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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 208: Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Woonam Lim

ETH Zurich

Virasoro constraints in sheaf theory and vertex algebras


In enumerative geometry, Virasoro constraints first appeared in the context of moduli of stable curves and maps. These constraints provide a rich set of conjectural relations among Gromov-Witten descendent invariants. Recently, the analogous constraints were formulated in several sheaf theoretic contexts; stable pairs on 3-folds, Hilbert scheme of points on surfaces, and higher rank sheaves on surfaces with only (p,p)-cohomology. In joint work with A. Bojko, M. Moreira, we extend and reinterpret Virasoro constraints in sheaf theory using Joyce's vertex algebra. This new interpretation yields a proof of Virasoro constraints for curves and surfaces with only (p,p) cohomology by means of wall-crossing formulas.


Pre-talk for graduate students 12:30 - 1:00pm. 

Host: Dragos Oprea

September 30, 2022

1:00 PM

Please contact Jacob Keller for the zoom link

(jjkeller at ucsd dot edu). 
