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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 258 - Differential Geometry Seminar

Yangyang Li

Princeton University

Generic Regularity of Minimal Hypersurfaces in Dimension 8


The well-known Simons's cone suggests that minimal hypersurfaces could be possibly singular in a Riemannian manifold with dimension greater than 7, unlike the lower dimensional case. Nevertheless, it was conjectured that one could perturb away these singularities generically. In this talk, I will discuss how to perturb them away to obtain a smooth minimal hypersurface in an 8-dimension closed manifold, by induction on the ``capacity" of singular sets. This result generalizes the previous works by N. Smale and by Chodosh-Liokumovich-Spolaor to any 8-dimensional closed manifold. \\ \\ This talk is based on joint work with Zhihan Wang.

Hosts: Lei Ni and Luca Spolaor

April 21, 2021

11:00 AM

Zoom ID 917 6172 6136
