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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 278C: Optimization and Data Science

Prof. Mihai Putinar


Analysis of principal semi-algebraic sets



Among all nD Euclidean shapes carrying a degree of shade function, only those black and white ones, defined by a single polynomial inequality are determined by finitely many moments. In the single variable situation, a landmark moment transform discovered by A. Markov untangles the above uniqueness feature. The 2D case is not less interesting, touching some spectral inverse problem for pairs of non-commuting self-adjoint transforms. A super-resolution phenomenon will be described in some detail with optimization and asymptotic expansion techniques.

Host: Jiawang Nie

March 1, 2023

3:00 PM

The Zoom Meeting link is;!!Mih3wA!EoldGCqkXxpr6XrkfI9ccPHlpJA1zP-mlj3OszoAJIU6uwBMv4H__fOtj-78Dj77clKXJX6D6_QpCg$
Meeting ID: 940 3029 8286
Password: 278CWN23
