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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 209 - Number Theory

Eyal Goren

McGill University

Superspecial abelian varieties


Superspecial abelian varieties are positive characteristic phenomenon. These are abelian varieties enjoying many special, even super special l;-) properties, which I'll attempt to explain. After some background about stratifications of moduli spaces and how, in that context, the superspecial locus is the smallest, I will describe some more recent work on superspecial abelian varieties. In particular, work of M.-H. Nicole and A. Ghitza that makes use of the superspecial locus to construct modular forms and mention very briefly some beautiful graphs that can be constructed from the superspecial locus.

Host: Wee Teck Gan

January 25, 2007

1:00 PM

AP&M 7321
