Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Math 208 - Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Ming Zhang
Equivariant Verlinde algebra and quantum K-theory of the moduli space of vortices
In studying complex Chern-Simons theory on a Seifert manifold, Gukov-Pei proposed an equivariant Verlinde formula, a one-parameter deformation of the celebrated Verlinde formula. It computes, among many things, the graded dimension of the space of holomorphic sections of (powers of) a natural determinant line bundle over the Hitchin moduli space. Gukov-Pei conjectured that the equivariant Verlinde numbers are equal to the equivariant quantum K-invariants of a non-compact (Kahler) quotient space studied by Hanany-Tong. In this talk, I will explain the setup of this conjecture and its proof via wall-crossing of moduli spaces of (parabolic) Bradlow-Higgs triples. It is based on work in progress with Wei Gu and Du Pei.
Host: Dragos Oprea
October 22, 2021
4:00 PM
Contact Samir Canning at for zoom info.