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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 258 - Differential Geometry

Pak-Yeung Chan

UC San Diego

Steady Kaehler Ricci soliton with nonnegative Ricci curvature and integrable scalar curvature


Ricci soliton is a self-similar solution to the Ricci flow and arises naturally in the singularity analysis of the flow. Steady Ricci soliton is a kind of soliton whose associated Ricci flow evolves by reparametrizing a fixed metric. It is closely related to the Type II limit solution to the Ricci flow. Steady Ricci soliton with integrable scalar curvature was studied by Deruelle in 2012, later by Catino-Mastrolia-Monticelli in 2016, Munteanu-Sung-Wang in 2019, Deng-Zhu in 2020. In this talk, we shall discuss a classification result on steady Kaehler Ricci soliton with nonnegative Ricci curvature and integrable scalar curvature. We then apply the result to study the steady Kaehler Ricci soliton with subquadratic volume growth or fast curvature decay.

Host: Lei Ni

October 21, 2020

11:00 AM

Zoom ID: 960 7952 5041
