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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 292 - Topology Seminar

Yutao Liu & Guoqi Yan

University of Washington & University of Notre Dame

The generalized Tate diagram of the equivariant slice spectral sequence


he generalized Tate diagram developed by Greenlees and May is a fundamental tool in equivariant homotopy theory. In this talk, we will discuss an integration of the generalized Tate diagram with the equivariant slice filtration of Hill—Hopkins—Ravenel, resulting in a generalized Tate diagram for equivariant spectral sequences. This new diagram provides valuable insights into various equivariant spectral sequences and allows us to extract information about isomorphism regions between these equivariant filtrations.

As an application, we will begin by proving a stratification theorem for the negative cone of the slice spectral sequence. Building upon the work of Meier—Shi—Zeng, we will then utilize this stratification to establish shearing isomorphisms, explore transchromatic phenomena, and analyze vanishing lines within the negative cone of the slice spectral sequences associated with periodic Hill—Hopkins—Ravenel and Lubin—Tate theories.  This is joint work of Yutao Liu, XiaoLin Danny Shi and Guoqi Yan.

February 27, 2024

3:15 PM

APM 7321
