Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Center for Computational Mathematics Seminar
Anders Forsgren
Department of Mathematics KTH Royal Institute of Technology
A Structured Modified Newton Approach for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations Arising in Interior-Point Methods for Quadratic Programming
The focus of the talk is interior-point methods for inequality-constrained quadratic programs, and particularly the system of nonlinear equations to be solved for each value of the barrier parameter. Newton iterations give high quality solutions, but we are interested in modified Newton systems that are computationally less expensive at the expense of lower quality solutions. We propose a structured modified Newton approach where each modified Jacobian is composed of a previous Jacobian, plus one low-rank update matrix per succeeding iteration. Each update matrix is, for a given rank, chosen such that the distance to the Jacobian at the current iterate is minimized, in both 2-norm and Frobenius norm. The approach is structured in the sense that it preserves the nonzero pattern of the Jacobian. The choice of update matrix is supported by results in an ideal theoretical setting. We also produce numerical results with a basic interior-point implementation to investigate the practical performance within and beyond the theoretical framework. In order to improve performance beyond the theoretical framework, we also motivate and construct two heuristics to be added to the method.
January 24, 2023
11:00 AM
APM 2402 and Zoom ID 994 0149 1091
Research Areas