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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 292 - Topology Seminar

Irving Dai


Equivariant knots via knot Floer homology


We discuss how knot Floer homology can be used to study equivariant knots. We introduce some large-surgery correction terms that obstruct equivariant sliceness (and more generally, bound equivariant genus, following work of Juhasz and Zemke). We describe some crossing-change inequalities for these invariants. We also describe an amusing application to distinguishing (up to isotopy rel boundary) pairs of slice disks related by symmetries of a knot. \\ \\ This is work in progress with Abhishek Mallick and Matthew Stoffregen.

Host: Jianfeng Lin

April 20, 2021

11:30 AM

Zoom information: Meeting ID: 933 6734 4286 Password: topology
