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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Combinatorics Seminar (Math 269)

Sarah Brauner

University of Minnesota

Configuration spaces and combinatorial algebras


 In this talk, I will discuss connections between configuration spaces, an important class of topological space, and combinatorial algebras arising from the theory of reflection groups. In particular, I will present work relating the cohomology rings of some classical configuration spaces - such as the space of n ordered points in Euclidean space - with Solomon descent algebra and the peak algebra. The talk will be centered around two questions. First, how are these objects related? Second, how can studying one inform the other? This is joint, on-going work with Marcelo Aguiar and Vic Reiner.

Host: Brendon Rhoades

February 7, 2023

4:00 PM

APM 7321
