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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Food for Thought Seminar

Daniel Vallieres


The Euler Identity


In this food for thought seminar, we will reflect upon the beautiful Euler identity $$e^{i \pi} = -1 $$ Apparently, Euler viewed in this equation all the body of mathematics. The number $e$ is related to analysis, the number $\pi$ to geometry, the number $i$ to algebra, and the number $-1$ to arithmetic or synonymously number theory. \\ \\ The following identities are well known: \begin{itemize} \item The $x$ and $y$ coordinates of the third roots of unity on the unit circle \begin{itemize} \item $\sin(\frac{2 \pi}{3}) = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$ and $\cos(\frac{2 \pi}{3}) = -\frac{1}{2}$ \item $\sin(\frac{4 \pi}{3}) = -\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$ and $\cos(\frac{4 \pi}{3})= -\frac{1}{2}$ \end{itemize} \item The $x$ and $y$ coordinates of the fourth roots of unity on the unit circle \begin{itemize} \item $\sin(\frac{2 \pi}{4}) = 1$ and $\cos(\frac{2 \pi}{4}) = 0$ \item $\sin(\frac{4 \pi}{4}) = 0$ and $\cos(\frac{4 \pi }{4}) = -1$ \item $\sin(\frac{6 \pi}{4}) = -1$ and $\cos(\frac{6 \pi}{4}) = 0$ \end{itemize} \end{itemize} The following ones are less well known: \begin{itemize} \item The $x$ and $y$ coordinates of the fifth roots of unity on the unit circle \begin{itemize} \item $\sin(\frac{2 \pi}{5})= \frac{\sqrt{5 + 2 \sqrt{5}}}{\sqrt[5]{176 + 80\sqrt{5}}}$ and $\cos(\frac{2 \pi}{5}) = \frac{1}{\sqrt[5]{176 + 80\sqrt{5}}}$ \item $\sin(\frac{4 \pi}{5}) = {\frac{\sqrt{5 - 2\sqrt{5}}}{\sqrt[5]{-176 + 80\sqrt{5}}}}$ and $\cos(\frac{4 \pi}{5}) = -\frac{1}{\sqrt[5]{-176 + 80\sqrt{5}}}$ \item $\sin(\frac{6 \pi}{5}) = - \frac{\sqrt{5 - 2\sqrt{5}}}{\sqrt[5]{-176 + 80 \sqrt{5}}}$ and $\cos(\frac{6 \pi}{5}) = - \frac{1}{\sqrt[5]{-176 + 80\sqrt{5}}}$ \item $\sin(\frac{8 \pi}{5}) = -\frac{\sqrt{5 + 2\sqrt{5}}}{\sqrt[5]{176 + 80\sqrt{5}}}$ and $\cos(\frac{8\pi}{5}) = \frac{1}{\sqrt[5]{176 + 80\sqrt{5}}}$ \end{itemize} \end{itemize} We shall explain a painless way of deriving these formulas. For that, we will do a little bit of analysis, geometry, algebra and arithmetic.

November 8, 2007

10:00 AM

AP&M B412
