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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 258 - Differential Geometry

Albert Chau


The Kaehler Ricci flow with log canonical singularities


In this talk I will discuss certain singular (and degenerate) solutions to the Kaehler Ricci flow (KRF) on smooth compact complex manifolds. Algebraically this will correspond to solving the Kahler Ricci flow on a projective varieties with so called log canonical singularities. Analytically this will correspond to solving a complex parabolic Monge Ampere equation on a smooth manifild, with degeneracies and singularities in the equation and possibly the initial condition. Settings for this study include the analytic minimal model program via KRF, pluri-potential theory and KRF, the conical KRK, and the flow of complete unbounded curvature metrics. Our results will be discussed within each of these contexts.

Host: Lei Ni

December 9, 2020

10:00 AM

Zoom ID: 960 7952 5041
