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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 269 - Combinatorics

Prof. Michael Molloy

University of Toronto

k-regular subgraphs near the k-core threshold of a random graph


We prove that $G_{n,p=c/n}$ whp has a $k$-regular subgraph if $c$ is at least  $e^{-\Theta(k)}$ above the threshold for the appearance of a subgraph with minimum degree at least $k$; i.e. an non-empty $k$-core. In particular, this pins down the threshold for the appearance of a $k$-regular subgraph to a window of size $e^{-\Theta(k)}$.

This is a joint work with Dieter Mitsche and Pawel Pralat; see arXiv:1804.04173

February 6, 2024

2:00 PM

APM 7321

Research Areas

