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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 208 - Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Justin Lacini

University of Kansas

Logarithmic bounds on Fujita's conjecture


A longstanding conjecture of T. Fujita asserts that if X is a smooth complex projective variety of dimension n and if L is an ample line bundle, then $K_X+mL$ is basepoint free for $m>=n+1$. The conjecture is known up to dimension five by work of Reider, Ein, Lazarsfeld, Kawamata, Ye and Zhu. In higher dimensions, breakthrough work of Angehrn, Siu, Helmke and others showed that the conjecture holds if m is larger than a quadratic function in n. We show that for $n>=2$ the conjecture holds for m larger than $n(loglog(n)+3)$. This is joint work with L. Ghidelli.

Host: James McKernan

October 29, 2021

4:00 PM

Contact Samir Canning at for zoom access.
