebraic Thinking Institute
The UCSD-TV On Beyond program about the Algebraic Thinking Institute, "Innovation in Math Teaching" is now available on-line. You may access the whole On Beyond show or just the ATI segment in Real Player.Department - March 4, 2005
Glenn Tesler - Sloan Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Glenn Tesler - a 2005 recipient of a Sloan Research Fellowship for his research in Molecular Biology.
Serge Belongie from Computer Science & Engineering is also a 2005 recipient..Department - February 25, 2005
Cristian Popescu-Simion Stoilow Prize
Cristian Popescu has won the 2004 Simion Stoilow Prize of the Romanian Academy of Science for his paper, "Base Change for Stark-type Conjectures over Z" (Journal fur die Reine und Angew. Mathematik, Vol 542 (2002), pp 85-111).Department - January 3, 2005
Bill Helton Elected IEEE Fellow
Bill Helton has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for his contributions to frequency-domain design of robust systems. The IEEE is the largest professional organization in the world.
Department - January 3, 2005
Glenn Tesler - Union-Tribune Articles
Glenn Tesler (Math) and Pavel Pevzner (CSE):
UCSD Pair Contributes to Chicken's DNA Map - Dec 15.
Duo fascinated by fowl - Dec 10Department - December 15, 2004
Ben Raphael - Burroughs Wellcome Award
Ben, a recent UCSD Math PhD, has been awarded a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award. Ben is currently a Sloan Post Doc in the Computer Science & Engineering.
Ben was one of the founding administrators of MathStorm, the Graduate Consulting Group.Department - November 1, 2004
Fall Career Seminar for Math Majors
Tuesday November 9, 3:30 pm. APM 6438
What have these people done with a Math Degree?
Cynthia Anfinson - Asst Prof, Palomar College;
Steve Hart - Co-Founder & CTO, ViaSat;
Bill Porto - Exec Vice-Pres, Natural Selection Inc.Department - October 27, 2004
Persi Diaconis 60th Birthday Conference
A 60th Birthday Conference in honor of Persi Diaconis will be held at UCSD in January, 2005.
Department - October 18, 2004
MATHSTORM - Graduate Consulting Group
MathStorm: Looking for a mathematician to consult with for your research work? Check out the MathStorm: Graduate Mathematics Consulting Group.Department - October 4, 2004
NSF Award - Professor Fan Chung Graham
The National Science Foundation has awarded a five-year $1.3 million Information Technology Research (ITR) grant to Professor Fan Chung Graham and Professor Andrew C. Yao, Princeton, to address the theoretical foundation for interactive computing.
Department - September 30, 2004
Dimitris Politis - Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) Fellow
Professor Politis received the award for innovative methodology in the analysis of time series and models of spatial dependence, as well as, groundbreaking theory in nonparametric statistics.Department - August 31, 2004
Mathematics - Building a gold medal team
Union-Tribune article by Mark Thiemens: Dean, Division of Physical Sciences. August 27, 2004Department - August 31, 2004
The Combinatorics of Large Sparse Graphs
An NSF-CBMS Regional Conference
June 7-11, 2004
Department of Mathematics, Cal State San Marcos
A series of ten lectures by Fan Chung Graham (UCSD)Department - June 2, 2004
Nolan Wallach Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Mathematics Professor Nolan Wallach has been elected as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Details in a UCSD news release.
Department - May 6, 2004
Spring Career Seminar for Math Majors
The department is hosting a Career Seminar for Math Majors at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 in AP&M 6438. Speakers include Robert Hecht-Nielsen, Beth Smith, and Saul Molina.
Department - April 19, 2004
SCAPDE Seminar 2004
The department is hosting the Southern California Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (SCAPDE) Seminar from April 24-25, 2004.Department - April 13, 2004
Glenn Tesler Helps Reconstruct Genomic Makeup of Our Ancestors
Mathematics Assistant Professor Glenn Tesler's joint research work with other bioinformatics scientists who are analyzing the rat genome is published in the journals Nature and Genome Research. Details in a UCSD news release.Department - April 1, 2004
Graduate Student Open House
The Department of Mathematics will host its 4th annual Graduate Student Open House from April 1-2, 2004 for prospective new graduate students. The schedule will include mini research seminars, lunches and dinner with current graduate students, meetings with individual faculty, and the famous walk to the cliffs overlooking the ocean.
Department - March 23, 2004
Li-Tien Cheng, Lei Ni Win Sloan Fellowships
Mathematics Assistant Professors Li-Tien Cheng and Lei Ni have each been awarded Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowships in Mathematics for 2004.Department - February 23, 2004
Influence of Physics on Topology 2000 Conference
Faculty member Peter Teichner and the department is hosting the Influence of Physics on Topology 2000 conference this summer from August 14, 2000 to August 18, 2000.Department - January 29, 2004
Department Welcomes New Graduate Students
The department held this year's new graduate student orientation at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 in AP&M 2402.
Department - January 29, 2004
2000-2001 Bishop Scholarship Winners
The department has announced this year's 2000-2001 Errett Bishop Memorial Scholarship winners.Department - January 29, 2004
2003-2004 Fall Career Seminar for Math Majors
The department hosted its 2003-2004 Fall Career Seminar for Math Majors at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 in AP&M 2402. Speakers included Michael Walker, Jeffrey Allen, Matthew Trone, and Pat Nangle.Department - January 29, 2004
Halloween Pictures
Some of the illustrious UCSD Mathematics staff members came all dressed up for Halloween.Department - January 29, 2004
Kevin O'Bryant Wins WCNT Selfridge Prize
Mathematics NSF postdoc Kevin O'Bryant has been awarded a West Coast Number Theory Conference Selfridge Prize for Excellence in Mathematics Presentation for his presentation on "Spectra of floor sequences". It will be bestowed at the next WCNT conference banquet.Department - January 29, 2004
Lie Groups Conference
The department is hosting the Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and their Representations Conference from January 10-11, 2002.Department - January 29, 2004
Remembering Patrick Ledden
A memorial tribute to Patrick Ledden, mathematician and provost of Muir College, will be held from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 2, 2004 in the Ida and Cecil Green Faculty Club.Department - January 29, 2004
Bicycles and Mathematics?
Mathematics Professor Dan Wulbert explains in a Division of Physical Sciences news clip and San Diego Union-Tribune feature profile.Department - January 29, 2004
Fields Medalist Joins UCSD Mathematics Faculty
Efim Zelmanov, recipient of a Fields Medal in 1994, joins the faculty of the UCSD Mathematics department. The Fields Medal is considered the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in the field of mathematics. Zelmanov is profiled in a UCSD news release.Department - January 29, 2004
2002-2003 Errett Bishop Memorial Scholarship Winners
The department announced this year's Errett Bishop Memorial Scholarship winners.
Department - January 29, 2004
New Math-Computer Science Major
Interested in Computer Science, but can't get into the major? See here for information about the new Math-Computer Science major.
Department - January 29, 2004
SCGAS Meeting
The department is hosting the Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar (SCGAS) from February 8-9, 2003.Department - January 29, 2004
What Do You Do with A Math Degree?
See the details on the alumni presentation this coming Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 4:30 p.m. in AP&M 2402. All interested students are welcome!Department - January 29, 2004
Department Open House
The department is holding an open house for all new and prospective graduate students from April 4-5, 2002. Please come and see what the UCSD Mathematics graduate program is all about!
Department - January 29, 2004
Department Open House
The department is holding an open house for all new and prospective graduate students from April 3-4, 2003. Please come and see what the UCSD Mathematics graduate program is all about!
Department - January 29, 2004
Department Open House
The department is holding an open house for all new and prospective graduate students from April 5-6, 2001. Please come and see what the UCSD Mathematics graduate program is all about! Check out the open house information for more details.
Department - January 29, 2004
Fall 1999 Graduate Student Meeting
Pictures from the Fall 1999 Graduate Student Meeting that was held in AP&M 2402 on Wednesday, September 29, 1999.Department - January 29, 2004
Department Honors Faculty AMS 2003 Awardees
The department honored Mathematics Adjunct Professor Ron Graham (CSE) for winning the American Mathematical Society (AMS) 2003 Steele Prize along with Mathematics Professors Salah Baouendi and Linda Rothschild for jointly winning the AMS 2003 Stefan Bergman Prize at an awards reception in the AP&M Halkin Seminar Room from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20, 2003.
Department - January 29, 2004
Mariana Campbell Awarded AWM Alice T. Schafer Prize
Mathematics senior Mariana Campbell has been awarded the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Alice T. Schafer Prize for excellence in mathematics by an undergraduate woman. See the UCSD news release for more details.Department - January 29, 2004
GSDMC, CREATE Honor Alfred Manaster for Mathematics Education, Outreach
The Greater San Diego Mathematics Council (GSDMC) recognized Mathematics Professor Alfred Manaster as this year's "Outstanding Post Secondary Mathematics Educator" at the GSDMC annual banquet on Thursday, May 15, 2003. Manaster was also proclaimed "Devoted Ambassador to School Outreach" by the UCSD Center for Research in Educational Equity, Assessment, and Teaching Excellence (CREATE) at an awards ceremony on Monday, June 9, 2003.Department - January 29, 2004
First Issue of The Mathematics Gazette Newsletter Online
The first issue of the department newsletter is now online. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it. Faculty, staff, visitors, and graduate students should be receiving the paper version in their department mailboxes. Registered Math alumni will also be mailed copies later. Need a copy? Stop by the Front Desk in AP&M 7018.Department - January 29, 2004
Beginning of the Year Party
The department started the new academic year off with a Beginning of the Year Party.Department - January 29, 2004
Beginning of the Year Party
Pictures from this year's department Beginning of the Year Party that was held in the Mandeville Suite in Tioga Hall 1102 from 2:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 26, 2002.Department - January 29, 2004
Beginning of the Year Party
Pictures from this year's department Beginning of the Year Party that was held in the Mandeville Suite in Tioga Hall 1102 on Thursday, September 30, 1999.Department - January 29, 2004
Career Opportunities in Math Education
The department is holding a meeting for all current and prospective Math-Secondary Education (MSED) majors about "Career Opportunities in Math Education" on Thursday, October, 19 2000 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in AP&M 2402. See the flyer for more details. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it.Department - January 29, 2004
Number Theory Conference Honoring Harold Stark
The University of Minnesota is hosting a number theory conference in honor of UCSD Mathematics Professor Harold Stark's 65th birthday from August 5-7, 2004.
Department - January 29, 2004
Alumni Career Seminar
The department and the UCSD Math Club is holding an Alumni Career Seminar on Monday, November 8, 2001 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in AP&M 2402. UCSD Mathematics alumni Lois Yu and Stephen Hobbs will speak.Department - January 29, 2004
2003-2004 Errett Bishop Memorial Scholarship Winners
The department announced this year's Errett Bishop Memorial Scholarship winners.Department - January 29, 2004
SCAPDE Conference
The department is hosting the Southern California Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (SCAPDE) Conference from April 20-21, 2002.Department - January 29, 2004
Efim Zelmanov to Speak at SDMC Meeting
Mathematics Professor and Fields Medalist Efim Zelmanov will present at the San Diego Math Circle (SDMC) from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 31, 2004 in AP&M 6438.Department - January 29, 2004
Some of the illustrious UCSD Mathematics staff members came all dressed up for Halloween. MathMan was also caught inspiring students in discussion section that day.Department - January 29, 2004
Math Advising
The Math department has recently hired Donald A. Sonn, Ph.D. as our new Director of Advising. The department created this position to help math majors deal with issues such as careers, internships and curriculum choice.
A number of new majors are going on-line in Mathematics including Math/Secondary Education, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Mathematics/Scientific Programming, Math/Computer Science, the joint major in Mathematics and Economics and the Math/Applied Science major, where you get to design your own Math major in conjunction with such fields as Medical and Life Science (pre-Med), Mechanical or Computer Engineering, Biology and Bionegineering or Chemistry and Biochemistry.
He has developed a Math alumni organization and a student Math Club which will be producing a website, creating a newsletter and sponsoring social functions. Please drop in and say "hi" to Don in room AP&M 2313A, or contact him either by phone (619-534-6009) or by email (dsonn@math.ucsd.edu).
Department - January 29, 2004
SAGP Conference
The department is hosting the Spectral Analysis in Geometry and Physics (SAGP) Conference from January 3-5, 2003.Department - January 29, 2004
Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to the Errett Bishop Memorial Scholarship Winners for 1998-1999
Department - January 29, 2004
Super Bowl Numbering II Much?
Mathematics Professor Carl FitzGerald is quoted in a sports feature about the use of Roman numerals in Super Bowl titles that appeared on the front page of the Saturday, January 25, 2003 edition of The San Diego Union-Tribune.Department - January 29, 2004
1999-2000 Bishop and Warschawski Scholarship Winners
The department announced the winners of this year's Errett Bishop Memorial Scholarships and Stefan Warschawski Memorial Scholarships.Department - January 29, 2004
End of the Year Party
The department is hosting this year's End of the Year Party in the Mandeville Suite of Tioga Hall 1102 from 2:30-5:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 5, 2003.
Department - January 29, 2004
End of the Year Party
Pictures from this year's department End of the Year Party that was held in the Mandeville Suite in Tioga Hall 1102 on Tuesday, June 13, 2000.
Department - January 29, 2004
End of the Year Party
The department is hosting this year's End of the Year Party in the Mandeville Suite of Tioga Hall 1102 from 2:30-5:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2002.
Department - January 29, 2004
Daniel Wulbert Named Revelle College Provost
Mathematics Professor Daniel Wulbert has been appointed provost of Revelle College at UCSD. Details in a UCSD news release.
Department - January 29, 2004
UCSD Math Club Website Revamp
The UCSD Math Club website has been completely revamped with a new look and even more helpful resources for students interested in mathematics. Join the Math Club today!Department - January 29, 2004
Muir College Provost Patrick Ledden Dies
Patrick Ledden, provost of Muir College at UCSD and Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, died Tuesday, October 28, 2003 in La Jolla. He was 67. Details in a UCSD news release.Department - January 29, 2004
Archimedes' Puzzle: A Treatise on Combinatorics
Mathematics Professor Fan Chung Graham and Mathematics Adjunct Professor Ronald Graham (CSE) are referenced in the news article "In Archimedes' Puzzle, a New Eureka Moment" published in the December 14, 2003 edition of The New York Times. More details about the puzzle at A Tour of Archimedes' Stomachion.Department - January 29, 2004
Bishop and Remmel Memorial Scholarship Winners
The department announces this year's 2001-2002 winners of the Errett Bishop Memorial Scholarship and Tenie Remmel Memorial Scholarship.Department - January 29, 2004
Ronald Graham Elected to AAAS Council
Mathematics Adjunct Professor Ronald Graham (CSE) has been elected to the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Details in a UCSD news release.Department - January 29, 2004
Staff Service Awards
UCSD honors the following Mathematics staff members for their many years of service achievement: Pat Ledden (35 years), Barbara Mendeas (30 years), Nancy Hartley (25 years), Donna Ames (15 years). Pictures from the service awards ceremony that was held in the Price Center Ballroom on Wednesday, October 23, 2002.
Department - January 29, 2004
Department Welcomes Fields Medalist Efim Zelmanov
The department hosted a welcome reception for Efim Zelmanov, holder of a Fields Medal and the Rita L. Atkinson Endowed Chair in Mathematics, in the AP&M 6438 Halkin Seminar Room from 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19, 2002.
Department - January 29, 2004
New Camcorder
The department has acquired another camcorder! Contact mathhelp@math.ucsd.edu if you would like to borrow it.Department - January 29, 2004
Ron Graham Wins AMS Steele Prize
Mathematics Adjunct Professor Ron Graham (CSE) received the 2003 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement from the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Details in a UCSD news release.
Department - January 29, 2004
Graduate Consulting Group
Researchers: Looking for a mathematician to consult with for your research work? Check out the MathStorm: Graduate Mathematics Consulting Group.Department - January 29, 2004
MSO Nancy Hartley Receives Betsy Faught Award
Nancy Hartley, department Management Services Officer (MSO), is the recipient of the 2002-2003 Betsy Faught Award. The award honors excellence in academic program management and will be presented at the Wednesday, April 2, 2003 meeting of the campus Academic Business Administrators. The department also hosted a award reception in the AP&M 6438 Halkin Seminar Room from 2:00-4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 3, 2003.
Department - January 29, 2004
The Seven Majors of Math
Check out the information session on new math majors this coming Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. in AP&M 2402!Department - January 29, 2004
12th Annual Career Seminar for Math Majors
The department hosted the 12th Annual Career Seminar for Math Majors from 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 in AP&M 2402. UCSD mathematics alumni Sara Steen, Bob Caldwell, and Teresa Bittner spoke.Department - January 29, 2004
The Kate & Hans Wedding Conference in Analysis
Department faculty members Kate Okikiolu and Hans Lindblad are getting married on Saturday, December 18, 1999 at Princeton University.Department - January 29, 2004
Math Major Wins 2003 Selma Silagi Award
Senior Elad Harel was awarded the Dr. Selma Silagi Award for Undergraduate Excellence in Science. Harel is a double major in Mathematics and Chemistry, and the son of Mathematics Professor Guershon Harel. Details in a Division of Physical Sciences news release.Department - January 29, 2004