Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Special Colloquium
Cristian Popescu
Johns Hopkins University
Stark-type Conjectures "over Z"
In the 1970s and early 1980s Stark developed a remarkableconjecture aimed at interpreting the first non-vanishing derivative of anArtin L-function $L_{K/k, S}(s, chi)$ at $s=0$ in terms of arithmeticproperties of the Galois extension of global fields K/k. Work of Tate,Chinburg, and Stark himself has revealed far reaching applications ofStark's Conjecture to Hilbert's 12-th Problem and the theory of Galoismodule structure of groups of units and ideal-class groups. In his searchfor new examples of Euler Systems, Rubin has formulated in 1994 a strongversion ("over Z", in Tate's terminology) of Stark's Conjecture forabelian L-functions of arbitrary order of vanishing at s=0. Our study ofthe functorial base-change behavior of Rubin's Conjecture led us toformulating a seemingly more natural Stark-type conjecture "over Z". Wewill discuss and provide evidence for this new statement, as well asbriefly describe the main goals of the conjectural program initiated byStark.
Host: Harold Stark
February 28, 2003
1:00 PM
AP&M 6438