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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 278B - Mathematics of Information, Data, and Signals Seminar

Yariv Aizenbud

Yale University

Non-Parametric Estimation of Manifolds from Noisy Data


A common task in many data-driven applications is to find a low dimensional manifold that describes the data accurately. Estimating a manifold from noisy samples has proven to be a challenging task. Indeed, even after decades of research, there is no (computationally tractable) algorithm that accurately estimates a manifold from noisy samples with a constant level of noise. In this talk, we will present a method that estimates a manifold and its tangent in the ambient space. Moreover, we establish rigorous convergence rates, which are essentially as good as existing convergence rates for function estimation. This is a joint work with Barak Sober.

Host: Alex Cloninger

September 30, 2021

11:30 AM

Virtual Talk Zoom link:
