Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Math 243 - Functional Analysis Seminar
Brent Nelson
UC Berkeley
Free Stein discrepancy as a regularity condition​
Given an n-tuple of non-commutative random variables, its free Stein discrepancy relative to the semicircle law measures how ​``close '' the distribution is to the semicircle law. By considering free Stein discrepancies relative to a broader class of laws, one can define a quantity called the free Stein information. In this talk, we will discuss this and its relation to other free probabilistic quantities such as the free Fisher information and the non-microstates free entropy dimension. This is based on joint work in progress with Ian Charlesworth.
Hosts: Adrian Ioana & Todd Kemp
June 1, 2018
1:00 PM
AP&M 7321