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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 209 - Number Theory Seminar

Jeff Lagarias

University of Michigan

Complex Equiangular Lines and the Stark Conjectures


This talk is expository. It describes the history of an exciting connection made by physicists between an unsolved problem in combinatorial design theory- the existence of maximal sets of $d^2$ complex equiangular lines in ${\mathbb C}^d$- rephrased as a problem in quantum information theory, and topics in algebraic number theory involving class fields of real quadratic fields. Work of my former student Gene Kopp recently uncovered a surprising, deep (unproved!) connection with the Stark conjectures. For infinitely many dimensions $d$ he predicts the existence of maximal equiangular sets, constructible by a specific recipe starting from suitable Stark units, in the rank one case. Numerically computing special values at $s=0$ of suitable L-functions then permits recovering the units numerically to high precision, then reconstructing them exactly, then testing they satisfy suitable extra algebraic identities to yield a construction of the set of equiangular lines. It has been carried out for $d=5, 11, 17$ and $23$.

October 14, 2021

2:00 PM

APM 6402 and Zoom; see$\sim$nts/
