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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 292

Anna Cepek

The geometry of Milnor's link invariants


We discuss Milnor's link invariants through a geometric lens using intersections of Seifert surfaces. Our work is thus of a similar flavor as that of Cochran from 1990, who based his work on particular choices of Seifert surfaces. But like Mellor and Melvin in 2003, who considered only the first invariant (after linking number), we allow for more arbitrary choices. We conjecture that Milnor’s invariants can be recovered geometrically using the work of Monroe and Sinha on linking of letters and Sinha and Walters on Hopf invariants. We expect our approach to recover Cochran’s work and to extend work of Polyak, Kravchenko, Goussarov, and Viro on Gauss diagrams.

Host: Zhouli Xu

February 21, 2023

4:30 PM

APM 7218

Research Areas

Geometry and Topology
