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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Prof. Mark Shoemaker

Colorado State University

Quiver varieties, the mutation conjecture, and the PAX/PAXY correspondence


From a directed graph Q, called a quiver, one can construct what is known as a quiver variety Y_Q, an algebraic variety defined as a quotient of a vector space by a group defined in terms of Q.  A mutation of a quiver is an operation that produces from Q and new directed graph Q’ and a new associated quiver variety Y_{Q’}.  The mutation conjecture predicts a surprising and beautiful connection between the geometry of Y_Q and that of Y_{Q’}.  In this talk I will describe quiver varieties and mutations, and show you that you are already well acquainted with some examples of these.  Then I will discuss an interesting connection to the Gromov—Witten Theory of degeneracy loci. This is based on joint work with Nathan Priddis and Yaoxiong Wen.

May 5, 2023

3:30 PM

Meeting ID: 950 3948 6629
