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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 209 - Number Theory Seminar

Rahul Dalal

Johns Hopkins

Counting level-1, quaternionic automorphic representations on $G_2$


Quaternionic automorphic representations are one attempt to generalize to other groups the special place holomorphic modular forms have among automorphic representations of $GL_2$. Like holomorphic modular forms, they are defined by having their real component be one of a particularly nice class (in this case, called quaternionic discrete series). We count quaternionic automorphic representations on the exceptional group $G_2$ by developing a $G_2$ version of the classical Eichler-Selberg trace formula for holomorphic modular forms. There are two main technical difficulties. First, quaternionic discrete series come in L-packets with non-quaternionic members and standard invariant trace formula techniques cannot easily distinguish between discrete series with real component in the same L-packet. Using the more modern stable trace formula resolves this issue. Second, quaternionic discrete series do not satisfy a technical condition of being ``regular", so the trace formula can a priori pick up unwanted contributions from automorphic representations with non-tempered components at infinity. Applying some computations of Mundy, this miraculously does not happen for our specific case of quaternionic representations on $G_2$. Finally, we are only studying level-1 forms, so we can apply some tricks of Chenevier and Taïbi to reduce the problem to counting representations on the compact form of $G_2$ and certain pairs of modular forms. This avoids involved computations on the geometric side of the trace formula.

October 28, 2021

2:00 PM

APM 6402 and Zoom; see$\sim$nts/
