Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Math 278A - Center for Computational Mathematics Seminar
Johannes Brust
Scalable Computational Methods with Recent Applications
For computations with many variables in optimization or solving large systems in numerical linear algebra, developing efficient methods is highly desirable. This talk introduces an approach for large-scale optimization with sparse linear equality constraints that exploits computationally efficient orthogonal projections. For approximately solving large linear systems, (randomized) sketching methods are becoming increasingly popular. By recursively augmenting a deterministic sketching matrix, we develop a method with a finite termination property that compares favorably to randomized methods. Moreover, we describe the construction of logical linear systems that can be used in e.g., COVID-19 pooling tests, and a nonlinear least-squares method that addresses large data sizes in machine learning.
October 12, 2021
11:00 AM
Zoom ID 970 1854 2148