Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 269 - Seminar in Combinatorics

Prof. Carly Klivans
Brown University

The Arboricity Polynomial


I will introduce a new matroid (graph) invariant: The Arboricity Polynomial.   Arboricity is a numerical invariant first introduced by Nash-Williams, Tutte and Edmonds.  It captures the minimum number of independent sets (forests) needed to decompose the ground set of a matroid (edges of a graph).    The arboricity polynomial enumerates the number of such decompositions.  We examine this counting function in terms of scheduling, Ehrhart theory, quasisymmetric functions, matroid polytopes and the permutohedral fan. 


APM 6402


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 211A: Seminar in Algebra

Dr. Aryaman Maithani
University of Utah

Polynomial invariants of ${\rm GL}_2$: conjugation over finite fields


Consider the conjugation action of \({\rm GL}_2(K)\) on the polynomial ring \(K[X_{2\times 2}]\). When \(K\) is an infinite field, the ring of invariants is a polynomial ring generated by the trace and the determinant. We describe the ring of invariants when \(K\) is a finite field, and show that it is a hypersurface.


APM 7321


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Collin Cranston

Advancement to Candidacy


APM 5829


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 211B - Group Actions Seminar

Professor Ilya Gekhtman
Technion Institute of Technology

Linearly growing injectivity radius in negatively curved manifolds with small critical exponent


Let $X$ be a proper geodesic Gromov hyperbolic space whose isometry group contains a uniform lattice $\Gamma$. For instance, $X$ could be a negatively curved contractible manifold or a Cayley graph of a hyperbolic group. Let $H$ be a discrete subgroup of isometries of $X$ with critical exponent (exponential growth rate) strictly less than half of the growth rate of $\Gamma$. We show that the injectivity radius of $X/H$ grows linearly along almost every geodesic in $X$ (with respect to the Patterson-Sullivan measure on the Gromov boundary of $X$). The proof will involve an elementary analysis of a novel concept called the "sublinearly horospherical limit set" of $H$ which is a generalization of the classical concept of "horospherical limit set" for Kleinian groups. This talk is based on joint work with Inhyeok Choi and Keivan Mallahi-Kerai.


APM 7321


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 288 - Probability & Statistics

Timothée Bénard
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

Diophantine approximation and random walks on the modular surface


Khintchine's theorem is a key result in Diophantine approximation. Given a positive non-increasing function f defined over the integers, it states that the set of real numbers that are f-approximable has zero or full Lebesgue measure depending on whether the series of terms (f(n))_n converges or diverges. I will present a recent work in collaboration with Weikun He and Han Zhang in which we extend Khintchine's theorem to any self-similar probability measure on the real line. The argument involves the quantitative equidistribution of upper triangular random walks on SL_2(R)/SL_2(Z).


APM 6402


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 292: Seminar in Topology

Ningchuan Zhang
University of Indiana, Bloomington

Picard groups of quotient ring spectra


In classical algebra, the Picard group of a commutative ring R is invariant under quotient by nilpotent elements. In joint work in progress with Ishan Levy and Guchuan Li, we study Picard groups of some quotient ring spectra. Under a vanishing condition, we prove that Pic(R/v^{n+1}) --> Pic(R/v^n) is injective for a ring spectrum R such that R/v is an E_1-R-algebra. This allows us to show Picard groups of quotients of Morava E-theory by a regular sequence in its π_0 are always ℤ/2. Running the profinite descent spectral sequence from there, we prove the Picard group of any K(n)-local generalized Moore spectrum of type n is finite. At height 1 and all primes p, we compute the Picard group of K(1)-local S^0/p^k when k is not too small.


APM 7321


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Jasper Liu

Advancement to Candidacy


APM 6218


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Postdoc Seminar

Jack Wesley

Applications of SAT solvers in Ramsey theory


The Ramsey number R(s,t) is the smallest integer n such that every red-blue coloring of the edges of the complete graph Kn contains a red clique of size s or a blue clique of size t. Ramsey numbers and their variants are some of the most famous numbers in combinatorics, yet computing even small exact values is notoriously difficult. Indeed, Erdős quipped that it would be more difficult for humans to compute the Ramsey number R(6,6) than to fend off an alien invasion. In this talk we highlight recent successes of Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers in Ramsey theory in both the arithmetic and graph theoretic settings.


APM 7218


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 278B: Mathematics of Information, Data, and Signals

Ethan Epperly

Super-Resolution and Quantum Eigensolvers


Super-resolution algorithms to learn fine-scale features of a signal beyond the resolution at which the signal was measured. This talk will provide an overview of the mathematical theory of super-resolution, including new results by the presenter and collaborators, and show how these mathematical techniques can also be used to design quantum algorithms for problems in scientific computing. This talk is designed for a broad mathematical audience and assumes no prior knowledge in super-resolution or quantum computation.


APM 2402


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Food for Thought

Victor Liao

An Amenable Talk


The Banach-Tarski paradox states that a ball can be disassembled into finitely many disjoint pieces and reassembled via translations and rotations into two copies of the original ball. It turns out that this "paradoxical decomposition" is precisely characterized by the group theoretic property known as (non)-amenability. Along the way, we will encounter various equivalent definitions of amenable group (of which there are many) and some applications. This talk will be accessible to anyone who knows what a group is.


APM 7321


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 208: Seminar in Algebraic Geometry

Dr. Patricio Gallardo
UC Riverside

Moduli spaces of points in flags of affine spaces and polymatroids


In this talk, we describe different compactifications of the moduli space of n distinct weighted labeled points in a flag of affine spaces. These spaces are constructed via generalizations of the Fulton-MacPherson compactification. For specific weight choices, we show that our moduli problem admits toric compactifications that coincide with the polypermutohedral variety of Crowly-Huh-Larson-Simpson-Wang and with the polystellahedral variety of Eur-Larson. This is joint work with J. Gonzalez-Anaya and J.L. Gonzalez.


APM 7321
