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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 243, Functional Analysis

Dr. Jacob Campbell

The University of Virginia

Even hypergeometric polynomials and finite free probability


In 2015, Marcus, Spielman, and Srivastava realized that expected characteristic polynomials of sums and products of randomly rotated matrices behave like finite versions of Voiculescu's free convolution operations. In 2022, I obtained a similar result for commutators of such random matrices; one feature of this result is the special role of even polynomials, in parallel with the situation in free probability.

It turns out that a certain family of special polynomials, called hypergeometric polynomials, arises naturally in relation to convolution of even polynomials and finite free commutators. I will explain how these polynomials can be used to approach questions of real-rootedness and asymptotics for finite free commutators. Based on arXiv:2209.00523 and ongoing joint work with Rafael Morales and Daniel Perales.


Host: Priyanga Ganesan

May 28, 2024

11:00 AM

APM 7218 and Zoom (meeting ID:  94246284235)
