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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Probability Seminar

Matt Junge

PhD Student, University of Washington

Splitting hairs (with choice)


In the past decade computer science literature has studied the effect of introducing random choices to classical processes. For example, sequentially place n balls into n bins. For each ball, two bins are sampled uniformly and the ball is placed in the emptier of the two. This process does a much better job of evenly distributing the balls than the "choiceless" version where one places each ball uniformly. Consider the continuous version: Form a random sequence in the unit interval by having the n*th* term be whichever of two uniformly placed points falls in the larger gap between the previous n-1 points. I'll confirm the intuition that this sequence is a.s. equidistributed, solving an open problem from Itai Benjamini, Pascal Maillard and Elliot Paquette. The history goes back a century to Weyl and more recently to Kakutani. Several open problems will be discussed.

Host: Ruth Williams

April 2, 2015

10:00 AM

AP&M 7321
